10 CALENDAR NOVEMBER 3–10, 2021 FOR MORE EVENTS, GO TO WWW.GOEASTERNOREGON.COM THURSDAY 11/4 Storytime: Stories and crafts in the Story Circle; 10:30 a.m.; free; Cook Memorial Library, 2006 Fourth St., La Grande. Knitting Group: Noon-2 p.m.; Painted Sky Center for the Arts, 118 Washington St., Can- yon City. Jackpot Bingo: 1 p.m.; Baker County Senior Center, 2810 Cedar St., Baker City. Batik with Ginger Rembold: Introductory class on the Indo- nesian and Indian art of batik; 6-8 p.m.; $20-$30; Crossroads Carnegie Art Center, 2020 Au- burn Ave., Baker City; register at crossroads-arts.org. Jam Night: Bring your instru- ments and drop in anytime; first Thursday of the month; 7-8:30 p.m.; free: Pendleton Cen- ter for the Arts, 214 N. Main St. FRIDAY 11/5 Fishtrap Fireside: Features three local writers; join online anytime at fishtrap.org or the Fishtrap House YouTube channel. Pendleton Leather Show: Classes, vendors and contests; 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; Pendleton Conven- tion Center, 1601 Westgate. First Friday Art Walk: Cele- brate the arts on the First Friday of every month in historic down- town Baker City; 5:30-8 p.m.; free; downtown Baker City. MONDAY 11/8 Boardman Quilt Group: Quilt construction, quilting updates, education, history and friend- ship; 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.; free; Boardman Senior Center, 100 Tatone St. Mystery Book Club: For adults, new members welcome; 1 p.m.; Cook Memorial Library, 2006 Fourth St., La Grande. Hermiston Amateur Ra- dio Club: Everyone welcome; 7 p.m.; Agape House, 500 W. Harper Road. Athena Book Group: 7 p.m.; free; Athena Public Library, 418 E. Main St. TUESDAY 11/9 Heritage Station Museum/Contributed image Admission to the Heritage Station Museum in Pendleton is free on Saturday, Nov. 6. Included at the museum is the exhibit “Umatilla Gold: History of Wheat in Umatilla County,” which tells the story of the impact wheat has played in Umatilla County from early days to today. Pinochle Social Club: 7-9 p.m.; Union County Senior Center, 1504 N. Albany St., La Grande. SATURDAY 11/6 Pendleton Leather Show: Classes, vendors and contests; 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; Pendleton Con- vention Center, 1601 Westgate. Heritage Station Museum Free First Saturday: Free ad- mission all day; 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; 108 SW Frazer Ave., Pendleton. Hip & Handmade: Infor- mal drop-in arts and crafts for grownups; 10:30-11:30 a.m.; free; Pendleton Center for the Arts, 214 N. Main St. Spin-In: Spinners, knitters, weavers, felters, fiber enthu- siasts and fiber-curious are welcome to drop in on first Saturday of the month; 1-4 p.m.; Pendleton Center for the Arts, 214 N. Main St. Oldies Night British Inva- sion: disc jockey plays classic hits; 7-10 p.m.; free; Wesley United Methodist Church, 816 S. Main St., Milton-Freewater. SUNDAY 11/7 Oregon East Symphony in Concert — ‘Blow it Up, Start Again’: 2:30 p.m.; floor level gen- eral admission is free; reserved and balcony seating tickets are $25 adults, $20 seniors, $15 stu- dents, $65 family; Vert Audito- rium, 480 SW Dorion Ave., Pend- leton; find ticket information at oregoneastsymphony.org. Pinochle: All are welcome; 1 p.m.; Union County Se- nior Center, 1504 N. Albany, La Grande. Kids in the Kitchen: After- school cooking club for 3rd-5th grades; 3:45-4:45 p.m.; Cath- erine Creek Community Center, 667 N. Main St., Union. Bingo: All are welcome; doors open at 5 p.m., games at 6 p.m.; Union County Se- nior Center, 1504 N. Albany, La Grande. Hatrockhounds Gem & Min- eral Society: 7-8:30 p.m.; free; First Christian Church, 775 W. Highland Ave., Hermiston.