The Blue Mountain eagle. (John Day, Or.) 1972-current, August 18, 2021, Page 14, Image 14

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Blue Mountain Eagle
Wednesday, August 18, 2021
The Eagle/Steven Mitchell
Buyer Kay Cowen-Thompson, left, and
Contributed photo
Contributed photo
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Contributed photo
beef reserve grand champion Monel Wyatt Suchorski, Grant Union High Madelyn Bailey, Strawberry Riders CC, Preston Fretwell, Dayville CC, sheep, Morgan Molyneux, Canyon Creek CC,
sheep, grand champion.
Anderson of the Izee Livestock club.
School FFA, steer grand champion.
reserve grand champion.
goat, grand champion
Continued from Page A1
Wyatt Suchorski, Grant Union High School
FFA, grand champion steer
Monel Anderson, Izee Livestock club, reserve
grand champion steer
Weston Suchorski, Izee Livestock club,
Kingdon Kirby, Izee Livestock club, champion
Beau VanCleave, Juniper Ridge, champion
Evangeline Schultz, Northfork CC, reserve
Rowdy Wilson, Canyon Creek CC, blue
Carson Weaver, Izee Livestock, blue ribbon
Bret Burril, Prairie City CC, blue ribbon
Wyatt Lemons, Grant Union High School
FFA, blue ribbon
Talon VanCleave, Juniper Ridge, blue ribbon
Raney Anderson, Izee Livestock, blue
Tate Waddel, Beaver Believers, blue ribbon
Bethany Wilburn, Northfork CC, blue ribbon
Nick Stiner, Strawberry Riders CC, blue
Bridger Walker, Izee Livestock, blue ribbon
Colton Lindsay, Strawberry Riders CC, blue
Keira Stiner, Strawberry Riders CC, blue
Cooper Ross, Beaver Believers, blue ribbon
Jacey Mickey, Grant Union High Scool FFA,
blue ribbon
Emma Field, Prairie City CC, blue ribbon
Sage Browning, Izee Livestock, blue ribbon
Jerett Waddel, Beaver Believers, blue ribbon
Preston Boethin, Izee Livestock, blue ribbon
Jaycee Winegar, Prairie City FFA, blue ribbon
Abbie Justice, Strawberry Riders CC, blue
Hayden Spencer, Izee Livestock, blue ribbon
Gracey Kenyon, Izee Livestock, red ribbon
Madelyn Bailey, Strawberry Riders CC, grand
champion sheep
Preston Fretwell, Dayville CC, reserve grand
champion sheep
Adeline Northway, Beaver Believers,
Olive Thunnel, Juniper Ridge, reserve
Kellen Fretwell, Dayville CC, reserve
Naomi Blood, Strawberry Riders CC, blue
Hannah McKinley, Strawberry Riders CC,
blue ribbon
Lilly Huerta, Moon Mountain Livestock, blue
Aaliyah Judd, Juniper Ridge, blue ribbon
Max Bailey, Strawberry Riders CC, blue
Jonathan Leighty, Prairie City CC, blue ribbon
Audrey Walker, Izee Livestock, blue ribbon
Akeelah Vielma, Strawberry Riders CC, blue
Reid Dole, Grant Union High School FFA,
blue ribbon
Eli Wison, Izee Livestock, blue ribbon
Eliza Bailey, Strawberry Riders CC, blue
Katelyn Hughes, Izee Livestock, blue ribbon
Jillie Thunell, Juniper Ridge, blue ribbon
Savanah Watterson, Juniper Ridge, blue
Madilynne Cearns, Prairie City CC, blue
Samantha Choate, Northfork CC, blue ribbon
Rhynna Wyllie, Strawberry Riders CC, blue
Tempest Kalin, Juniper Ridge, blue ribbon
Sophia McKinley, Strawberry Riders, blue
Morgan Molyneux, Canyon Creek CC, grand
champion goat
Dawson Jenks, Northfork CC, reserve grand
champion goat
Gauge Jenks, Northfork CC, blue ribbon
Emmalyn Northway, Canyon Creek CC, blue
Sierra Jenks, Northfork CC, red ribbon
Brooke Taynton, Canyon Creek CC, grand
champion swine
Fallan Giffi n, Moon Mountain Livestock,
reserve grand champion swine
Gracee Hueckman, Moon Mountain Live-
stock, champion
Jesaka Culley, Moon Mountain Livestock,
Skylar McKay, Prairie City FFA, reserve
George Ashley, Grant Union High School
FFA, reserve champion
Laken McKay, Prairie City FFA, blue ribbon
Cayden Howard, Prairie City FFA, blue ribbon
Sarah Clark, Canyon Creek CC, blue ribbon
Noah Spencer, Moon Mountain Livestock,
blue ribbon
Zinny Locke, Prairie City FFA, blue ribbon
Cooper Holly, Dayville CC, blue ribbon
Colton Lyman, Moon Mountain Livestock,
blue ribbon
Owen Parsons, Beaver Believers, blue ribbon
Lane Clark Prairie City FFA, blue ribbon
Kara Hanson, Dayville CC, blue ribbon
Eric Culley, Moon Mountain Livestock, blue
Tatyn Harper, Moon Mountain Livestock,
blue ribbon
Fletcher Grove, Moon Mountain Livestock,
blue ribbon
Kahden Weaver, Moon Mountain Livestock,
blue ribbon
Brynlie Koppel, Izee Livestock, blue ribbon
Madison Whitmore, Canyon Creek CC, blue
Brooklyn Kimball, Prairie City CC, blue ribbon
Macy Carter, Grant Union FFA, blue ribbon
Eliza Ashley, Izee Livestock, blue ribbon
Emmie Saul, Moon Mountain Livestock, blue
Karlie Chappel, Moon Mountain Livestock,
blue ribbon
Haven Giffi n, Moon Mountain Livestock,
blue ribbon
Trevor Sasser, Juniper Ridge, blue ribbon
Treyton Brown, Grant Union High School
FFA, blue ribbon
Zooey Rookstool, Canyon Creek CC, blue
Hannah Wall, Prairie City FFA, blue ribbon
Paige Weaver, Moon Mountain Livestock,
blue ribbon
Tymber Moore, Izee Livestock, blue ribbon
Riddick Hutchison, Beaver Believers, blue
Mayley Saul, Moon Mountain Livestock, blue
Cowen Weaver, Moon Mountain Livestock,
blue ribbon
Elias Starbuck, Northfork CC, blue ribbon
Reece Jacobs, Prairie City FFA, blue ribbon
Abbey Pfeff erkorn, Prairie City FFA, blue
Sierra May, Canyon Creek CC, blue ribbon
Garret Ashley, Izee Livestock, blue ribbon
Jenna Chappel, Moon Mountain Livestock,
blue ribbon
Ava Brown, Canyon Creek CC, blue ribbon
Brooklyn Grassl, Northfork CC, blue ribbon
Paige Galbreath, Izee Livestock, red ribbon
Allyson Moore, Izee Livestock, red ribbon
Tristan Clarry, Canyon Creek CC, red ribbon
Parker Manitsas, Grant Union High School
FFA, red ribbon
Brooke Teel, Prairie City FFA, red ribbon
Evan Chappel, Moon Mountain Livestock,
red ribbon
Ava Gerry, Juniper Ridge, red ribbon
Ryan Coalwell, Canyon Creek CC, red ribbon
Trevyn Coalwell, Canyon Creek CC, red
Parker Grassl, Northfork CC, red ribbon
Danner May, Canyon Creek CC, reserve
champion turkey
Sydnie Brandon, Strawberry Riders CC, blue
Morganne Wyllie, Strawberry Riders CC,
grand champion chicken
Mahayla Moss, Grant County CC, reserve
grand champion chicken
Payton Whitmore, Canyon Creek CC, blue
Contributed photo
Fallan Giffi n,
Moon Mountain
Livestock, swine,
reserve grand
Contributed photo
Brooke Taynton,
Canyon Creek
CC, swine, grand
Contributed photo
Dawson Jenks, Northfork CC,
goat, reserve grand champion.
Continued from Page A1
Courtney that the county does
not have the power to take back
local control of its school dis-
tricts from the state.
“Some people might be mis-
taken in thinking that the county
has power beyond a voice,” he
said. “We don’t have the power
to make those things happen.”
County Commissioner Sam
Palmer said he was “quite dis-
turbed” that a state law that sus-
pends a requirement for basic
skills testing in math, reading
and writing — which, in his
opinion, is based on color —
was signed by the governor on
Aug. 10.
He said this is about more
than a mask mandate. The state,
he said, is trying to control the
youth in an attempt to change
According to the bill’s text,
the measure temporarily elim-
inates essential skills testing
through the 2022-2023 school
year. In addition, according to
The Eagle/Steven Mitchell
Ellie Justice, left, and Morganne
Wyllie of the Strawberry Riders
club, who won grand champion
in chickens.
the text, the Oregon Depart-
ment of Education compares
Oregon’s diploma requirements
with other states and recom-
mendations for state require-
ments to reduce disparities.
He said he stands for “free-
dom” to choose, and he sup-
ports whichever decision a par-
ent makes for their child.
Liability to teachers, staff
and administrators
Hallgarth said he is con-
cerned about the liability that
teachers and education assis-
tants face should a kid refuse
to wear a mask, or how some-
one might interpret how a staff
member enforces the rule.
He said this opens the door
for someone who disagrees with
how the school is enforcing the
rules or reading the interpretive
guidance who could fi le a com-
plaint with the Oregon Safety
and Health Administration.
The penalty can range from
$8,600 to $126,000, depending
on how OSHA rates the level of
Hallgarth said he has
worked to build relationships
with the staff and create a cul-
ture within the district, and the
enforcement guidelines pit peo-
ple against each other.
Losing teachers and staff
Prairie City High School
teacher Billy Colson said he
likes the word “empowerment.”
He said the county should have
more local control, and the
state should trust and empower
regions to make those decisions.
He said he has a daugh-
ter who could “survive” online
school, but his 7-year-old son
needs to be in the classroom.
Colson said his only concern
is whether or not his son has to
wear a mask.
Recently, he said he found
out his son is a seventh-gener-
ation Oregonian.
something came over in a cov-
ered wagon,” Colson said.
“And we spent last night look-
ing at where are we going to go
when they force the vaccine on
our kids and us out of the state
of Oregon.”
What is the county’s
A member of the audience
who said she was a federal
employee and a parent asked
what the county would do to
help teachers, administrators
and children.
She asked the county to “think
outside of the box” if the gover-
nor said no to giving the county
local control. Hamsher said the
county could face liability if they
were to tell a school district to
fl out pandemic restrictions. Like-
wise, he told her a teacher could
sue if they were to lose their cer-
tifi cations, and the county’s insur-
ance company could drop the
county, leaving the county with-
out legal protection.
Palmer said he could not put a
“price tag” on people’s freedoms.
“So I’m going to abuse your
child?” he said. “I am going to
abuse an adult by making them
get a shot? When do we say
enough is enough?”
Myers said the court is not in
a position to back someone’s per-
sonal decision not to send their
kid to school and not to wear a
Contributed photo
The Eagle/Steven Mitchell
Danner May, Canyon Creek CC,
turkey, reserve grand champi-
Mahayla Moss, Grant Coun-
ty CC, chicken, reserve grand
mask. However, he said they are
doing what they can to advocate
for local control.
likely much higher.
And the rate of infections
is growing, likely because of
reduced masking and social dis-
tancing with the rollout of vac-
cines, coupled with the surge in
the delta variant, whose char-
acteristics make for more effi -
cient transmission. In the week
ended Aug. 5, there were close to
94,000 COVID-19 cases in chil-
dren, compared with the high-
est peak at 211,486 recorded in
the fi rst week of January. But the
worrying trend is that the percent-
age of total COVID-19 cases rep-
resented by children is growing:
14.3% in the week ended Aug. 5,
compared with less than 2% for
most of 2020.
The Academy of Pediat-
rics noted that children make
up roughly 1% of hospitaliza-
tions, depending on the state, and
0.26% of all COVID-19 deaths.
“If we’re bringing kids back
to schools indoors, and we are
seeing case rates rise in the com-
munity, it’s probably important
to keep the mask on, wash their
hands and vaccinate those that are
eligible,” Kalu said.
Does mandating masks
slow the spread of the delta
Dr. Ibukun C. Kalu, a profes-
sor of pediatrics at Duke Univer-
sity, said a “bundle of interven-
tions” seems to work in slowing
the spread of the virus.
“I hesitate to pick on one thing
and say this is the most eff ective
thing, perhaps except vaccina-
tion,” Kalu said.
Kalu said, while kids might
be less effi cient in spreading the
virus than adults, they can spread
not only COVID-19 but many
other viruses.
What risks does
COVID-19 pose for
According to the American
Academy of Pediatrics, there
had been 4.3 million confi rmed
infections among children in the
U.S. However, given that many
kids are likely to have few or no
symptoms, the actual number is
Thank You
to Everyone that
helped make the
2021 Prairie City
Fiber Fest
a Success!
A Special Thanks to:
4-H Veterinary Science Club
and 4-H Archery Club!
(Leaders, Kids & their Parents!)
Thank you to all of our Volunteers: Bob Shive, Mary Jones,
Lynn Marsh, Mike Springer, Nancy Nickel, Ethelyne Kauth,
Ed & Diane Higbie, Karen Jacobs, David Kebler, Jeanne Munhall,
Jen Smith, Teresa Trulock, Renee Snyder, and Sue Bellagamba.
Thank you to the Vendors and the Workshop Instructors.
A Huge Thank you to our Sponsors: Chester’s Thriftway,
Huffman’s Select Market, Grant County Chamber of Commerce/
Transient Room Tax Fund, Blue Mountain Eagle, Elkhorn Media/
KJDY, Grant County Economic Development, Grant County Fair,
Sally Bartlett/Prairie Sun Bakery, ER Printing & Graphics,
Juan’s Fresh Salsa.
for up-to-date information visit:
Mark your Calendar: July 30 & 31 for the 2022 Prairie City Fiber Fest!
2022 Workshops: Friday July 29 through Sunday July 31.