The Blue Mountain eagle. (John Day, Or.) 1972-current, December 22, 2021, Page 31, Image 31

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Wednesday, December 22, 2021
Dear Santa,
Thank you for the eye mask you
gave me last year. How are the
elves? How do you get to every sin-
gle city? How are you? What day
are you done? May I please have a
hover board and can I have a cam-
era. Please bring my mom and arm
wrist. May my dad gun stuff. Have
a good trip.
Love, Addison
Dear Santa,
My name is Damon.Are you
working hard to get ready? For this
year I would like a Tom a Jerry sled
and a sloth stuffed animal. Merry
Christmas Santa.
Love, Damon
Dear Santa,
How do the reindeer fly? How are
you doing? Thank you for getting
my hoverboard last year. Thank
you for stopping at my house last
Christmas. Can you bring my mom
a robot vacuum? Can you get my
Dad a gun safe? Can you get my
sister new cowboy boots. Was I bad
or good? I want a big nerf gun be-
cause all of mine are broken. I hope
you have a good light.
From, Blake Kimball
Dear Santa,
How are the elves doing? Are
they making good presents? Do you
get any visitors? Thank you for the
nintendo switch last year. Can you
bring my sister a new hover board,
hers broke. Can you bring my mom
some new clothes? Can you give
something to my dad? He wants
birthday cake hersheys. I have been
a little naughty and a little nice. I
hope I am on the nice list. What I
want for Christmas is a new stuff-
ie specifically a pikmi pop to play
with. I hope you make it to every-
one in the world.
Charli Hendriksen
Dear Santa,
What are your favorite cookies?
How was your summer? Thank
you for the gifts last year. Can you
help my mom get rid of what she
is allergic to? Can you get my dad
a dirtbike? Can you get Justin bay
blades? Can you get my brother
John an Alexa speaker. Can you get
Caitlin a four wheeler. Santa I have
been a little naughty. I hope you get
my family what I said. Can you get
me a PS4. I hope you have a safe
Jameson Titus
Hayla Reilly • 3rd grade • Humbolt Elementary
Dear Santa,
Do you get any presents for
Christmas? How do your reindeer
fly? Thank you for stopping at my
house last year. Can you get my
mom some dishes? Can you get my
Dad a gun? Santa I have been a lit-
tle naughty and a little nice right in
the middle. Santa I want a bow and
arrows please. I hope you make it
all around the world.
Emma Corriel
Dear Santa,
Are you and the reindeer doing
ok? Thank you for coming to my
house last Christmas and briging
me and my family presents. Stella
thinks she wants a phone but I dont
know about that. Can you bring
Keira a set of Sharpies? Brooke
really likes volleyball so could you
bring her a volleyball? Cole needs a
new pair of basketball shoes. Could
you bring Jordan an Elsa doll? Au-
brui would like an M16. Dad needs
a hunting rifle to hunt bull elk with.
Santa this year I have been mostly
good but a little naughty at times
too. Could you please bring me an
Air soft gun? I hope you have a safe
Jase Teel
Dear Santa,
What are your favorite cookies?
Do you get any presents for Christ-
mas? Thank you for the gifts last
year. Can you bring my sister new
basketball shoes? My mom needs
a new dishwasher. And my dad
he needs a new pair of jeans. You
could say I have been good this
year. I would like a bracelet maker.
I hope you have a safe trip home.
Blake Jacobs
cookies? Thank you for stopping
at my house last Chrismas. Can
you bring my dad a gun? My mom
needs some hats, will you get her
one? I have been kind of naugh-
ty but nice. I would like to have a
pokemon booster box. I hope you
fly safe.
Love, Cameron Courtney
Dear Santa,
Do you get gifts for Christmas?
Dear Santa,
Do you get any presents for
Christmas? What are your favorite
Kaila • 4th grade • Humbolt Elementary
1188 Brewing Co.
141 E Main St., John Day, OR 97845
John Day Plaza
Wyatt Lieuallen • 3rd grade • Humbolt Elementary
Kristina Manitsas • 3rd grade • Humbolt Elementary
121 S. Canyon Blvd. • John Day • 541-575-0782
Charli Hendricksen • 3rd grade • Prairie City Elementary
Dallas Day • 5th grade • Humbolt Elementary
Timbers Bistro
742 W Main St., John Day, 97845
120 East Main Street, John Day • 541-575-0629
John Day Plaza