Wednesday, September 8, 2021 A9 Overreach Stops When Enough of Us Say NO! Introducing C t o n unty a r G nservati v e o s C & K We Stand with and Support Our Local School Administrators K We Support Peaceful Non-Compliance with Unlawful State Overreach and Mandates K We Support and Stand for Local Control of Grant County Schools, Public Health and Local Businesses K We Demand Fiscal Transparency & Responsibility from Our Local Governments We are the GCC “Grant County Conservatives” and “GCC- PAC" are intended to galvanize Grant County residents into an informed, proactive, unified and formidable citizen's cooperative which possesses the collective intelligence, intuition, resources and financial means to decisively  address the liberal consciousness that is presently threatening to corrupt & destroy the quality of life that we all love in our home Grant County. Paid for by Grant County Conservatives / GCC-PAC Make Contributions to: GCC Po Box 863, John Day, OR 97845 Make Checks Payable to Grant County Conservatives PAC or online at: Contact us at Visit us on Facebook at “Grant County Conservatives” S260516-1