The Blue Mountain eagle. (John Day, Or.) 1972-current, December 22, 2021, Page 33, Image 33

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Wednesday, December 22, 2021
Dear Santa,
How are the raindeer? Thank you
for everything you gave me last
year. Please bring my dad a blue
convertible, my mom a red Dodge
pickup, and my sister a new bunny.
My friend would like an Xbox1
with two controllers. Pleas bring
me a chiegs NFL jersey. Hope you
make it to evey house safely.
Merry Christmas,
Erik Teel
Dear Santa,
How is Mrs. Claus and the rein-
deer doing? Thank you for the new
sled. What I want for Christmas is
a green light saber. Can you get my
mom a new saddle? Can you get
Briar Burril a giant rock. Have a
good Christmas.
Seth Beam
Dear Santa,
How are the reindeer doing?
Thank you for my present you got
me last year. This year I don’t know
what my dad and mom want, but
they will tell you what they want.
This year my sister’s want animals
for Christmas. My friend would
like a Iron man suit. I will like
some new Wranglers. And I hope
you make it to our house.
Merry Christmas,
Harper Workman
Dear Saint Nick,
How are Mrs. Claus and the rein-
deer? Thank you for the gift from
last year. Can I have a red lightsa-
ber and a spider-man comic book
please. For my mom you can give
her Carmex chapstick and for my
dad you can get him a reindeer. And
you can get my friend Seth a green
lightsaber. Have a great Christmas.
Yours truly,
Briar Burril
Dear Santa,
How are your reindeer? Thank
you for the stuff you gave me last
year. Can you get me an Xbox 1
for Christmas? Please get my mom
and dad a house for Christmas? My
friend would like an Xbox 1 with
two controllers. Have a nice Christ-
Yours truly,
Tanner Kinsey
Dear Santa,
Hi Santa how are the reindeer.
Can I see you on Christmas. Thank
you for the headphones. I want
an Xbox with 2 controllers and a
sweatshirt. My mom wants a phone
case and my sister wants a belt
buckle. My dad wants a side by
side. My friend wants a g+r. Thank
you for gifts every year.
Merry Christmas,
Marlyn • 5th grade • Humbolt Elementary
Dear Santa,
How is Mrs. Claus? Thank you
for what I got last year. Please, can
I have a slime set for Christmas?
Could you bring my mom a com-
puter? Could you bring my friend
a laptop? I hope you have a great
Bailey Zirkel
Dear Santa,
How are you doing? How’s the
raindeer? Thank you for the gifts
from last year. Brogan would like a
Nerf gun. Please can you get Haden
a bunny. I would like a Xbox 1. I
hope you have a good Christmas.
Taylor Hicks
Dear Santa,
How are you? Am I on the nice
list? Thank you for the Hit Wheels
Corkscrew Crash last year. This
year can I have a rock crawler?
This year my dad wants gunpowder
for his guns and my mom slippers
please. Merry Christmas.
Sincerely: Sam
for the vide games lst year. Please
get my little Brother, Jerico new
toy cars because he’d love them. I
want a R/C car, plane and how is
Mrs. Claus?
Merry Christmas,
Dear Santa,
How are your reindeer? I’ve
been naughty and nice. Thank
you for getting me a hoverboard.
I hope my mom gets a brand new
Trump supporter T-shirt, my dad
gets new tools, my brother gets a
pokemon case and I hope my dog
gets a huge bone. I would like one
of those watches where you can call
and text please. Thank you. Merry
Love always,
Audrey Colson
Dear Santa,
How are you? What have you
been doing all year? I have been
good this year I think. Mabe a lit-
tle naughty. Thank you for last
years Christmas present. I love it so
much. Make sure you give my dad
a four wheeler he can not find one.
And he won’t have to pay for it if
you bring it. Last, but not least what
I want for Christmas is a Laptop.
Merry Christmas,
Brooklynn Kimball
Dear Santa,
What have you been doing all
year? I have been nice and thanks
Dear Santa,
How are the reindeer and what
have you you been doing all year?
Is Mrs. Claus and the elves doing
Midori Montgomery • 5th grade • Prairie City Elementary
121 S. Canyon Blvd. • John Day • 541-575-0782
120 East Main Street, John Day • 541-575-0629
Ember Phillips • 4th grade • Dayville Elementary
Nolan Mobley • 5th grade • Humbolt Elementary
Dakom Logging
Mt Vernon • 541-932-4967
Bradyn Warner • 2nd grade • Humbolt Elementary
Bray Russell • 2nd grade • Prairie City Elementary
1188 Brewing Co.
John Day Plaza
141 E Main St., John Day, OR 97845