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About The Blue Mountain eagle. (John Day, Or.) 1972-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 2021)
CLASSIFIEDS Blue Mountain Eagle 830 Produce 830 Produce Show Off Stuff U-Pick Sell Your Apples $.75/lb Prunes $2.00/lb Stuff Bring Containers for U-Pick Ready Picked Pears Available Apples out of the bin $1.00/lb All and more available in the Eagle’s print and online Classifieds. Including full color photos for an additional five dollars per week. Fruit Stand will close for the season Oct. 31st. Place your ad online or over the phone now! 541-575-0710. S264487-1 101 Legal Notices 101 Legal Notices INVITATION TO BID LONG CREEK NO. 5 FENCE PROJECT Individually sealed bids will be received from qualified vendors by Grant Soil and Water Conservation District (hereinafter called DISTRICT), at 721 South Canyon Boulevard, John Day, Oregon 97845 until 3:00 PM PDT, October 28, 2021 for the construction of approximately 1.7 miles of wire fence, in Grant County, Oregon. Immediately thereafter, Bids will be publicly opened. The full In- vitation To Bid package, including all Addenda may be obtained through the project point of contact, Kyle Sullivan at 541-575-0135 ext. 111 or e-mail, by visiting the DISTRICT Office at above address, or at the DISTRICT’S website www. The Project location is approximately 9 miles southeast of Long Creek, Oregon. All work associated with this Invitation To Bid must be completed within a 60 day performance period. Liquidated damages of $100 per day will apply to the contract resulting from this Invitation To Bid, upon the contractor’s failure to complete the work within the specified time. This Invitation to Bid and the resulting Contract are subject to the provisions of the Federal Davis-Bacon Act (40 U.S.C. 3141 et seq.) and Oregon Revised Statutes 279C.800 through 279C.870 relative to Oregon Prevailing Wage Rate Law. A voluntary pre-bid conference and tour of the work area will be conducted October 26, 2021 at 9:00 AM (PDT). The tour will ini- tiate in at the General Store in Long Creek at the intersection of Hwy 395 and Main Street. Bidders must provide their own trans- portation. Bidders are not required to attend this voluntary pre-bid con- ference and tour, but with the complexity of this project it is strongly recommended that bidders or their representatives attend. Individually sealed envelopes or packages containing bids and supporting data as stipulated in the instructions to Bidders shall be clearly marked with the vendor’s name and the fence project name, LONG CREEK NO. 5 FENCE PROJECT. Bids sent by mail should be forwarded by certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed to the DISTRICT as shown above, in care of Pat Hol- liday, and likewise shall be clearly marked or endorsed as stated herein. Bids received after the time established for receipt of bids will not be considered. Bids may be withdrawn or modified in writing at any time prior to bid opening, following the guidelines established in the Invitation to Bid. The DISTRICT may reject any Bid not in compliance with all pre- scribed public bidding procedures and requirements and reserves the right to reject for good cause any or all Bids in whole or in part upon the finding of the DISTRICT that it is in the public interest to do so, to waive irregularities not affecting substantial rights, and to postpone the award of the work as necessary for a period of time not to extend beyond thirty (30) days from the Bid Opening Date. Bid prices quoted shall remain firm for a period of thirty (30) days from the date of Bid Opening. The apparent successful Bidder shall provide all required proofs of insurance, furnish all applicable security bonds, and other speci- fied deliverables to the DISTRICT within twelve (12) calendar days from date the Intent-to-Award Announcement is issued by the DISTRICT. Failure to present the required documents within this period may result in Bid rejection. 101 Legal Notices Wednesday, October 20, 2021 101 Legal Notices Grant County CyberMill is seeking bids for a monthly cleaning contract. Inquiries or Bids can be mailed to: PO Box 174, John Day, OR 97845 or email to to be received by October 28, 2021 5:00 p.m. Cleaning is for an 800 square foot building with one bathroom, one time per week in Seneca, Oregon. Supplies are provided. Expected duties include: sweep, vacuum, mop, wipe down tables/ chairs and surfaces, and equipment, dusting, windows, garbage etc. Start date December 1 st . 101 Legal Notices 101 Legal Notices NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE On November 18, 2021 at the hour of 9:00 a.m. at the front steps of the Grant County Courthouse, 201 S Humbolt, Canyon City, Or- egon, the defendant’s interest will be sold, subject to redemption, in the real property as described below: T OWNSHIP 15 S OUTH , R ANGE 31 E AST , W ILLAMETTE M ERIDIAN , G RANT C OUNTY , O REGON : S ECTION 2: PARCEL 3 OF LAND PARTITION NO. 98-37, AS SHOWN BY THE PLAT THEREOF ON FILE AND OF RECORD IN THE O FFICE OF THE C OUNTY C LERK OF G RANT C OUNTY , O REGON , ON N OVEMBER 13, 1998. S AID P AR - CEL 3 IS A PORTION OF P ARCEL 3 OF L AND P ARTITION N O . 97-33 FILED IN THE O FFICE OF THE G RANT C OUNTY C LERK ON D ECEMBER 22, 1997. (T AX A CCT . 3-4 15-31-02C TL900; R EF . 38446) T HE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS BARE LAND AND BEARS NO STREET ADDRESS . The court case number is No. 21CV13775, where, JERRY JOHN- SON, is/are plaintiff (s), and GREG DYSON and MARY DONO- VAN, is/are defendant (s). The sale is a public auction to the high- est bidder for cash or cashier’s check, in hand, made out to Grant County Sheriff’s Office. For more information on this sale go to: IMPORTANT NOTICE TO DEBTOR REGARDING REDEMP- TION RIGHTS: You should be careful about offers to sell rights to surplus funds. You may have a right to surplus funds remaining after pay- ment of costs and satisfaction of the judgement, as provided in ORS 18.950(4). If you transfer or sell your right to redemption, you might not have the right to surplus funds. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PROSPECTIVE BIDDERS: Before bidding at the sale, a prospective bidder should inde- pendently investigate: (a) The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment creditor; (b) Land use laws and regulations applicable to the property; (c) Approved uses for the property; (d) Limits on farming or forest practices on the property; (e) Rights of neighboring property owners; and (f) Environmental laws and regulations that affect the prop- erty. CONDITIONS OF SALE: All potential bidders are subject to inspection of funds prior to or during participation in the auction to qualify as a bidder. Individuals without proof of sufficient funds, or that have not qualified before the start of the auction, will not be allowed to participate. Only U.S. cur- rency and/or cashier’s checks made payable to Grant County Sheriff will be accepted. Payment must be made in full imme- diately upon conclusion of sale. Only the judgement creditor who obtained the writ may credit bid up to the Writ amount plus allowable costs. The judgement creditor must have cash in hand for any difference above the amount of the Writ and allowable costs. Todd McKinley, Sheriff Grant County, Oregon By: Anna Marie Kuhn, Civil Deputy 101 Legal Notices I, KAYLE RODRIQUEZ, HAVE FILED FOR DIVORCE FROM MOISE RODRIGUEZ. I’M UNABLE TO REACH YOU. PLEASE CONTACT GRANT COUNTY COURTS 541-575-0107. 101 Legal Notices 101 Legal Notices NATIONAL FOREST TIMBER FOR SALE MALHEUR NATIONAL FOREST The Black Decks Sale is located within T 16S R 35E sec 10 & 16, T 17S R35 E sec 17 & 21. The Forest Service will receive Sealed bids at Malheur National Forest, Supervisor’s Office before or at the time of public bid opening at 10:00 AM local time on 11/03/2021 for an estimated volume of 540 CCF of Ponderosa Pine and other coniferous species non-saw marked or otherwise designated for cutting. The Forest Service reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Interested parties may obtain a prospectus from the office listed below. A prospectus, bid form, and complete information concerning the timber, the conditions of sale, and submission of bids is available to the public from the Resource Specialist, Lucie Immoos, at 541-620-2098 or or visit our website at: agement/resourcemanagement. **D UE TO THE CURRENT RESTRICTIONS , AN IN PERSON AUDIENCE WILL NOT BE ALLOWED FOR THE BID OPENING . C URRENTLY OUR OFFICE IS CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC . I F YOU WISH TO MAKE ARRANGEMENTS TO SUBMIT A BID AT THE M ALHEUR N ATIONAL F OREST OFFICE , PLEASE CALL THEM TO SET UP A TIME 541-575-3000 OR CONTACT R ESOURCE S PECIALIST , L UCIE I MMOOS , AT 541-620-2098 OR EMAIL**. USDA IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY PROVIDER , EMPLOYER , AND LENDER . AT 101 Legal Notices 101 Legal Notices NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the John Day Planning Commission is considering the following planning actions: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (TYPE III) CUP-21-05: JOHN DAY/CANYON CITY PARKS & RECREATION DISTRICT The John Day/Canyon City Parks and Recreation District has ap- plied to erect a new aquatics center at the 7th Street Sports Com- plex (upper Belshaw Field) located at 845 1/2 NW Bridge St, John Day, OR 97845 in John Day (Map No.13S31E23CA Tax Lots 3300 & 4200). The proposed development consists of an ADA-acces- sible, six-lane, 25-yard outdoor pool with spectator seating and space available to add a small warm water wading/therapy pool in the future; a lobby/office/mechanical facility with apx. 8,000 sf for Furniture, Furnishings and Equipment (FFE), and primary park- ing all sited on Tax Lot 4200 (10.89 acres); with overflow park- ing on Tax Lot 3300 (1 acre). Decorative concrete walks, trails, plantings and landscaping improvements will surround the site, which includes the option for a sports court adjacent to the lobby. Alterations of an existing park are subject to current land use re- quirements and any accessory structures associated with the use are subject to conditional use review by the John Day Planning Commission. Conditional Use Permits must be approved by the Planning Commission through a Type III procedure as outlined in Section 5-4.4. PUBLIC HEARING DETAILS W HEN : TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 9TH, 2021 W HERE : JOHN DAY FIRE HALL, 316 S. CANYON BLVD., JOHN DAY, OR 97845 D ETAILS : 6:00 – 7:00 P.M. – T HE HEARING WILL BE HELD IN PERSON AND VIRTUALLY VIA G O - TO -M EETING : join/891173869. Y OU CAN ALSO DIAL IN USING YOUR PHONE : U NITED S TATES : +1 (786) 535-3211; A CCESS C ODE : 891-173-869. S EATING PREFERENCE WILL BE GIVEN TO THE APPLICANTS AND PARTIES PROVIDING GAME ANSWERS WRITTEN COMMENTS . Copy of the subject application(s), all documents, and evidence relied upon by the applicant(s) and applicable criteria are available for inspection at the John Day City Hall at no cost; copies will be provided upon request at a reasonable cost. Copies of the City Planning Staff Report on the subject application will be available for inspection not less than seven (7) days prior to said hearing at no cost; copies will be provided upon request at a reasonable cost. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO RESPOND: Written comments received or presented in person to Nicholas Green, City Manager, 450 East Main Street, John Day prior to Thursday, November 4th by 12:00 p.m. will be considered in ren- dering a decision. Comments may be emailed to cityofjohnday@ Issues must be addressed with enough specificity based on cri- teria with the Code, upon which the Planning Official must base this decision. Failure to address the relevant approval criteria with enough detail may preclude you to appeal to the John Day City Council, Land Use Board of Appeals or Circuit Court on that issue. Only comments on the relevant approval criteria are considered relevant evidence. All evidence relied upon by the planning staff to make this decision is in the public record, available for public review. Copies of this evidence can be obtained at a reasonable cost from the City of John Day, 450 East Main Street, John Day, OR 97845. Any questions regarding the hearing should be directed to the City Manager at 450 E. Main, John Day, by email to cityofjohnday@, or phone 541-575-0028, Mon. – Thurs. from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. HOCUS-FOCUS DIFFERENCES: 1. FEWER LEAVES ON TREE. 2. BAG IS SMALLER. 3. CAP IS REVERSED. 4. SLEEVE IS LONGER. 5. SHOE IS DIFFERENT. 6. BRANCH IS MISSING. Grant Soil and Water Conservation District By: Kyle Sullivan, District Manager MYEAGLENEWS.COM 101 Legal Notices START YOUR Blue Mountain Eagle 195 N Canyon Blvd. • John Day, OR S265260-1 DAY 541-575-0710 RIGHT SERVICE DIRECTORY INTERNET A Services Directory listing is $9.95 per week for a single ad (13 week minimum). Call the Blue Mountain Eagle today! 541-575-0710. JANITORIAL SERVICE 541-932-4411 NURSERY Better Blooms & Gardens YOUR AD Eastern Oregon Building Maintenance Blinds • Carpets • Floors • Windows • Ducts Upholstery • Power Sweeping • Snow Removal Fire & Flood Restoration “Professional Cleaning Service” FIBER FAST INTERNET, PHONE & EZVideo ! PLUMBING 541-575-1741 • 1-800-282-1741 PORTA POTTY CLARK’S ANDY’S PLUMBING & SPORTS TRANSFER STATION • Clean, sanitized • Portable • Septic tank pumping • We deliver & pick up American Standard Sinks & Toilets, Delta Faucets Brandford White, Water Heaters #CCB 114195 ROLL OFF CONTAINERS FOR LARGE JOBS Serving John Day, Canyon City, Prairie City, CCB#181941 Mt. Vernon & Dayville Mon.-Fri. 8am-4:30pm Sports Store: Mon.-Thurs. 8am-4:30pm VETERINARY 541-575-0432 WELL DRILLING CCB#156965 • Equine Services • Internal • Nutritional medicine guidance • Surgery • Annual exams • Heartworm prevention • Vaccinations 59989 Hwy, John Day, OR 541-932-4428 Office Hours: Mon-Fri 11am-2pm Transfer Station Hours: Wed-Sat 9am-4:30pm Recycling Available • NO Burning Barrels DISPOSAL 245 N. Canyon Blvd., Canyon City 541-575-2144 SANITATION YOUR AD Experienced Air Rotary Drilling • Licensed & Bonded Also: Complete Pump WWC# Installation & Service 1606 CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATES Between John Day and Prairie City 541-820-3329 SPORTS ANDY’S PLUMBING & SPORTS STORAGE R & S SELF-STOR A LL TYPES OF ARCHERY EQUIPMENT BOWS: Martin Jennings-Hoyt 245 N. Canyon Blvd., Canyon City 541-575-2144 731 W. Main, John Day Mon.-Fri. 8am-4:30pm Sports Store: Mon.-Thurs. 8am-4:30pm YOUR AD WELDING SUPPLIES • Industrial Gases • Industrial Machine Work • Full Automotive • Lincoln Wire and Rod • Replacement parts for welders, plasma cutters & torches • Special Orders Welcome QUALITY PARTS, QUALITY SERVICE, QUALITY PEOPLE JOHN MARCIEL MT. VERNON 721 W Main St, John Day, OR 97845 • (541) 575-1850 S263275-1 A14