The Blue Mountain eagle. (John Day, Or.) 1972-current, October 20, 2021, Page 6, Image 6

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Blue Mountain Eagle
Wednesday, October 20, 2021
Prairie City
Rose Coombs
Well, the frost finally got
the squash. So when daughter-
in-love gets here from Port-
land, she can have the funny
-ooking fruits (or are they veg-
etables?) to take home. The
morning glory that was grow-
ing beside them also is dead.
Hope I can get some seeds
from it. It was a BIG flower! I
really want to have them grow
on the trellises in front of the
windows on the east and west
sides of the house. Helps the
temperature inside, don’t ya
Our meal was “Goodbye
Summer and Hello Fall.” We
had a very generous serving
of oven-baked BBQ chicken.
The meat just fell off the bone!
Then there was the very tasty
baked beans. One of our sat-
isfied customers even called
back after the meal was eaten
to tell us that they had never
had such tasty baked beans!
Whoa! Then there was potato
salad that I especially enjoyed
(ahem). And fresh apple cake
for dessert. See what I mean
about summer and fall?
Our sponsor for this meal
was Dr. Virginia McMillan.
Thank you very much for
your donation. And thanks
to our wonderful cooks Pam
and Laura. Support person-
nel included: Tom, Pam, Gin-
ger, Gwynne, Del, Carlos, and
anybody else we could round
up! Oh, for the day when we
can get back to “normal” ...
We also want to thank Dol-
lar General for the donation of
waffles and pizzas. They all
went to good homes!
Was cleaning the hall to
get ready for our party and
saw lint/dirt where I had
never seen it before. Hmmm.
Decided it must have filtered
down when the siding appli-
cation was going on. When
“stuff” sits in one place long
enough, it tends to just pile up.
Then along comes a crew of
workmen who have hammers
and drills and screw guns and
the pile gets agitated and looks
for a place to get away from
the pounding and shoving.
(There’s another one of those
sentences I’d hate to diagram.)
So the little bitty pieces of lint/
dirt obey the law of gravity
and fall — in this case. 15 to
20 feet — until they come to
rest on a decorative projec-
tion about a foot above the
floor. Then I sucked them up
with the vacuum. End of story.
Moral? No matter where you
are, Mrs. Clean will get you!
Next on the agenda —
Christmas on the Prairie! I
have already received a phone
call about an activity. If you
have any bright ideas, I’m sure
those in charge would like to
hear form you. ‘Course it’s
probably all over the social
media, but since I’m not con-
nected, I have no info. I even
cut the old TV line off — boo-
hoo! — so I’m really in the
John 8:12 “Jesus spoke…
(saying), “I am the light of the
world. Whoever follows Me
will never walk in darkness,
but will have the light of life.”
Revelations 22:5 “There
will be no more night. They
will not need the light of a
lamp or the light of the sun,
for the Lord God will give
them light.”
Soo Yukawa
I missed out on Tuesday’s
meal that was prepared by
Terry Cade and Carrie Jewell.
I went into town to go shop-
ping in preparation for Oper-
ation Christmas Child shoe-
boxes. The cooks made sweet
and sour chicken with sticky
rice, a fresh green salad, and
brownies for dessert. I am
sure it was delicious. We
thank the cooks for their hard
The greeters at the table
were Bob Cockrell, Jan
Ensign, and Sue Caven-
der. Bob led the flag salute
and Sylvia Cockrell prayed
the blessing over the meal.
Jan and Sue counted up the
money. Sylvia delivered the
meals to those who came
to pick up their lunches.
Kristi Guimont filled out the
Mark your calendars: On
Saturday, Dec. 4, the Co-op
will be having their annual
meeting. This year, the meet-
ing will be held in Monu-
ment, at the school gym. I am
not sure as to the start time so
please check with the Co-op.
A free lunch will be provided
at the Monument Senior Cen-
ter right after the meeting.
There was a Monument
Senior Center board meeting
held after the lunch.
I see snow on the moun-
tains! Winter is definitely on
its way. I am praying that the
Lord will first give us some
rainfall so that the ground
will be saturated and then
freeze. So all you Prayer
Warriors out there, let’s get to
work! Ha.
Through all that has been
going on in our lives this
past, going on almost two
years, Jesus is the Rock. He
is steadfast, faithful, and true.
I can trust Him completely. I
am choosing to walk by faith
and not by what I see with my
eyes. He is good all the time.
The Lord never lies and He
has never lost a battle. The
devil is a liar and can never
be trusted, and he is already a
defeated foe. We just need to
keep reminding him of that in
our prayers. I am encouraged
because as it gets darker in
this world, the light of Jesus
will only shine brighter. I
want to be a part of that.
Well, Scotty and Belle are
doing great. My wonderful
hubby put together a little pen
by the house for me, for them.
They hang out there
during the day. I put a dogloo
in there for them filled with
straw. When they get cold,
they go in there. I feed them
and let them play outside for
a bit. Belle likes to eat the
raspberry leaves. Scotty is
learning that too.
I tried to make little tube
fleece sweaters for them.
Umm-hmm, it did not turn out
well. Ha. Somehow Scotty
managed to get his off after 15
minutes. Belle looked ridicu-
lous in hers, so I pulled it off.
Sigh, maybe I will just have
to find something at the store
and put it on them. I need to
harden them to the cold before
it really gets cold with snow.
They are outgrowing their box
in the house.
1 Corinthians 4:20 For
the Kingdom of God is not in
word, but in power.
75 years ago
Gunman holds up Seneca
logger, gets $5
George Harris, employee of
the Hines Lumber Company, was
held up and robbed of a small
sum of money while at supper in
his home in the northeastern sec-
tion of Seneca, about 5:30 last
Friday evening.
The robber, described by Har-
ris as a tall, slender, blond man
weighing about 160 pounds,
entered the Harris home, pointed
a .32 revolver at Harris and
stated: “This is a hold up, give
me what money you have.”
Harris thought it was a joke
and tried to laugh it off, but the
robber with a threatening gesture
told him he meant business, and
to dig. All the money Harris had
on him consisted of a $5 and a $1
bill; he gave the five to the robber
who then made a hurried search
of the home and backed out,
threatening Harris if he followed.
Later a searching party and
county officials made a search of
the town and surrounding coun-
try but could find no trace of the
robber who, the people of Sen-
eca say, had not been seen in
the Pastime or at other points in
town. Seemingly he was a total
stranger to the people of Seneca.
How he got to or left Seneca is
not known. Mrs. Harris was not
home at the time of the hold up.
50 years ago
TOPS clubs have district
recognition event
Five TOPS clubs from Grant
and Harney counties had their
semiannual District Recognition
Day Tuesday of last week at Alec
Gay Hall, John Day.
The CU Lighter TOPS Club
of John Day made the award
ribbons, while the O-2-B-Slim
TOPS Club of John Day deco-
rated the hall, using the theme
“Discover A New U” (Columbus
Programs were made by the
Snack Skippers from Burns, and
the Prairie City Sage Hens pro-
vided entertainment. Coffee and
tea were served by the Trimmin’
Wimmin TOPS Club of John
25 years ago
Hot Spiced Apple Cider
2 quarts apple cider
1 cup lemon juice
½ cup red cinnamon candies
Whole cloves
1 orange, peeled
Combine apple cider, lemon
juice, cinnamon candies and 10
cloves in a large saucepan. Sim-
mer, stirring occasionally, for
about 15 minutes to heat cider
mixture and melt cinnamon can-
dies. Stud orange slices with
Pour hot cider into a serv-
ing bowl and float clove-stud-
ded orange slices on top. Makes
a dozen 6 ounce servings. Dou-
ble recipe to serve 24.
Eagle file photo
PHOTO: TOPS District Recognition Day winners saluted in John Day last week included
(back, from left) Sandy Audis, Lucille Frisby and Hope Gneckow; and (front, from left)
Gladys Holmberg, Emma Warner, Deena Johns, Norma Kuykendall and Gloria Whale. TOPS
stands for Take Off Pounds Sensibly.
Community Church
SUNDAY SERVICE..............9 am
SUNDAY SERVICE ...........9 am
of God
896 E. Main 330 W. Front St.
John Day
Prairie City
Sunday Services
9:30 am
Prairie Baptist
238 N. McHaley
Prairie City
St. Thomas
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Lutheran Church
Come Worship with us at
Grace Chapel (EMC )
154 E. Williams St.
Prairie City, Oregon
541 820-4437
2 Corinthians 5:17
Every Sunday in the L.C.
Community Center
Pastor Robert Perkins
Contact Pastor Ed Studtmann at
541-421-3888 • Begins at 4:00pm
Sunday School (all ages)
Sunday Worship
John Day Valley
Meeting every Sunday
at Mt. Vernon Grange Hall
Sunday School ...............................9:30 a.m.
Sunday Morning Worship ............10:50 a.m.
Pastor Leland Smucker
Everyone Welcome • 541-932-2861
(Corner of Second & Allen)
Sunday Worship • 9AM
(541) 575-1326
126 NW Canton, John Day
Food Pantry Friday 3-4PM
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24/7 Inspirational Christian
Tune into KSPL 98.1 FM
For more information,
call 541 620-0340
Sunday School .......................... 9:30 am
Sunday Worship Service......... 10:45 am
Sunday Evening Service ...........6:00 pm
Children & Teen Activities
627 SE Hillcrest, John Day
59357 Hwy 26 Mt. Vernon
1 st Sunday Worship/Communion ..................10am
3 rd Sunday Worship/Communion/Potluck ...4:30pm
2 nd , 4 th & 5 th Sunday Worship .........................10am
Sunday Bible Study .....................................8:45am
Celebration of Worship
For information: 541-575-2348
Midweek Service
Sunday School ..................... 9:45 am
Sunday Worship ...................... 11 am
Fox Community Church ............. 3 pm
Sunday Evening Bible Talk ......... 6 pm
Saturday Men’s Study ............... 6 pm
Weekdays: Sonshine Christian School
Full Gospel- Come Grow With Us
Pastor Randy Johnson
521 E. Main • John Day • 541-575-1895
541-575-1202 Church
311 NE Dayton St, John Day
Pastor Al Altnow
Sundays 5:30pm
Youth: 0-6th Grade
Thursdays 6:30pm
Youth: 0-6th Grade
Jr./Sr. High
Youth Connection
Wednesdays at 6:30pm
Overcomer’s Outreach
Mondays at 6pm at
A Christ-Centered, 12-Step
Recovery Support Group
Pastor Sharon Miller