Wednesday, November 3, 2021 A9 November 2021 e r n a t s Page P 541-575-1263 235 S Canyon Blvd. John Day, Oregon 97845 Accepting new Patients! Go to: 541-575-0404 PEDIATRIC CAVITIES are the most com- mon chronic disease in children of all ages. Cavities can have lifetime effects on edu- cation, earning potential and social interac- tions. Current statistics report that 52% of children, ages 6-9 in Oregon have experi- enced tooth decay. Children in Grant County are at a higher risk for tooth decay than the state average because we don’t have fluori- dated drinking water in our county. Living in a rural location and having a lower income also doubles the risk of dental caries for our children. Bringing oral health care into pri- mary care is one way to help reduce the cost of dental treatment through screening and low cost fluoride varnish application. Starting October 11, we will be integrating oral health screening into our pediatric well child checks at Strawberry Wilderness Community Clin- ic. Based on their screening; patients may be eligible for fluoride varnish in our office. Families will receive preventative education, and dental referrals will be made as appropri- ate. We look forward to providing these new services to our pediatric patients to improve their overall health and quality of care. Erika Adams FNP-C Blue Mountain Hospital District Strawberry Wilderness Community Clinic (541) 575-0404 Zachary Bailey, MD Janessa Sickler, DO Emily Lieuallen, DO James Cook, FNP Erika Adams, FNP-C Caitlin MacCoun, MD Brian Jennings, MD Robyn Jennings, MD One Size Does NOT Fit All! Check Website for Upcoming Events 5’ 5’1” 4’11’’ 4’10” How to use this measuring chart: 4’9” A) Unfold this chart and place flat against a wall so that the bottom touches the floor. 4’8” B) Make a mark on the wall just to the left of the arrow above (it should be 29” from the floor) C) Move the chart up so that the bottom of the paper is even with the mark on the wall. Tack or tape the chart to the wall. Remember.. . kids under 13 should always ride properly buckled up and in the back seat. Proper fit means that the lap belt sits low across the thighs and the shoulder belt is over the collarbone and away from the neck. 541-575-0110 Children are required to ride buckled into booster seats until they are at least 8 years old or 4’9” tall. 4’7” 4’6” 4’5” Until you can answer “YES” to all of these questions, your child should stay in a booster seat. 4’4” 4’3” A Si mple 5 -S te p Test 1) Without a booster 4’2” 4’ 4’1” 4’ the way back aga 2) Do the child’s kne at the edge of the 3) Does the belt cros neck and arm? 3’11” 4) Is the lap belt as the thighs? seat, does the chil d sit all inst the vehicle seat? es bend comfort ably vehicle seat? s the shoulder bet low as possible, ween the touching 3’10” 5) Can the child sta 3’9” this for the wh y comfortably seated like ole trip ? All children under 4’9” or younger than 8 years old, and weighing more than 40 pounds, must ride buckled in a child safety seat or booster seat until the adult safety belt fits properly. 3’8” 3’7” 3’6” CAR SEATS Families First has three certified Car Seat Techni- cians that can help you make sure that you have the right car seat ant that it installed properly. We also have new car seats that you can purchase at a reduced cost. Please call us to schedule an appointment. 541- 575-1006 NO COST SCREENING High Quality Services Include: Mental Health Alcohol and Drug Developmental Disability 3’5” 3’4” 3’3” 3’2” 3’ 528 E. Main • John Day • 541-575-1466 Children weighing less than 40 pounds must be properly secured in a child safety system. ADVERTISE HERE 3’1” 3 2’11” 2’10” Call the Children must ride in rear-facing safety seats until they are at least 2 years old. EAGLE 2’9” 2’8” 737-3470 (5/18) SIC 330514 TREE OF GIVING Due to expected shipping barriers, we are launch- ing the Tree of Giving program early this year. We hope to give people more time to purchase gifts and fill tags. Donations to the Tree of Giving are accepted at Families First Parent Resource Center or Grant Co0unty 4-H office. CCS Changing Lives Buckle Up. The Way to Go. Transportation Safety — ODOT today 541-575-0710 S266932-1