The Blue Mountain eagle. (John Day, Or.) 1972-current, December 22, 2021, Page 20, Image 20

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Blue Mountain Eagle
Dear Santa,
My name is Waylon and I am 5
years old. I live in Dayville. This
year I have been good. For Christ-
mas, I would like… 1. Dino Smash-
ers 2. Ryan figurines 3. Remote
control trucking
Thank you for all that you do!
Waylon Hettinga
Dear Santa,
My name is Spencer and I am 6
years old. I live in John Day. This
year I have been mostly good. For
Christmas I would like… 1. Xylo-
phone 2. Drum 3. Guitar
Thank you for all that you do!
Spencer Braly
Dear Santa,
My name is Cooper and I am 5
years old. I live in Dayville. This
year I have been really good. For
Christmas I would like… 1. Hover-
board 2. Guitar 3. Truck
Thank you for all that you do!
Cooper Coyle
Dear Santa,
My name is Gene. I am 6 years
old and have been good this year.
Here are a couple of ways I have
been good. First, I have read books
to my mom every nite. I have also
helped make dinner and I have also
helped decorate tree. I want a real
turtle. I need for COVID to stop.
I’ll wear Christmas clothes. I’ll
read truck books and bear books.
Gene Fisher
Dear Santa,
My name is Emma. I am 6 years
old and have been good this year.
Wednesday, December 22, 2021
P.S. All I want this year is a happy
Here are a couple of ways I have
been good. First, I have cleaned
the dishes. I have also cleaned my
room. I want a karaoke machine. I
need Barbie set. I’ll wear dress. I’ll
read Dr. Soos.
Emma Haberly
Dear Santa,
My name is Jack. I am 7 years old
and have been good this year. Here
are a couple of ways I have been
good. First, I have helped my Dad. I
have also taken the trash out. I want
a new semi. I need no COVID. I’ll
wear a tuxedo. I’ll read Jack and
Jack Fisher
Dear Santa,
My name is Riley Ann Hansen. I
am 7 years old and have been good
this year. Here are a couple of ways
I have been good. First, I have read
to my brother. I have also made din-
ner for my family. I want Schleich
animals. I need COVID to stop! I’ll
wear new earrings. I’ll read Magic
Tree House books.
Riley Hansen
Dear Santa,
My name is Mikey Hank Thun-
nell. I am 7 years old and have been
good this year. Here are a couple
of ways I have been good. First, I
have cleaned the dishes. I have also
cleaned my room. I want a new
Kuiu hat. I need a new Kuiu shirt.
I’ll wear Kuiu hats. I’ll read Magic
Tree House books.
Mikey Thunnell
Dear Santa,
My name is Shayden. I am 7 years
old and have been good this year.
Here are a couple of ways I have
been good. First, I have cleaned the
dishes. I have also read to my sister.
I want Mario Golf. I need COVID
to be over. I’ll wear a suit. I’ll read
Jack and Annie.
Shayden Railey
Dear Santa,
My name is Kabel. I am 7 years
old and have been good this year.
Here are a couple of ways I have
been good. First, I have helped
mom with eggs. I have also took
the trash out and put wood on the
porch. I want some AI. I need the
COVID to stop. I’ll wear red shirt.
I’ll read the book of why.
Kabel Dickens
Dear Santa,
My name is John H. I am 8 years
old and have been good this year.
Here are a couple of ways I have
been good. First, I have went and
got the eggs and I help cook the
food. I have also helped my mom
with my brother and sisters. I want
Playstation 5. I need dirt bike. I’ll
wear Lebron James shoes. I’ll read
rock books.
John Haberly
Dear Santa,
My name is Grayson. I am 7 years
old and have been good this year.
Here are a couple of ways I have
been good. First, I have helped my
mom and dad with cleaning. I have
also cleaned my room and bring my
plate in. I want a Nintendo switch
Minecraft. I need a PS4. I’ll wear a
shirt. I’ll read Jack and Anni.
Dear Santa,
I hope you had great holiday sea-
son this year. Make sure everyone
on the nice list gets their presents
and don’t get too tired. I LOVE
CHRISTMAS! Tell Mrs. Claws I
said, “Hi!” Don’t get blinded by
Rudolph’s bright red nose.
Dear Santa,
Hi! How are things in the North
Pole? Dayville School is good.
Mrs. Sullivan is a great teacher.
For Christmas I want an iPad, not
too big, please. I hope elves are co-
operating. I don’t think I wan any-
thing else. Have a good Christmas!
Dear Santa,
I hope you have a nice day and
I hope you have a nice time at the
North Pole! I hope you know what
I want because I’m not sure. Here
are some ideas: fidgits, clothes, and
a stued animal.
Dear Santa,
I want a phone and I am eleven. I
want a talking doll, and a dog, and a
cat, and a cow and a pig. I love you
and your elves, and Mrs. Clause. I
will give yu cookies and milk and
carrots for your reindeer.
Dear Santa,
How are you doing? How are
your elves doing? What I want for
Christmas is a saddle for my pony.
I also want a release for my bow,
so I can practice and get better at
shooting. I want some spurs just in
case my pony will not go. I hope
you and Rudolph have a holly jolly
Dear Santa,
How are you? I am doing good.
This year, I have been doing good,
and I have way better grades than
last year! I would like a big gallon
of slime because I have been bored
at home, and a pair of these roller
shoes, I have been looking at for
quite some time now. And I am very
into fidgits, like popits and endows.
Last but not least, I would like a
mini speaker, or a microphone!
Have a good Christmas Day!
Dear Santa,
This year, I would like a Star
Wars Lego set, please. Now I have
a few questions: How long does it
take for you to go around the world?
How do you watch people? Finally,
how many elves do you have? Hap-
py Holidays.
Deer Santa,
Get the joke? Anyways, how are
youSanta and how are your rein-
deer today? How is Krampus do-
ing? I haven’t heard from him in a
while. Oh, hey, where does Kram-
pus come from? Not to be mean,
but Does Krampus originate from
Hades? I can’t use the other word
but Krampus is an angel now Cor-
rect? By the way, how is Ms. Claus
doing? Do you go fishing often?
I’m pretty sure you’re immortal
because you’re in the Bible. So, er,
when’s your birthday? How are the
elves’ working conditions? I mean,
do they only work during Decem-
ber or do they have to work all
year? Does OSHA know about your
workshop? You might want them
to check to make sure it’s safe for
the elves and others. So, are elves
a different species from humans?
Or Are they Human? I live in John
Day. My name is Neal Alan. Here is
my list: I want to go to the Restore
Place in Bend to get furniture for
my room and a Katana (an ancient
Japanese blade). Good bye.
Signing off,
Neal Alan
Dear Santa,
Can I please have seven teddy
bears so I can cuddle them. Will
you bring two Teddy Bears for my
Mom and step dad. Santa, how do
you make a Teddy Bear? Santa,
thank you for bringing us presents.
Hope you have a good day!
Thorin Hancock
bra robot snake? Will you get Law-
son my baby brother a blue airplane
please? Ma Cindy needs more paint
to paint art. What do your elves do
besides make toys? I like your snow
Jaxson Wright
Dear Santa,
I don’t know what I want for
Christmas this year. I will leave
it up to you. I would like there to
be peace everywhere in the whole
world. How do the elves make all
the toys? I love you Santa!
Corbin Saul
Dear Santa,
I would want a toy bicycle and I
would also want a violin. My baby
sister would like something to
climb on. She is almost one. How
do your reindeer fly? Do they stay
outside in a stable or inside your
house in a stable? I love that you
make all the children happy!
Parker WittyDear Santa,
Does Rudolphs nose really glow?
May I please get 5 Polly Pockets
and an LOL doll? Can you bring 7
my little ponies and a troll for my
friend Kenna?
Aidyn L.
Dear Santa,
Please can I have makeup for
Christmas? Will you please bring
my whole family a nice Christmas?
Your reindeer are nice and cute.
Santa, thank you for my present.
Your elves are nice and they make
toys. Santa gives presents to every-
body in the town.
Allerah Holler
Dear Santa,
May I please have a horse set
for Christmas. May I please have
a Dr. set for Christmas. May I
please have a new jar of flowers
for my Mom. May I please have a
new baby doll for my sister. May
I please have a new hunting shirt
for my Dad. How strong are your
elves? I like you Santa!
Josie Behrens
Dear Santa,
Please Santa can you get me a co-
Dear Santa,
I want a bike for Christmas and
Bransyn Harper * 3rd Grade * Prairie City Elementary
Paul Jewell *2nd Grade * Monument Elementary
Harpers Contracting
Lazy J Charlais
Mt. Vernon, Oregon
Kimberly, Oregon
Carson Thompson * 4th grade * Dayville Elementary
Addison Stebbins *2nd Grade * Prairie City Elementary
Dayville Mini-Mart
Hicks Logging
Dayville, Or
541 987-2411
Prairie City, Oregon