A2 Blue Mountain Eagle Wednesday, February 16, 2022 NEWS LOCAL BRIEFING Merkley plans virtual town hall GRANT COUNTY 4 U. 66HQ-H൵0HUNOH\ZLOOKROG a virtual town hall meeting for Grant County residents at 3 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 20. Following the usual format for an in-person town hall, the VHQDWRU ZLOO VSHDN DQG WKHQ WDNHTXHVWLRQVDQGFRPPHQWV from constituents. To join the meeting by computer or mobile device, send an email to TownHall@ PHUNOH\VHQDWHJRY ZLWK Grant County in the subject line. To join by phone, call 669- 254-5252, then enter meeting ID 160 850 4332, participant ID # and passcode 28152932. Malheur archaeologists publish work -2+1 '$< ² 7KH ZRUN of two Malheur National For- est archaeologists is show- cased in the winter 2021 edition of the Oregon Histor- ical Quarterly, a special issue on the Chinese diaspora in Oregon. Don Hann9s article,