15 NOW PLAYING WHAT’S IN THE THEATERS AROUND EASTERN OREGON SEPTEMBER 8�15, 2021 Review: ‘Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings’ By Michael Phillips Chicago Tribune O pening this week exclusively in theaters — for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health — “Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings” really is enough to make Year 2 pandemic action fans mask up, wipe down and socially distance indoors for a couple of hours. If that’s in your personal risk zone, you’ll be rewarded with a sharp, full-bodied addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Director/co-writer Destin Dan- iel Cretton’s fi lm accomplishes something akin to what “Black Panther” accomplished in better times. It broadens the scope of superhero representation and storytelling. It off ers an adversary, and a father fi gure, of teasing ambiguity and complicated root- ing interests. Tony Leung plays him, which is excellent news right there. “Shang-Chi” also boasts two high-velocity action sequences in its fi rst half that basically seal the deal. The fi rst, set in San Fran- Jasin Boland/Marvel Studios/TNS Simu Liu stars as Shang-Chi in the Marvel Studios fi lm “Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings.” cisco, hurls “Speed” headlong into Jackie Chan territory, taking place on a careening city bus whose riders include several well-trained assassins out to get our hero, hotel valet Shaun, who is actually Shang-Chi of the title. He’s played by Simu Liu, who’s both engag- ingly boyish and, when required, the prototypical muscled-up MCU man-toy. The second, maniacally kinetic martial-arts melee, even more indebted to Jackie Chan’s won- drous legacy, goes up, down and sideways all over construction scaff olding high above the streets of Macao. Though this latest Marvel Studios project features a half-ton of digital eff ects work, it’s more elegant and less headache- y than the usual Marvel Cinematic Universe movie. First-rate stunt coordination and execution trumps blue and gold swirlies dished out by an array of special eff ects houses anytime. I’ll make this next bit as quick as possible. Wenwu (Leung) is a warrior whose dominance is made possible, in part, by the titu- lar 10-ring weaponry/accessory line. He falls for the matriarch of the magical Ta Lo kingdom (Fala Chen), and eases into family life with two children: Xialing (Meng’er Zhang) and Shang-Chi. The lyric interlude does not last. Screenwriters Dave Cal- laham, Andrew Lanham and co-writer/director Cretton send Shang-Chi into adolescent train- ing as an assassin, followed by his escape from all that family drama and political hoo-ha. He scoots to America. Best friend and fellow hotel valet Katy doesn’t know his Stop by the Chamber office for your free gift Take a picture of you and your family at the Conestoga Wagon at the viewpoint above Prairie City and tag us on Instagram @grant_county_oregon_chamber! real story. The rest of “Shang-Chi” reveals that story, slipping back and forth geographically and into the mists of the mystical past. Awkwafi na is a huge asset as Katy. Who else in modern movies can hot-foot a scene’s pacing so eff ortlessly, playing it for laughs and for keeps in the same beat? The cast also includes the grand Michelle Yeoh, and some welcome turns from folks interpo- lated into this movie because this movie has a contractual obligation to link back to the previous MCU movies. Benedict Wong: check. Ben Kingsley? Check?!? That’s right! Ben Kingsley, whose provin- cial ham actor character, hired to play The Mandarin and periodical- ly bail out “Iron Man 3,” returns for this movie, and the notion works. Most everything in “Shang-Chi” works, though I found some of the second-half preoccupations and battle sequences more routine than the fi rst-half highlights. The Shang-Chi character was born in the early 1970s, at the time of the ABC-TV series “Kung Fu” and Bruce Lee’s “Enter the Dragon”-era successes. In early iterations of Shang-Chi’s comic book adventures, he was the son of the early 20th century “yel- low peril” scourge, Fu Manchu. That racially toxic literary and cinematic stain is nowhere to be found in this fi lm, and his replace- ment — portrayed by Leung with equal parts grace and cold steel — make “Shang-Chi’s” familial concerns hang together and mean something. I fear for the sequel, as I do for all Marvel sequels, because so often they’re about delivering an- other round of the expected. But “Shang-Chi” may succeed there, too. It certainly succeeds here. WIN IF YOU DON’T PLAY! YOU CAN’T GET YOUR ONLINE LOTTERY AND OREGON SCRATCH TICKETS HERE! 214 W North St. • Enterprise, OR • 541-426-4824 Safe T Transport Company NOW HIRING DRIVERS! Chamber of Commerce www.gcoregonlive.com 301 W. Main Street, John Day, OR 541-575-0547 541-276-6813 Dispatcher@safettransport.com