NEWS Wednesday, October 13, 2021 COPS AND COURTS Arrests and citations in the Blue Mountain Eagle are taken from the logs of law enforce- ment agencies. Every effort is made to report the court dispo- sition of arrest cases. Grant County Circuit Court Sept. 9: Charges of unau- thorized use of a vehicle and unlawful entry into a motor vehicle against David A. McCanna, 56, of Redmond were dismissed as part of a civil compromise. Sept. 28: Bucky Allan Breck was found guilty of vio- lating his probation for pos- session or use of methamphet- amine. Breck’s probation was extended by one year or until certain conditions were met. He was ordered to serve 120 days in jail, with credit for time served since his last arrest and the possibility of credit for completing a treatment program of at least 90 days. He was ordered to enter an approved inpatient treatment program by Oct. 25. If he com- pletes the program, any remain- ing jail time will be vacated and his probation will end. Oct. 8: Michael Dean Gib- son, 57, appeared by phone for a sentencing hearing after pleading guilty on Sept. 28 to charges of harassment and fur- nishing alcohol to someone under 21, both misdemean- ors. Gibson was sentenced to 24 months’ probation, 40 hours of community service or work crew time, and 10 days in jail on each count, with the sentences to be served concurrently. He was also fined $100 for each count. As a condition of proba- tion, Gibson is to have no con- tact with any minor female other than immediate family mem- bers residing with him. Oct. 11: Robert Lewis Crosby II was found guilty of violating his probation for a second-degree theft conviction from August 2020. The court ruled that Crosby had failed to notify his probation offi- cer of a change of residence, failed to complete his commu- nity service work, failed to pay his financial obligations and failed to complete a behavior modification course. He was ordered to serve 30 days in jail, with credit for time served since his arrest on this charge, and pay his outstanding fines within one year of his release. All other conditions remain in place. His probation was extended to Oct. 10, 2023, and he was warned that his proba- tion will be revoked if he com- mits another violation. Grant County Sheriff The Grant County Sheriff’s Office reported the following for the week ending Oct. 6: Concealed handgun licenses: 4 Average inmates: 12 Bookings: 11 Releases: 9 Arrests: 3 Citations: 0 Fingerprints: 3 Civil papers: 9 Warrants processed: 5 Assistance/Welfare check: 1 Search and Rescue: 1 Grant County Justice Court The Grant County Justice Court reported the following for the week ending Oct. 6: Traffic citations: 10 Violation crimes: 1 Misdemeanors: 1 Small claims/civil: 0 Hearings held: 12 Persons on probation: 39 Community service hours: 0 License suspensions: 14 To collections/DOR: 54 Warrants issued: 3 Violation of speed limit: James Michael Valdez, 25, San Jose, California, Sept. 22, 48/35 zone, fined $165; Timo- thy Shaune Jackson, 35, Red- mond, Sept. 24, 82/65 zone, fined $265. Violation of the basic rule: Austin Angel Palmer, 31, Bend, Sept. 6, 80/55 zone, fined $265; Gary Dean Dol- mage, 57, Grants Pass, Sept. 16, 82/55 zone, fined $265; Donald L. Cato, 73, Med- ford, Sept. 16, 73/55 zone, fined $165; Melissa J. Web- ster, 81, Walla Walla, Washing- ton, Sept. 21, 75/55 zone, fined $165; Randy Lynn Smith, 69, Weiser, Idaho, Sept. 27, 75/55 zone, fined $165; Nancy Lynn Campbell, 62, Baker City, Sept. 22, 73/55 zone, fined $165; Michael A. Borden, 34, Red- mond, Sept. 21, 80/55 zone, fined $265; Adam Byran Cad- dock, 28, Roseburg, Sept. 13, 62/35 zone, fined $265. Open container: Jackie M. Speed, 50, Athena, Sept. 24, fined $265. Oct. 6: In an eviction pro- ceeding, Christy Phillips, 60, was ordered to vacate her res- idence at 222 S. McHaley Ave. in Prairie City and return the premises to Elaine Thompson. Phillips was ordered to pay a judgment of $243. Oct. 7: In an eviction pro- ceeding, Sammy Guy, 41, and Natasha Guy, 46, were ordered to vacate 677 W. Main St., space 140, in John Day and return the premises to River- side Mobile Home Park. The Guys were ordered to pay a judgment of $243. Oregon State Police Sept. 28: After stopping a tan Chevrolet Tahoe for a possible traffic violation on County Road 62 near Prai- rie City at about 12:30 a.m., a trooper arrested both occupants of the pickup. The driver, Jere- miah James Alsop, 40, of John Day, was arrested on a misde- meanor warrant out of Harney County and a misdemeanor charge of driving with a sus- pended license. The passenger, Tyler Duane Dehiya, 28, of Mt. Vernon, was arrested on three Grant County felony warrants and one felony warrant from the Oregon State Parole Board. Sept. 28: A trooper responded at 10:55 a.m. to a report of an elk carcass dumped behind Prairie Wood Products in Prairie City. The trooper found a partially decomposed cow elk wrapped in a white tarp. The quarters and back- straps had been removed and there was a possible wound on the jaw, but the trooper could not determine whether the elk had been roadstruck or shot. Investigation discontinued. Sept. 29: At 3:14 p.m. a trooper responded to single-ve- hicle rollover crash involving a green Toyota Corolla on High- way 395C near milepost 6. The driver, Thomas Harry Ste- phens, 60, suffered minor inju- ries but declined medical trans- port. The car was towed and Stephens was cited for careless driving. Oct. 2: At 4:38 p.m., troop- ers responded to Highway 26 near milepost 161 for a report of an elderly man slumped over the wheel of a gray Chrys- ler 300. The 84-year-old Salem man appeared to be suffering a medical event. The doors were locked, so entry was forced through a window. The man was treated at the scene by paramedics, and the driver was transported by family members to Blue Mountain Hospital for evaluation. Oct. 5: At 8:45 a.m. a trooper responded to Com- munity Counseling Solutions/ Grant County Health Depart- ment for a report of a domestic assault in the parking lot. The suspect was taken into cus- tody after reportedly becom- ing combative. Glenn Ross, 57, was charged by John Day police with fourth-degree assault (domestic violence) and harassment. Ross was charged by the trooper with disorderly conduct and resist- ing arrest. Oct. 5: A trooper responded to Northwest First Avenue in John Day just after 10 a.m. Lori Moodie-Cotta, 19, of John Day was arrested on a charge of fourth-degree assault. Dispatch John Day dispatch worked 169 calls from Oct. 4 to Oct. 10, including: • John Day Police Department Oct. 5: Responded with Oregon State Police to a domestic violence report on First and Canton and arrested Lori Moodie-Cotta, 19, of John Day for fourth-degree assault. Oct. 5: Responded to a report of criminal mischief on West Main Street. Oct. 7: Responded to Step Forward for a report of fraud. Oct. 7: Cited Ahmadbahi Vahora-Sarfarj, 36, of Lacy, Washington, for speeding on Highway 26 near milepost 163. Oct. 8: Responded to a report from the Leathers gas station of a subject who drove off with gasoline hose still attached to their vehicle. Oct. 9: Responded to a report of theft at Subway. • Grant County Sheriff’s Office Oct. 5: Arrested Christo- pher Hoppe, 38, of John Day on Humbolt for outstanding warrants from Grant and Crook counties. Oct. 5: Responded with John Day Police, John Day Ambulance and Oregon State Police to a 911 call for a female, 57, with lacerations to her fingers on East Main Street and arrested Duane Ross, 57, of Prairie City for assault and domestic violence. Oct. 5: Responded to a bur- glar alarm on Highway 19. Oct. 7: Responded to Nans Rock Road for a livestock complaint. Oct. 8: Responded with Dayville Fire Department, U.S. Forest Service and Forest Service law enforcement to a report of a pickup fire on Fields Creek Road. Oct. 8: Responded to a report of break-in on Front Street. Oct. 8: Was advised of pos- sible domestic violence on Cot- tonwood Street. Oct. 8: Grant County Jail was advised of a request for contact from a mental health facility. Oct. 8: Received a driving complaint near the Outpost Bar and Grill on Main Street. Oct. 8: Arrested Jeremiah James Alsop, 30, of John Day on a Grant County Warrant on Humbolt Street. Oct. 8: Advised of a harass- ment complaint on Pine Creek Road. Oct. 8: Responded to a report of break-in on Front Street. ANDY’S PLUMBING & SPORTS American Standard Sinks & Toilets, Delta Faucets Brandford White, Water Heaters 245 N. Canyon Blvd., Canyon City 541-575-2144 • Mon.-Fri. 8am-4:30pm • Oregon State Police Oct. 7: Assisted a motorist on Highway 26. Oct. 8: Received a report of illegal hunting in Greenhorn. Oct.8: Received a report of illegal hunting in Spray. • John Day ambulance Oct. 5: Responded to Hum- bolt for a male, 53, who cut his foot on broken glass. Oct. 5: Responded to High- way 26 for a male, 52, with a diabetic problem. Oct. 7: Responded to High- way 26 for a female, 86, who had fallen down. Oct. 7: Responded to High- way 26 for a report of a possi- ble stroke. Oct. 7: Responded to South Canyon Boulevard for a medi- cal alarm. Oct. 7 Responded to Hum- bolt Street for a female, 91, with flu-like symptoms. Oct. 8: Paged to West Main Street for an 87-year-old female. Oct. 8: Responded with John Day Police for a female, 91, with rapid pulse, high blood pressure and chest pain. Oct. 8: Responded to High- way 395 in front of Grant Union High School for an acci- dent with injuries. Oct. 8: Transported a male, 17, with rib pain in front of Grant Union High School. Oct.9: Dispatched to Green Acres Lane for a female, 72, with breathing problems. Oct. 9: Dispatched to West Main Street for an 82-year-old female who fell. Oct. 10: Responded to West Main Street for a female, 65, with chest pain and lightheadedness. • Long Creek Fire Department Oct. 10: Responded to East Main Street for an electrical fire. • U.S. Forest Service Oct. 8: Report of a possi- ble forest fire on Highway 395 South. Oct. 9: Received a report of smoke from D Avenue, but was a prescribed burn southeast of Seneca. • Oregon Fish and Wildlife Oct.9: Received a report of a redtail hawk that needed transport to a refuge. • Canyon City Public Works Oct. 6: Responded to a bro- ken water line near a residence on East Main Street. You are listed in our business listing on the Chamber’s website. debbie.ausmus@ You get a page on the Chamber’s website (which is currently being updated and re-done). S262605-1 You can put your business cards in our members card rack at the Chamber office. You can participate in the Chamber’s Business Enhancement Grant Program. S263281-1 You can participate in our special programs like coupons for visitor packets, reduced cost for advertising in tourism/ trade publications, and participate in the Grant County Greenbacks program. Michael B. DesJardin Dentistry, PC Preventive, Restorative & Endodontics New Patients Welcome! 208 NW Canton John Day 541-575-2725 PIONEER FEED & FARM SUPPLY 60561 HWY 26, John Day, Oregon 97845 541-575-0023 At our last board meeting, the Chamber Board decided to join the booster clubs for our County High Schools. We are having banners made for each community to support and encourage our high school students and athletes. Don’t forget, Business Enhancement Grants and Transient Room Tax Grants are available. Stay healthy and safe! Tammy Bremner S248965-1 A Redmond man is facing charges of forcible rape and seven other sex crimes in Grant County Circuit Court. Sae Hoon Kang, 27, was arraigned before Judge Robert S. Raschio on Thursday, Oct. 7, and charged with first-degree rape, third-de- gree rape, four counts of fourth-de- gree sod- omy and two counts of sec- ond-degree Sae Hoon sex abuse. Kang All the crimes are alleged to have happened in Grant County on or about Oct. 6. The alleged victim, who is not identified in court documents, is a 15-year-old girl who Kang allegedly knew through social media. The most serious charge, first-degree rape, is a Mea- sure 11 offense with a man- datory minimum sentence of eight years and four months on conviction. According to Grant County District Attorney Jim Carpenter, Kang was located with the girl at a local motel, where he was arrested by officers from the Oregon State Police and John Day Police Department. Carpenter will be the lead prosecutor in the case with assistance from Chief Deputy District Attorney Riccola Voigt. Strawberry Mountain Law has been appointed to represent Kang. Kang was being held at the Grant County Jail on $100,000 bail. His next scheduled court appearance is a status check hearing set for Oct. 20. The most valuable and respected source of local news, advertising and information for our communities. We want to welcome Madden Realty as new Chamber members! Members get first referrals when people call us for references or phone numbers. 24 hrs/7 days wk By BENNETT HALL Blue Mountain Eagle The seasons are changing. Isn’t this a beautiful time of year! Just a reminder, there are benefits to being a Chamber Member. They are: 541-575-1113 Redmond man charged with Grant County sex crimes Hello Grant County, Our membership renewal statements have gone out. If you haven’t renewed your membership, now is the time to do it. We hate to lose our members! Debbie Ausmus 245 South Canyon Blvd. John Day, OR 97845 OPEN WED. & THUR. 9 am - 5 pm A5 S265008-1 • etc • A uniquie boutique featuring local artisans from Grant County 133 W. Main, John Day, OR 541-620-2638 •