The Blue Mountain eagle. (John Day, Or.) 1972-current, December 22, 2021, Page 28, Image 28

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Blue Mountain Eagle
Dear Santa,
I have been nice this year be-
cause I help my mommy and she
says that I do my chores. And I go
to bed for school. I take care of our
living room and I brush my teeth
like my mom says. My dad wants
a new chainsaw please. My mom-
my wants a new dresser. My sisters
like to have a motorbike because I
let them ride mine. My baby broth-
ers would like to have new toys
because their toys got broken and
they need another one. I would
please like a 3-wheeler and a mo-
torcycle. Just those two. Santa can
you please give my baby brothers
more jingle bells.
Thank you,
Landen Sharp
Hi Santa,
I have been nice and naughty. I
am nice because my sister fell and
I helped her. I was naughty because
I pushed Kale. I want to get my sis-
Wednesday, December 22, 2021
ter a Barbie doll, Kale wants a dart
gun. I want my mom to get money
and I want my dad to have a pistol.
Santa can I please have a toy gun
and a robot? Thank you Santa for
the bay blades. Are your cookies
good and what is your favorite?
How good are the elves?
Thank you Santa!
Gage Tremblay
Dear Santa,
I have been a good girl. My mama
wants a present for Christmas.
Mom wants a necklace. Brother
wants a new toy. Can I please have
a new doll and new shoes? Thank
you Santa.
Love, Zionnah Smarr
Dear Santa,
I have been a good boy because
I been good. I play nice. My sister
would like Barbies. Mom and Dad
don’t want anything. I would like a
little pickup remote control. I like
your reindeer.
Love, Sterling Oakes
Hi Santa,
I have been nice because I played
with friends and I do good things.
Jamie, and Gaga, and Kiki and As-
pen want snow. My grandma wants
a scarf. Santa can I please have a
piggy with pets, a dollhouse, and a
dinosaur with a button on the bot-
tom I can press so it will walk by
itself? And I want a baby that cries
when I put water in it like Sydney
has. I like all of your reindeer. I’m
gonna name my reindeer snow-
Kaidynce Kimble
Dear Santa,
I have been a little bit nice and
sometimes naughty at home. When
someone got their foot stuck in the
Matt Henslee • 2nd grade • Monument Elementary
floor I helped them get it out and
I was nice. I wish for a little pup-
py. I wish for my mom to get new
Christmas socks. How are things
there up at the North Pole?
Kaylee Ledgerwood
Hi Santa,
I have been nice because I have
good days at school and I do my
math and reading work. I would
like a Play Station 5 for Christmas.
My mom would like earmuffs. My
baby brother would want a shaky
thing. Dad would like a new game.
Ranger would like Bingo. Clay
would like a new rifle for hunting.
I like your red nose reindeer Ru-
Thank you, Santa,
Rev Brown
Dear Santa,
I have been nice and just a little
bit ornery. I help my grandma haul
stuff. My grandma’s glasses keep
on breaking, so she would like new
strong glasses. My mom would like
a tablet. I would like a new house
that is 9 acres. I would like to see
the real Santa not the one that we
sit on his lap.
Ryatt Moore
Hi Santa,
I have been kinda both nice and
naughty because my brother is
not nice to me and sometimes I
hit back. My dad would like more
tools. Mom would want more
makeup. My brother would want
more trucks. I would like a cotton
candy maker. Santa, I hope you eat
a whole candy house.
Love, Dylan Moles
Dear Santa,
I have been nice this year because
I let my sister Remi and Huntlee
get on my bed. My dad would like
some new hunting gear. Mama
would like a new shirt with Dale
Brisby on it. I would like Huntlee
to have little edible food that kinda
looks like makeup and Remi would
like a pink unicorn. I would please
like a kindle with headphones. I
love Mrs. Clause.
Thank you, Santa & Mrs. Clause!
Macoy Stovall
Dear Santa,
I have been nice this year because
I play with my brother and help him
Noah Cobb • 5th grade • Humbolt Elementary
Boyer’s Cash Store
335 John Day Street Monument, OR 97864
(541) 934-2290
Paige Galbreath • 5th grade • Prairie City Elementary
245 N. Canyon City Blvd.
Canyon City, OR 97820
Blake Kimball • 3rd grade • Prairie City Elementary
234 NW Front St., Prairie City, OR 97869
Finn • 2nd grade • Humbolt Elementary
Riggin Dowdy • 5th grade • Humbolt Elementary
413 NW Bridge Street
John Day, OR 97845
Jeanette M Hueckman,
101 W Main St., John Day, OR 97845 541-575-2073
Oregon Trail Electric
400 Patterson Bridge Rd., John Day, OR