A10 SENIORS & HISTORY Blue Mountain Eagle Wednesday, December 22, 2021 OUT OF THE PAST 75 YEARS AGO 50 YEARS AGO $25,000 savings found in aged Galena miner’s cabin Yuletide Verses A fortune in stocks and bonds and living on a diet of beans and rice was the life history of aged John Person, 84, uncovered when he was recently removed from his cabin home in the now deserted mining camp of Galena and placed in the Blue Mountain Gen- eral Hospital for treatment. A nephew of the old gentleman recently went to John’s cabin to see how he was, and found him lying in a snow bank near the cabin; reportedly he had lain there for 24 hours, but authorities state that he is coming our of the exposure well. On being moved from the cabin Mr. Person insisted on taking a small wooden box with him. When that was opened it was found to contain $25,000 in stocks and bonds. Seemingly John loved that money more than the comforts of a good home and good food. A miser and a miser right. John, as he is best known in that isolated section, was born in Sweden, came to Galena during the gold rush of the ‘70s. He engaged in mining for some years, later followed the stock raising business. He has never married. He has two nephews, John and George; the former has been appointed guard- ian to care for the old gentleman and his fortune. Listen, my friends and you shall hear, of some “Santa Helpers” without reindeer, Those trucks covering miles, whether cloudy or clear, Through the midnight hours, when “our sleep is dear.” He charges through snowdrifts, and ice on the road, The screeching of winds blowing, the blizzard so cold, Now, the windshield is freezing, “Defroster! Take hold!” “My schedule is slipping, like this truck, on the road!” “Now engine! Please dash on! Please dance on, and prance! — what a vixen!” “Oh, come on you Comet and Cupid — like blixen!” Heed not his load — 25 thousand pounds. ‘Tis much more than we usually carry around. For this season is Holy. It brings all such joy. So, we share it by giving, to honor “The Boy,” Whom God sent down to us, His only Son, The baby in the manger. The star still shines down. — Henrietta Moss Eagle fi le photo Bob Crisler, the stage driver to Baker (left), Phil Moss, Pendleton stage driver (center), and Tommy Johnson Jr. sort out a deluge of Christmas mail at the John Day Post Offi ce in this 1971 photo. O utlook SENI R Prairie City -- Oh, the weather outside is frightful, and the fire is so delightful, and since we’ve no place to go, let it Rose Coombs snow! Let it snow! Let it snow! We have so much to be thankful for: The wind didn’t cause any power outages in our neck of the woods, the mail is getting through and so are the grocery trucks! What else do we need? We had a fantastic Christmas dinner on this wintry day, prepared by Cook Pam. She had help from her daughter-in- law Pam and Tom and Angie. We wish to acknowledge the Old West Federal Credit Union for their donation to the meal today. Every little bit helps, don’tcha know. We had a huge helping of ham and yams, then a serving of scalloped potatoes, California blend veggies, deviled eggs, fruited Jell-O with topping, and a roll. Dessert was strawberry/rhubarb pie with ice cream! Derrol is in seventh heaven! He just loves strawberry/rhubarb pie. (Remember, I am not a cook, so things like this have to come from someplace else!) We had 54 diners who also enjoyed this meal. Merry Christmas to you, too! Remember, no meal next week, but we will be back on Prairie City Seniors With only 2 full days left till Christmas, remember to be good to your body and be safe in all you do. the last Wednesday and dessert will be birthday cake. It also happens to be Derrol’s 83rd birthday. My, my. How time flies when you’re having fun! I have good news. Thanks to a friend and Amazon, I now have a large enough piece of needlepoint canvas to use on the large project. The last one I did was of the solar eclipse across the USA. This friend was sure she could find some canvas in Texas in all the hobby/craft stores. No one had even heard of it. Yep, we canvas needlepointers are a dying breed. Not sure how I feel about that! Am reading a book about the first explorers of the Grand Canyon in 1869. You think you had a rough day! They started at Green River, Wyoming, on May 24. Took until Aug. 31 to get through the unexplored area. Two of the men continued on downstream to Yuma, and two more rowed all the way to the ocean. This was truly a last frontier. See how far we’ve come in 152 years. They had witnessed the golden spike in the transcontinental railroad. Now we have 3D printers in school classrooms! But there is still no cure for the common cold ... Psalms 37:37 Consider the blameless, observe the upright; there is a future for a man of peace. Matt. 26:64 In the future you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE Tomorrow will be the Christmas lunch for our senior center. Shay and Kim are working overtime to make it great for everyone. Monday they delivered many frozen and fresh meals to shut- ins in the area. Thanks to the drivers and the drivers helpers as well and Shay and Kim. For everyone else who would like to pick up one or more of these lunches, they should have been ordered by Monday. If you didn’t order yours already, give a call and see if there is enough for you. Prank scam calls are coming around again: mostly to seniors. Some are even knocking on doors supposedly representing your grandchildren needing help. Do NOT give the door knockers or the phone callers ANY information. It has happened a lot so far and it is never good. In our world today some folks find so many ways to get people off track so they will hand over money. Such greed. Hoping soon to have our center open for in house lunching. Anticipation is building. Jesus is the reason for this Christmas season so spread the word that He came to us, for us. What would we do if He had not come. I am so thankful He did. He came to give us NEW life. Do you see the beautiful, wonderful, glorious snow? I just praise the Lord Jesus for this blessing of snow. Yes, it is a Soo Yukawa little harder to do my chores, but I am still grateful for the snow. I know that the animals are thirstier when the weather is colder. I don’t get that but ya, it is what it is. There is one place where my hubby calls it the “Frosty Forest” when we are driving towards Bend. I think it was at mile marker 74 or 94? When it snows there, it just looks so enchanting and beautiful, the snow glistening and sparkling in the sunlight. Sigh, so blessed to live out here. Well, our cooks Terry Cade and Carrie Jewell prepared for us our Christmas lunch on Tuesday, Dec. 14. They made us ham, scalloped potatoes, dinner rolls, carrots, and chocolate pudding for our dessert. Yes, we are just absolutely spoiled by our cooks. A shout of praise and thanks to them, and we appreciate them so much! Our volunteers at the table were Jimmy Cole, Kristi Guimont, and Linda Blakeslee. Jimmy and Kristi checked in the guests. Linda and Kristi counted up the money. Kristi made the announcements and led us in the flag salute, and yours truly prayed the blessing over the meal. Please make a note on your calendar. Bingo will be on New Year’s Eve at 4 p.m. They play 10 games, break for a potluck dinner and continue the other 10 games. I keep forgetting to go, so hopefully I will remember one of these last Saturdays of the month to attend. The free meal ticket was won by Monica Boyer. The Len’s gift card went to Bob Yukawa. Allen Humphreys was the lucky winner of the turkey raffle. We had 32 guests dining in and 37 takeouts, with a total of 69 meals served. We thank all involved who make our time at the senior center a joy to attend. It has been super cold in the morning and I try and give Belle and Scotty their milk bottle as soon as I can. Unfortunately, Belle does not think it is early enough. That bratty goat starts crying really really loudly as soon as the sun comes up. Belle and Scotty have a little pen set up right outside the window of my son. Yup, he comes to me in the morning and says that the loud, obnoxious bleating of Belle woke him up. Sometimes, Belle just cries because she wants to eat and nibble on some fresh grass. Well, there is not any to be found right now, the silly goat. My son said that Belle cries and bleats to be let out for grass so much that she sometimes makes herself hoarse. Scotty does not complain like his sister. He just quietly nibbles on his grass/alfalfa hay. There is such a dramatic difference in personalities, it is amazing. I guess that is how it is with people, too. Ha. Jude 1:24-25 Now unto Him who is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, to the only wise God our Savior, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and forever. Amen. John Day Seniors Elise Huskey Monument Seniors BIOSMILE Family, Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry 165 NW 1st St., John Day 541-575-0363 Open Monday-Thursday DrJ@BiosmileDental.com We offer a wide range of primary care and medical treatment. Zachary Bailey, MD • David Hall, MD • Raffaella Betza, MD Zachary Bailey, MD • Janessa Sickler, DO • Emily Lieuallen, DO • Janessa DO • Emily DO James Cook, FNP • Sickler, Erika Adams, FNP-C Lieuallen, • Caitlin MacCoun, MD • Nora Jennings, Healey, FNP Clark, DNP Brian MD • Shawna Robyn Jennings, MD Available Monday - Friday 180 Ford Road, John Day • 541-575-0404 Huffman’s SELECT MARKETS Quality Healthcare ...close to home. 170 Ford Road John Day 541-575-1311 112 E. 5th Prairie City 541-820-3341 422 W. Main, 1st floor • John Day If you have any questions or think you know of someone who might benefit, call: 541 575.1648 241 S. Canyon Blvd. John Day • 541-575-0529 T roy Hanson - Funeral Director S274541-1