A8 LIFE Blue Mountain Eagle Wednesday, December 22, 2021 Ben Lonergan/East Oregonian A Valley View Assisted Living resident watches as kindergarten students from Humbolt Elementary School participate in a hat parade at the facility. Students came to the building’s back doors and showed off their hats to the residents, who remained inside. HATS ON PARADE K Ben Lonergan/East Oregonian Christmas lights adorn the head of Grayson, 5, as he waits to get back on the bus Wednesday, Dec. 15, 2021, following a visit to Valley View Assisted Living in John Day. Grayson and other kindergarten students from Hum- bolt Elementary School donned festive holiday hats and paraded past the open doors of the facility. indergartners from Humbolt Elementary School brightened the spirits of staff members and residents at Valley View Assisted Living in John Day on Wednes- day, Dec. 15, with a holiday hat parade. In a Christmas tradition that dates back a number of years, the kids donned a variety of fes- tive headgear for a visit to Valley View. Because of the risk of COVID-19 exposure, the young- sters stayed outdoors, marching around the outside of the building to the back patio while the residents enjoyed the show from inside. The pandemic precautions didn’t seem to take anything away from the experience as the kids stepped up to the open rear doors one by one to show off their holiday hats, then regaled the residents with Christmas carols before getting on the bus back to school. Steven Mitchell/Blue Mountain Eagle A resident at Valley View Assisted Living applauds Wednes- day, Dec. 15, during the hat parade. Steven Mitchell/Blue Mountain Eagle Humbolt Elementary kindergarten students sing Christmas carols Wednesday, Dec. 15, to residents at Valley View Assisted Living in John Day. Students came to the building’s back doors and showed off their hats to the residents, who remained inside. Ben Lonergan/East Oregonian A resident at Valley View Assisted Living in John Day applauds as kindergartners from Humbolt Elementary School parade past the facility in festive hats. Monday - Thursday 7am- 6pm Monday - Thursday 7am- 6pm Friday 8am - 5pm Friday Sharpe 8am - 5pm Mendy FNP (cardio, weight machines, free weights), fitness classes, silver & fit member. Mendy Sharpe FNP Apppointments available Open 24 hours a day. S270817-1 139101 "Great time to think about your health and getting fit" text/call Karen 541-620-1581 (541-620-5720) or email kdbroemeling@hotmail.com 677 W. Main John Day Covid-19 Guidelines followed. A MAN WAKES UP in the morning after sleeping on... an advertised bed, in advertised pajamas. S271888-1 st 1 Blue Mountain Eagle MyEagleNews.com Merry Christmas everyone! 700 S. Canyon Blvd., John Day 541-575-1786 or 541-575-1785 S273951-1 He will bathe in an ADVERTISED TUB, shave with an ADVERTISED RAZOR, have a breakfast of ADVERTISED JUICE, cereal and toast, toasted in an ADVERTISED TOASTER, put on ADVERTISED CLOTHES and glance at his ADVERTISED WATCH. He’ll ride to work in his ADVERTISED CAR, sit at an ADVERTISED DESK and write with an ADVERTISED PEN. Yet this person hesitates to advertise, saying that advertising doesn’t pay. Finally, when his non-advertised business is going under, HE’LL ADVERTISE IT FOR SALE. Then it’s too late. AND THEY SAY ADVERTISING DOESN’T WORK? DON’T MAKE THIS SAME MISTAKE Advertising is an investment, not an expense. Think about it! y od B o t Choice Au Don’t get left behind, call today! Kim Kell 541-575-0710 S273655-1 etc... Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Com e in an d sh op for you r loved on es! Featu rin g ou r: • O n e of a k in d treasu res • H an d crafted item s • U n iqu e d ecor • B righ t sm iles an d lots of lau gh s 133 W M ain St., Joh n D ay • (54 1)620 -2638 S273651-1