OUT OF THE PAST MyEagleNews.com Wednesday, September 22, 2021 A9 75 years ago Heppner Rodeo Queen and Court attend fair Queen Darlene Biddle of the Heppner Rodeo and her attendants Betty Lovegren, Jean Hanna and Betty Smith- ers accompanied by Mrs. Smithers arrived in John Day Thursday with their horses and were introduced at the opening of the Grant County fair. Queen Darlene and her court made beautiful and spectacular rides each day of the Heppner Rodeo last week and are proving a splendid addition to John Day’s show. Lee Beckner, president of the Heppner Rodeo and Mrs. Beckner will arrive in time for Friday’s parade. Grant County welcomes all from our neighboring county. 50 years ago Prairie takes Savage runners The visiting Prairie City Panther harriers outran the Monument Savages by a 24 to 32 score here Friday. Long Creek and Ukiah were scheduled to run in the cross-country meet also but did not compete. Prairie City’s Ivan Andrew was fi rst across the fi nish line in 16:31. Monument’s fi rst man, Ricky Brown, came in almost a minute later. The meet was the fi rst time the two schools had faced each other this season. It was Monument’s fi rst meet and Prairie City’s second. Monument coach Bob Porter said he was pleased with his team’s showing on the brand-new course. 25 years ago Eagle fi le photo Members of “The Aspiring Artists,” from left to right: Sarah Brown, Ashley Krausse, Jamie Brown, Logan Becker, Carrie Brown and Caroline Burton. O utlook SENI R The entree was provided by the Friends of Prairie City. Thank you so much for all you do, dear Friends. Rose Coombs And what was the entree? PIZZA! Every time I see that word in capitals, I think of the scene in First Wives Club where the ‘little home-wrecker’ squeals it and races off to answer the doorbell. But I digress. Cooks Pam and Laura made their own pizzas for us along with a 3-bean salad and a fruit cocktail cookie. Now there’s a menu with lots of interesting and different flavors and textures! Next week will be pork chops. You can see the entire menu on our reader board on the northeast side of our newly sided building. The new placement will make it easier to see, I do believe. I sure wish I could get a line in some new letters, though… Mary, Gwynne, Carlos, Ginger, Tom, Pam and Del got the meals together and out the doors. Thanks a lot for all you people do, too! Heard a brief report that there was a buffalo loose somewhere in northeast Oregon. How would you like to come across that on your peaceful hunting trip? On a related note, I stepped out the door to go across the alley and had to convince a little forked-horn buck to get a move on down the road. Others have noted that the does come up onto their decks and have lunch. So far our chicken wire deer fence has deterred any such visitations to our yard… fingers crossed. The contractor has started attaching the new siding on the last section of the main hall. This is the one that he has to use a 40’ ladder ti reach from the basement level to the peak. My hands get sweaty just thinking about it! Sometime in the ‘60s or ‘70’s we had to use a wooden 40’ ladder on a painting job. Those things sway! And don’t ever look down! ‘Keep your mind on your painting, keep your hand on the rung...’ Oh yes, the good old days! Pet peeve: All the mail that we receive asking for donations to various good causes. I guess all that bulk mail is what keeps the post office in business. Wonder if the people who are very rich get this kind of mail? 99% of what comes in our mail goes into the round file. What a waste of paper and postage. Remember when ‘they’ told us that the internet would save paper? HA! OK. Enough of that. We are exhorted to think about good things. “Whatsoever is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, and is of good repute, let your mind dwell on these things.” Philippians 4:8 To wit: We are having a nice fall and rain is in the forecast. ** The Missoula Children’s Theater is going to come to Prairie City and do its thing. ** The squash plant I was given is still growing. There is still enough water for me to irrigate it! Revelations 21:6 “… To him who is thirsty I will give to drink without cost from the spring of the water of life.” Last Monday and Thursday the parking lot at the senior center was bubbling with vehicles coming and Elise Huskey going which was a great sight as people were coming to pickup their lunch/s. Both days were very nice meals. A reminder to all who get lunches during this time of COVID19, the dishes the food is in is reuseable and we have a volunteer to wash them once a week for reuse. This makes for better economy. Several states are shutting things down again for severe lack of hospital rooms to house sick people as well as not enough help to care for patients. Those who are unwilling to become vaccinated to help avoid contamination of this disease and who are unwilling to wear a mask are creating more people getting sick with this horrible plague. Please everyone, step up and do your small part to help us all get better so we can get back to the lifestyle we were living before this thing got to us. Thank you all. Tomorrow, September 23 Shay and Kim will be preparing a casserole of ham and hashbrowns, vegetables of their choice and pecan bars for dessert. Then, on Monday September 27 lunch will consist of chicken shepherds pie, wedge salad, and peach cobbler. Sorry I will not be here to taste of Thursdays lunch as I will be in Boise having cataract surgery again. St Thomas Episcopal Church is sponsoring our meals this week. A big thanks to them. Donations and volunteers are the reason we can continue to provide lunches for our community. Thank you volunteers. On Mondays 2 lunches are delivered to many homes in our community by volunteer drivers and helpers to take food to the door. One is frozen for another day and one is ready to eat right away. These people that drive and help delivers are special people; They each go to 12 or more homes and that takes a big chunk of their mornings. Thanks to all of you that help with delivering food. Chesters grocery also donates day old bread products and are available on a table when you pick up your lunch so be sure to take advantage of some extra free items. Also at this time of year some people donate some veggies from their garden for us to take and add to our meals at home. Other things make their way to that table also so you never know what you wil find there. Thank you to you gardeners for the tomatoes and cucumbers and zucchini etc. I sure enjoyed some of them. Romans 6:23 “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Our cooks Terry Cade and Carrie Jewell prepared for the Tuesday meal, teriyaki chicken, potstickers, steamed Soo Yukawa brown rice, and chocolate cake for dessert. I was not present for I had gone to Bend to do some shopping and that was the only day to go. We thank our cooks for their efforts and I heard it was a great meal. Bob Cockrell and Jimmy Cole were the greeters at the table. They also checked in the guests and counted up the money. Sylvia Cockrell served the to-go lunches to the patrons who came to pick them up. Kristi Guimont filled out the paperwork. Bob Cockrell led the flag salute. Theda Phelps prayed the blessing over the meal. There were 19 guests dining in and twenty nine takeouts. Max Breeding won the free meal ticket. We thank the Lord for the rain and moisture that He has sent to us. Keep praying Prayer Warriors! God is good, all the time! A shout of thanks to Bruce Hansen who brought me some more corn from Sauvie Island. I and a bunch of others really really appreciated it! I shared the corn with a lot of my friends. Dropped off corn on my way home and did not get home for a few hours. My family and I have been enjoying corn with some of our meals. Looks like Jimmy Cole is now a skunk killer. Ha. He had a couple of skunks that were coming on a regular basis, coming to eat with his cats on his porch. One even tried to come into his house! Yikes. Jimmy got the skunks and a neighbor helped to dispose of the bodies. Hope he does not get anymore. Well, Bonnie decided to have her babies. She had her usual triplets. This time though, I made the decision to be proactive and decided who she was going to reject. She had two male kids and one female. I took the female doeling and she is now in the house. I have named her Belle. Her older brother, who is quite a bit larger, was born first. Belle was born second and then her little brother was born last. He is tinier than her and Belle is only about twelve inches long! Belle is nice and healthy. She did get her colostrum so she has no issues. Her mama, Bonnie, has actually been allowing me to milk her! I take her some grain and some goat treats and while Bonnie is eating that, I milk her. I have been able to fill now a whole pint every time and she still has a lot more milk for the boys. Praise the Lord! Belle is very fiesty. I have her trained so that after she feeds, I take her outside and she does her business like a dog. Ha. She loves to go walking outside and protests if I try to bring her back in too soon. She has an entourage of kittens that follow her around. Prairie City Seniors John Day Seniors Monument Seniors Sheep Barn receives a new coat The Grant County 4-H group “The Aspiring Artists” gave the Grant County Fairgrounds sheep barn a new look in August with paintings of sheep and rolling hills. The paint was donated. Members of the group include Sarah Brown, Ashley Krausse, Jamie Brown, Logan Becker, Carrie Brown and Caroline Burton. The group’s leader is Joan Hopper. BIOSMILE Family, Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry 165 NW 1st St., John Day 541-575-0363 Open Monday-Thursday DrJ@BiosmileDental.com We offer a wide range of primary care and medical treatment. Zachary Bailey, MD • David Hall, MD • Raffaella Betza, MD Zachary Bailey, MD • Janessa Sickler, DO • Emily Lieuallen, DO • Janessa DO • Emily DO James Cook, FNP • Sickler, Erika Adams, FNP-C Lieuallen, • Caitlin MacCoun, MD • Nora Jennings, Healey, FNP Clark, DNP Brian MD • Shawna Robyn Jennings, MD Available Monday - Friday 180 Ford Road, John Day • 541-575-0404 Huffman’s SELECT MARKETS Quality Healthcare ...close to home. 170 Ford Road John Day 541-575-1311 112 E. 5th Prairie City 541-820-3341 422 W. Main, 1st floor • John Day If you have any questions or think you know of someone who might benefit, call: 541 575.1648 241 S. Canyon Blvd. John Day • 541-575-0529 T roy Hanson - Funeral Director Revelations 13:16-17 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or on their foreheads: and that no man may buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. S259583-1