A8 SENIORS & HISTORY Blue Mountain Eagle Wednesday, October 27, 2021 OUT OF THE PAST 75 YEARS AGO 50 YEARS AGO of the old city maintenance pickup for use in holding loose dogs. Under terms of the job agreement with the state, the city’s portion of required matching funds will be paid through supervision, training, and working materials — all non-fund items. Mrs. King reportedly handed out a large number of meter violation tickets her fi rst day on the job. The number fell drastically the second day she worked, French said. Meter-reader, dog catcher starts work for John Day Mrs. Shirley King began work Monday of last week for the city of John Day as a parking meter reader and dog catcher, City Administra- tor Kern French announced Thursday. Mrs. King’s position, fully funded under the emergency public service job program recently launched in Oregon, calls for her to enforce the city’s parking-meter and dog ordinances. French said a uniform has been ordered for Mrs. King and that Eddie Wright, city mainte- nance superintendent, will con- struct a closed cage in the back Pumpkin painters Children were given a pumpkin, paints and plastic bag protection to decorate as they saw fi t in front of Ches- ter’s Thriftway and Ben Frank- lin on Main Street in John Day. Awards were given to the top three contestants of four age groups at the Pumpkin Painting Contest sponsored by Chester’s Thriftway and Ben Franklin Saturday. All fi rst place winners received $15, second place received $10 and third place received $5 from Ben Franklin. Each contestant also took their pumpkin home with them. Sonny Tureman wins at Madison Square Garden Sonny Tureman, John Day cowboy, won the bareback riding contest in the world’s championship rodeo last Sat- urday in Madison Square Gar- den, New York, according to a (UP) dispatch in the Oregon Journal. Tureman beat out Larry Bentley, Phoenix, AZ, and Marv O. Rogers, Idabelle, OK. 25 YEARS AGO Shahaylie Smarr, 5, concentrates on painting her pumpkin during a 1996 pumpkin painting contest in John Day. O utlook SENI R Aah. I can relax now. The big 60th anniversary celebration has come and gone. And I still have pages left in the Rose Coombs guest book! Hmmm. Thanks to all who came to help us celebrate; thanks to all who sent cards; thanks especially to our sons, daughter-in-love, and grandchildren who took care of most everything! You did good! And we have a recording to watch whenever we want to so we can see you all again. PTL for inventions! On to the delicious meal prepared by Pam and Laura: we enjoyed Swiss steak, mashed potatoes and gravy, vegetable blend, lemon J-ello with whipped cream, and pineapple upside down cake. Mmm good. The sponsor for this day’s meal was Mary Jones in memory of Melvin Jones. Thank you so much for your donation. Volunteers included Tom, Carlos, Gwynne, Ginger, Del, Pam and me. When (thinking positively) we got to open for in-house dining, we will be needing some more volunteers. Think about it… One of our gifts was a bouquet from a former Ensemble member. She was glad to see that the Ensemble was still going. I have given out the Christmas music and am working on the accompaniment. Was having a grand time with white and black key glissandos when Derrol loudly asked what I was doing. ‘Just practicing dear.’ I’m so glad to have a separate room for the piano. (Ahem.) And I’m really glad to have a piano that does not depend on electricity to operate! That was foremost in my mind a few weeks ago when the power went out on a Sunday morning. The sound system may not work, but the piano would! Might have to find a lantern or a candle to see the music by, but that was how it was done for a long time before electricity came into use. Yep, more inventions. And still no one can explain how electricity works, just what it does. Amazing, those little electrons. So the garden is all harvested. The six squashes went to Portland. One granddaughter wanted to go out and pick peas, but they had been all picked and frozen last month. We have had a pint and they were WONDERFUL! Got that done right, anyway. Now if I can just get the carrots to grow… Will be an interesting experiment to see if they will germinate and sprout early next spring in the new little bed that will not be disturbed… stay tuned! October is Pastor Appreciation Month, if you didn’t know. Grace Chapel had a special time on this day to honor former Pastor Derrall Johnson, along with his faithful wife Dorothy. They had a special park bench made with their names on it and put it out in the flower bed near the cross in their parking lot. It was a privilege to know Darrell and Dorothy for 60 years and hear the many stories of happenings in their life. Hebrews 12:1 “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.” Thanks to everyone who supports our senior center and other senior centers in close proximity. The pandemic we Elise Huskey are experiencing is causing it to be difficult to even provide lunches to go for those who come and pick them up and those who need their lunches delivered. We are continuing to get it all done, however. Prayers are going up for this to be over and we can continue to join together for visiting and getting out. can open safely. 4. To put us one step closer to ending this pandemic. Prairie City Seniors John Day Seniors About the covid vaccination: Here are some benefits to getting vaccinated when it is available to do so. 1. To prevent yourself and your loved ones from getting infected. 2. To help us reach community immunity and safeguard our vulnerable neighbors. 3. To make sure our schools, businesses and communities To know when you can get a covid vaccination: visit covidvaccine@oregon.gov. -or- Text ORCOVID to 898211 (English and Spanish only) -or- Email: ORCOVID@211info.org (all languages) -or- call 211 John Day is at its peak for covid. Idaho is #3 in our nation. This is causing many people not to be able to even get their sick children into a hospital to be checked and helped. What is it going to take to help us all understand how serious this pandemic is. It takes every single one of us to do their part to help protect all of us. Many people dying from this so please step up and do your part. Thank you. 2 Chronicles 7:14 “If my people who are called by MY name shall humble themselves and pray and seek MY face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” AMEN I did not get to partake of the Monument lunch meal at the Monument Senior Seniors Center but got to eat it at home. I had to be home for a Soo Yukawa delivery and wouldn’t you know it, they of course did not come until the very last delivery time, which was at 5:30PM! Well, at least my family and I got to eat the very hearty and yummy meal that the cooks, Terry Cade and Carrie Jewell prepared for everyone. Our meal consisted of beef burritos, refried beans, Spanish rice, and cherry tart for our dessert. The cooks put side containers of sour cream and salsa along with our food. I got a special container of jalapenos! We thank our cooks for their efforts and we appreciate them very much. The people at the front table were Kristi Guimont, Bob Cockrell, Jan Ensign, and Sue Cavender. Kristi and Bob greeted the patrons and wrote down the records and filled out the paperwork. Bob led in the flag salute and Dennis Abraham prayed the blessing over the meal. Sylvia Cockrell won the Len’s gift card and Pam Calahan won the free meal ticket. Don’t forget about the Flying Tiger’s Fundraiser Shotgun shoot event at Brad and Julie Smith’s on Sunday, October 31. There is going to be ribs and all the fixings available for purchase during lunch, and a dessert auction at 1:00PM. For more information, please call Julie Smith. We want to recognize and thank the Joyce Miller Owen’s Foundation again, along with Bruce Hansen and Judy Harris for their support. The Joyce Miller Owen’s Foundation have given to the Monument Senior Center previously, financial support, to help us update the flooring, bathrooms, and decks. They have again donated to help us replace a 27 year old furnace and heat pump. With the combined efforts of Bruce, Judy, and Bob Cockrell, the much needed repair and replacement will be done in no time. We thank the Foundation and each person so much for their generosity, hard work, and tireless efforts in helping our community and the Monument Senior Center. We appreciate all that has been done for our little town. My own personal shout out to Bruce for all those yummy potatoes, thank you so much! I finally got motivated enough to plant some fruit tree seeds in three different big pots. This free spirit even labeled them! Ha. I planted some white peach seeds, Contender peach seeds, apricot seeds, and wild plum seeds. We shall see if they will grow. I planted them now so that they will get stratified during the winter. I also had to put a couple hundred plastic forks in the dirt. You know, those naughty kitties will try and poop in them if they got the chance. They would be like, “Oh look, soft, fresh, loose dirt to use as a litter box!” No way, not if I can help it. During the planting, Belle ran around like a crazy goat, dashing all over the place while Scotty hung out, literally. Matthew 13:41-43 The Son of Man shall send forth His angels, and they shall gather out of His Kingdom all things that offend and them who do iniquity: And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the Kingdom of their Father: Who hath ears to hear, let him hear. BIOSMILE Family, Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry 165 NW 1st St., John Day 541-575-0363 Open Monday-Thursday DrJ@BiosmileDental.com We offer a wide range of primary care and medical treatment. Zachary Bailey, MD • David Hall, MD • Raffaella Betza, MD Zachary Bailey, MD • Janessa Sickler, DO • Emily Lieuallen, DO • Janessa DO • Emily DO James Cook, FNP • Sickler, Erika Adams, FNP-C Lieuallen, • Caitlin MacCoun, MD • Nora Jennings, Healey, FNP Clark, DNP Brian MD • Shawna Robyn Jennings, MD Available Monday - Friday 180 Ford Road, John Day • 541-575-0404 Huffman’s SELECT MARKETS Quality Healthcare ...close to home. 170 Ford Road John Day 541-575-1311 112 E. 5th Prairie City 541-820-3341 422 W. Main, 1st floor • John Day If you have any questions or think you know of someone who might benefit, call: 541 575.1648 241 S. Canyon Blvd. John Day • 541-575-0529 T roy Hanson - Funeral Director S265276-1