2 THE OPENING ACT DECEMBER 22�29, 2021 STAFF follow us ONLINE www.goeasternoregon.com TWITTER twitter.com/GoEasternOregon FACEBOOK www.facebook.com/ goeasternoregon INSTAGRAM www.instagram.com/ goeasternoregon contact us EDITOR Lisa Britton Go! Editor editor@goeasternoregon.com 541-406-5274 Sarah Smith Calendar Coordinator calendar@goeasternoregon.com SUBMIT NEWS Submit your event information by Monday for publication the following week (two weeks in advance is even better!). Go! Magazine is published Wednesdays in the  Wallowa County Chieftain and Blue Mountain Eagle. It publishes Thursdays in The Observer, Baker City Herald and East Oregonian. RAISING THE CURTAIN ON THIS WEEK’S ISSUE What we’re into New releases TULIPS ‘KEYS’ BY ALICIA KEYS I’m a baggy shorts, T-shirt and fl annels sort of gal. I drive a Jeep and prefer wearing high-top tennis shoes or Vans. While I get regular massages, I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve had a manicure or pedicure. So, it might seem paradoxical that I dig fl owers — specifi cally tu- lips. Nearly two decades ago, our dear friends Marko and Teri Briley brought bulbs back from Holland. Each year after the blooms were gone, my husband and I would discuss ordering more bulbs. But invariably, by the time I got around to it, they would be sold out. John surprised me four years ago. On Christmas Eve, I opened an empty box from Van Zyverden — and then it all made sense. The furrowed spot in the garden wasn’t the neighbor’s cat digging around, it was John planting the bulbs. The next year, we ordered Queen of the Nights, which have dark and velvety petals. Also, during my birthday trip to the In Alicia Keys’ latest album, the R&B artist gives us an in- side look at the duality of her creative process. With her album titled “KEYS,” the 15- time Grammy-winning artist breaks down her album into two versions giving listen- ers the chance to take in her classical side with “Original” and the more upbeat songs on “Unlocked” featuring pro- ducer Mike Will Made-It. But there’s no need to pick a side. With “KEYS,” the piano- playing singer takes us through the ups and downs of love and her relationship with her husband, record producer Swizz Beatz, who collaborated with her on the album and is featured by her side in the “Best of Me” music video. Tammy Malgesini/Go! Magazine It’s never too early to plan for spring fl owers. Wooden Shoe Tulip Festival in Woodburn, John bought potted Snow Crystals, a double-fringed variety and Blue Boys, which are pink that have blue edging the longer they bloom. He success- fully transferred them to the ground for successive seasons. Each spring, I post so many photos that my Facebook page turns into “Tulip Central.” And I can’t wait until the upcoming season. Unbeknownst to me, Jody Brittain, who enjoys my tulip posts, ordered fi ve new va- rieties this past spring, and they recently arrived in the mail. The star, who is known as of late for her barefaced and stripped-down image, is now basking in all her greatness on “KEYS” as she shows off her vocals with elegance and grandeur. She stays true to her piano-playing roots throughout the album as she endeavors to make a name for herself among the greats while paying homage to them. Keys makes arrangements similar to Etta James or Billie Holiday in “Is It Insane “ — perfect for unwinding by the fire this holiday season. In her ode to “Nat King Cole,” her voice builds into a cinematic crescendo. The song of the same name on the other side of the album featuring Lil Wayne gives it a dynamic contrast. — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS — TAMMY MALGESINI, EO MEDIA GROUP COMMUNITY WRITER & GO! MAGAZINE STAFF ADVERTISING AND SUBSCRIPTIONS Baker City Herald 541-523-3673 The Observer 541-963-3161 East Oregonian 541-276-2211 Wallowa County Chieftain 541-426-4567 Blue Mountain Eagle 541-575-0710 Hermiston Herald 541-567-6457 Quality Vehicles. Reasonable Prices. 10500 West 1st St., Island City, OR• 541-204-0041 HOMESTEADMOTORSOR.COM