7 CULTURE & HERITAGE CELEBRATING THE HISTORY OF EASTERN OREGON OCTOBER 20�27, 2021 Take an autumn stroll through history By Lisa Britton Go! Magazine THE DETAILS S UMPTER — Although the trails at Sumpter Dredge State Heritage Area are open all year, autumn is an especially nice time for a stroll. About 1.5 miles of trails wind through this park, which is dedicated to the mining his- tory of the area. At the center is the Sumpter Dredge, a hulking contraption used to dig rocks that passed through several sorting layers to extract flakes of gold. This particular dredge 441 S. Mill St. Sumpter Hours: 7 a.m.-7 p.m. The dredge is open May- October Trails are open all year https://stateparks.oregon. gov/ mined the Sumpter Valley from 1935 to 1954, operating 24 hours a day, seven days a week. During that stint, the dredge unearthed an estimated $4 mil- lion in gold. Lisa Britton/Go! Magazine The Sumpter Dredge dug up $4 million in gold during its operation from 1935 to 1954. After closing, the dredge sat, neglected, until the early 1990s when local residents took an interest in preserving this part of history. The Sumpter Valley State Heritage Area opened to the pub- lic in 1994. You can tour the dredge through Oct. 31. It closes after Lisa Britton/Go! Magazine About 1.5 miles of trails wind through the Sumpter Valley Dredge State Heritage Area in Baker County. ! YOU d! nts involve a w r t mbe Ge CE! Cha eas! REN The your id DIFFE a re Sha Make Benches are located throughout the park, and sometimes you’ll see wildlife that has made homes among the ponds and tailings. The park is also the headwa- ters of the Powder River, which fl ows into Phillips Reservoir then through Baker City and along Highway 86 to the Snake River. SATURDAY OCTOBER 30 3-5:30 3-5:30 PM PM STOP SAYING ‘SO-and-SO SHOULD DO THIS’ ...and DO IT YOURSELF!!!! Accepting applications for the Union County Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors If you’re passionate about the vibrancy of your community and want to get involved - then apply today! Contact the Chamber (541.963.8588 or Director@VisitUnionCounty.org) for an application and more info! Applications due by October 25th! www.VisitUnionCounty.org that date, but the trails remain open. (If you visit in the next two weeks, you’ll see the handiwork of local residents who have deco- rated for the Haunted Dredge experience on the evening of Oct. 29.) The trails are easy to follow because all are lined with rocks. At Heritage Station Museum IN PENDLETON ENTER THROUGH THE GATE BY THE CABOOSE www.HeritageStationMuseum.org O