A16 CLASSIFIEDS Blue Mountain Eagle 157 Events START YOUR DAY RIGHT 157 Events HOCUS-FOCUS DIFFERENCES: 1. LEASH IS SHORTER. 2. TAIL IS LOWERED. 3. WALL IS SHORTER. 4. HOUSE IS MISSING. 5. TONGUE IS DIFFERENT. 6. FRONT PAW IS HIDDEN. 651 Help Wanted 101 Legal Notices 101 Legal Notices NOTICE OF AVAILABILITY FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT FOR THE PROPOSED GRANT COUNTY REGIONAL AIR- PORT RUNWAY 17/35 IMPROVEMENTS Interested parties are hereby notified that the Federal Aviation Ad- ministration (FAA) has approved a Final Environmental Assess- ment (Final EA) and prepared Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the proposed Runway 17/35 Improvements at the Grant County Regional Airport (GCD), located southwest of John Day, Grant County, Oregon. Grant County (the Airport Sponsor) proposes to widen the prima- ry runway at GCD to provide a minimum runway width of 75 feet to meet FAA design standards. The improvements also include reconstruction of the runway in order to increase the runway sin- gle wheel capacity to 16,000 pounds or more to meet the require- ments of the critical aircraft and forecasted fleet mix. Pervious ma- terials and slotted underdrain pipes will be installed along runway shoulders to collect stormwater runoff and facilitate infiltration. Other project components include relocating the PAPI at the Run- way 17 end, relocating runway edge lights and threshold lights, and re-painting runway markings. The Final EA and FONSI found that the project is consistent with existing environmental policies and objectives as set forth in the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969 and will not sig- nificantly affect the quality of the human environment. In accordance with current Council on Environmental Quali- ty (CEQ) regulations, copies of the FONSI and Final EA will be available for review at the following locations through February 25, 2022: project website at: https://grantcountyoregon.net/150/ Airport. A printed hard copy of the Final EA or FONSI can be re- viewed upon request by contacting Haley Walker, Grant County Regional Airport, 72000 Airport Road, John Day, OR 97845 or walkerh@grantcounty-or.gov. Please direct written comments to: Ilon Elizabeth Logan, Feder- al Aviation Administration, Seattle Airports District Office, 2200 S 216th Street, Des Moines, WA 98198 or Ilon.Logan@faa.gov. GAME ANSWERS with us at MyEagleNews.com 651 Help Wanted Wednesday, February 9, 2022 S280947-1 651 Help Wanted 157 Events 157 Events 157 Events Start your next career adventure with us. We’re looking for reporters who get the vision, the excitement, and the opportunity that Eastern Oregon offers for a reporter who has a heart for doing work that matters. Every day is a chance to learn something different about the place you live and the people who live there while practicing multi-media journalism with top-flight editors and reporting teams. Our family-owned media business is looking for reporters for our Eastern Oregon newspaper group, including the Blue Mountain Eagle in John Day. Hours are flexible, 37.5 hours a week, and not all in the office. Good benefits package, plus great co-workers, lots of training, and front page clips for your portfolio. Find your new career today. Current openings and applications online at https://www.eomediagroup.com/careers/ Wallowa County C HIEFTAIN S280948-1 What’s next? There’s no way to go but up from here. Look to the Classifieds to get your search underway. ? BLUE MOUNTAIN EAGLE CLASSIFIEDS ? and it starts with the Classifieds. BLUE MOUNTAIN EAGLE CLASSIFIEDS (541) 575-0710 195 N Canyon Blvd John Day, OR office@bmeagle.com (541) 575-0710 195 N Canyon Blvd John Day, OR office@bmeagle.com Be a Know-It-All A new job, Subscribe Today! Blue Mountain Eagle In Print & Online • 541-575-0710 • www.bluemountaineagle.com