The Blue Mountain eagle. (John Day, Or.) 1972-current, November 03, 2021, Page 6, Image 6

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Blue Mountain Eagle
Wednesday, November 3, 2021
Soo Yukawa
I just love fall. I think it is
my favorite season. I went to
John Day with my hubby for
our anniversary and I sat in
the car under some trees while
he went to the bank. The tree
leaves were a beautiful yellow
color with some green leaves
trying to turn color. The wind
was blowing and the individ-
ual leaves seemed to come
alive and sway, and dance. It
was breathtaking. All I could
think was, all of creation was
definitely praising God, the
Creator of the heavens and the
We have a lot of praise for
our cooks. Terry Cade and
Carrie Jewell cooked us a very
nice, savory, and hearty meal
of meatloaf, mashed pota-
toes and gravy, carrots, din-
ner rolls, and chocolate pud-
ding for our dessert. I thought
of going back for seconds,
but thought better of it and
decided not to. I don’t want to
be a glutton. Ha. We thank our
cooks for our amazing meal.
Our greeters were Bob
Cockrell, Sue Cavender, and
Linda Abraham. Sue and
Linda counted up the money.
Bob checked in all the guests
and led us in the flag salute.
Dennis Abraham prayed the
blessing over our meal. We
had 32 guests dining in and 36
takeouts. Among some of the
guests we had, there were a
bunch of folks from the Spray/
Mitchell area. The visitors
were Dick and Pam Wanous,
Scott Reed, Judi Bustardo, and
Mike and Hester Keys.
We hope they all enjoyed
the meal and the fellowship.
Judy Harris made some
announcements. She let every-
one know who was at the
lunch about what the Joyce
Miller Owens Foundation
has done to aid our Monu-
ment Senior Center in replac-
ing a very old heat pump. We
thank the foundation, Bruce
Hansen, Judy Harris, and Bob
Cockrell, and many others
for their compassion and ser-
vice to our little senior center
and this community. We are
truly indebted to these won-
derful friends. Bruce Strange
announced a fundraiser for
B.A.’s husband, who is going
through cancer issues.
We bless and exalt the Lord
for favoring us and giving us
the much-needed rain to our
region. Praise the Lord for
He is good, all the time. We
have been getting quite a bit
of moisture. Oh, the Lord is so
wonderful, full of great love
for us.
Having little baby goats is
quite entertaining. Belle has
now taught Scotty to run like
a crazy goat, hop and skip,
and kick his heels. Yes, that
girl has been a bad example
to her little brother. Belle has
very bright and calculating
eyes. Scotty has soft, watery,
gentle eyes. He is such a
good-natured and gentle goat.
Belle on the other hand can
be very aggressive, feisty, and
Belle and Scotty are grow-
ing up together, so neither of
them will get lonely and cry.
Scotty is also catching up to
Belle in size and weight. He
has a nice round tummy and
he really is a very good-na-
tured goat.
Psalms 148:1 Praise the
LORD.Praise the LORD from
the heavens; praise him in the
heights above. Oh my, oh my,
oh my.
Prairie City
Rose Coombs
If you missed the meal
today, you missed something
really special. I don’t remem-
ber if I have ever had what
we had today for our entree.
Do you get the hint? It was
Well, for Pete’s sake, what
was it? Sweet & sour meat-
balls, that’s what it was. And
oh, was it ever good.
And enough of it so you
could have two meals if you
so desired. Which I did. To
accompany was a pea salad,
which was quite tasty also,
and rice. Did I say it was
good? It was more than that. It
was lip-smackin’, scrum-did-
dely-umptious. The sponsor
was Delores Scott. Thank you
for your generous donation.
Then comes the dessert:
birthday cake donated by
Driskill Memorial Chapel.
Thank you, also, for doing this
for us each month. Thanks to
our wonderful cooks Pam and
Laura. Thanks to our deliver-
ers and pickup takeout volun-
teers: Gwynne, Carlos, Mary,
Pam, Ginger, Tom, Del. They
have a system and they make
the system work. Thanks to all
you faithful diners who come
to get your meals every week.
We appreciate you very much.
To remind you, anyone can
request a meal delivery. You
don’t have to be a senior cit-
izen. And if you are house-
bound, you can request a meal
delivery. We aim to please…
and I want to give a big thank
you to our Grant County
Senior Programs co-ordinator,
Angie Uptmor. She has been
a great help during these two
years of COVID mania. Her
steady leadership has helped
us navigate all the rules and
mandates that have come
down the pike, and we appre-
ciate it.
November, our Thanksgiving
meal will be on Wednesday,
Nov. 17, as we will be closed
on the following Wednes-
day, which is the day before
Thanksgiving. And yes, we
will be serving a traditional
Thanksgiving dinner. So mark
your calendars.
’Tis nice to see the snow
on the Strawberry Mountain
Range. Hopefully, there will
be lots more. …
Another thing to look for-
ward to — darn silly time will
be done with soon. Sure wish
we could get rid of it entirely.
Romans 5:6 “You see, at
just the right time, when we
were still powerless, Christ
died for the ungodly.”
Revelations 22:7 “Behold,
I am coming soon.” Revela-
tions 22:10 “… the time is
75 years ago
Canyon City to elect full set
of town officers
Next Tuesday, in conjunction
with the general election, Can-
yon City will hold its bi-annual
town election, at which time a
full set of municipal officers will
be chosen by the voters. All of the
offices are for a term of two years
and the candidates, nominated at
a recent citizens’ meeting, are all
up for reelection. The candidates
whose names will be on the bal-
lot are:
For mayor, Harold Patterson;
recorder, Bernice D. Allen; trea-
surer, John Liveira; councilmen,
five to be elected: J.M. Blank,
W.B. Everett, E.P. Hicks, F.H.
McRae, and R.B. Pierpont.
Unless there is a write-in vote
these candidates will be without
opposition for their respective
50 years ago
Hall Hill test wins OK of
U.S. House
The House of Representa-
tives Monday approved a bill
introduced by Congressman Al
Ullman (D., OR) to set aside
$250,000 for a feasibility study of
a dam site on the upper John Day
Ullman said the funds, which
must now be approved by the
Senate, would be used to study
the possibility of building a mul-
tiple-purpose reservoir on the
John Day River near Prairie City
in Grant County.
The proposed reservoir would
provide flood control in both
Grant and Wheeler counties, Ull-
man said, besides allowing the
irrigation of more than 6,500
When he testified before the
House Interior Committee in sup-
port of the bill last June, Ullman
said, “This project will undoubt-
edly increase crop and livestock
production, and attract people
seeking recreation opportunities
in the area.”
Ullman said the reservoir
could also increase salmon and
steelhead runs in the John Day
River. He noted that a fish hatch-
ery is included in the over-all
plans for the project.
“Farmers and ranchers in the
area have been unable to obtain
an adequate water supply,” Ull-
man said, “and there are frequent
water shortages because of pres-
ent poor diversion methods.”
Current estimated cost of
the total project is $10 million,
according to the Bureau of Rec-
lamation, U.S. Department of
25 years ago
District Volleyball All-Tour-
ney team named
The District 4-1A Volley-
ball All-Tournament first team
included Katie Madden, Prai-
rie City; Tiffanie Baxter, Powder
Valley; Marcia Lequerica, Jordan
Valley; Angie Hagenah, Wallowa;
Kristy Hyatt, Wallowa; and Laina
Stitzel, Wallowa.
The second team players were
Anna Archer, Prairie City; Kel-
lie Bennett, Long Creek; Pam
Hagenah, Wallowa; Hilary Bing-
ham, Powder Valley; Sara Isaacs,
Powder Valley; and Marcie Kow-
alski, Huntington.
The tournament was held
Saturday at Grant Union High
School in John Day.
Eagle file photo
Megan Voigt (11) dives for a ball in Prairie City’s third-place match with Jordan Valley in
Community Church
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Prairie City, Oregon
541 820-4437
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Every Sunday in the L.C.
Community Center
Pastor Robert Perkins
Contact Pastor Ed Studtmann at
541-421-3888 • Begins at 4:00pm
Sunday School (all ages)
Sunday Worship
John Day Valley
Meeting every Sunday
at Mt. Vernon Grange Hall
Sunday School ...............................9:30 a.m.
Sunday Morning Worship ............10:50 a.m.
Pastor Leland Smucker
Everyone Welcome • 541-932-2861
(Corner of Second & Allen)
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(541) 575-1326
126 NW Canton, John Day
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call 541 620-0340
Sunday School .......................... 9:30 am
Sunday Worship Service......... 10:45 am
Sunday Evening Service ...........6:00 pm
Children & Teen Activities
627 SE Hillcrest, John Day
59357 Hwy 26 Mt. Vernon
1 st Sunday Worship/Communion ..................10am
3 rd Sunday Worship/Communion/Potluck ...4:30pm
2 nd , 4 th & 5 th Sunday Worship .........................10am
Sunday Bible Study .....................................8:45am
Celebration of Worship
For information: 541-575-2348
Midweek Service
Sunday School ..................... 9:45 am
Sunday Worship ...................... 11 am
Fox Community Church ............. 3 pm
Sunday Evening Bible Talk ......... 6 pm
Saturday Men’s Study ............... 6 pm
Weekdays: Sonshine Christian School
Full Gospel- Come Grow With Us
Pastor Randy Johnson
521 E. Main • John Day • 541-575-1895
541-575-1202 Church
311 NE Dayton St, John Day
Pastor Al Altnow
Sundays 5:30pm
Youth: 0-6th Grade
Thursdays 6:30pm
Youth: 0-6th Grade
Jr./Sr. High
Youth Connection
Wednesdays at 6:30pm
Overcomer’s Outreach
Mondays at 6pm at
A Christ-Centered, 12-Step
Recovery Support Group
Pastor Sharon Miller