The Blue Mountain eagle. (John Day, Or.) 1972-current, August 11, 2021, Page 5, Image 5

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Wednesday, August 11, 2021
Lawsuit targets 40,000-acre Camp Lick Project on Malheur forest
By Mateusz Perkowski
EO Media Group
An environmental law-
suit seeks to halt a 40,000-acre
forest treatment project in the
Malheur National Forest for
allegedly evading federal limits
on harvesting large trees.
The complaint, fi led by the
Blue Mountains Biodiversity
Project, claims the Camp Lick
Project violates the National
Forest Management Act by per-
mitting the removal of trees over
21 inches in diameter contrary to
the “Eastside Screens” limit.
“The logging of large trees
in projects such as Camp Lick
is primarily driven by economic
interests rather than true forest
restoration,” the complaint said.
Within the project’s bound-
aries, the U.S. Forest Service
plans to commercially har-
vest about 12,000 acres, largely
using tractor yarding “where
toppled trees are dragged
through the forest by heavy
equipment, causing soil com-
paction and erosion,” the plain-
tiff said. The Eastside Screens
standard, which prohibited
logging trees over 21 inches
in diameter in several Eastern
Oregon national forests, was
replaced by new guidelines
earlier this year but was still
eff ective when the project was
approved in 2020.
The environmental plain-
tiff argues the Eastside Screens
were established to rectify the
dearth of large trees east of the
Cascade Mountains but “this
shortage has not been resolved
and continues to this day.”
The lawsuit alleges the For-
est Service unlawfully made
changes to the management
plan for the Malheur National
Forest to circumvent the East-
side Screens even though
site-specifi c conditions did not
justify the changes.
The broader changes to the
Eastside Screens provide “com-
pelling evidence” that excep-
tions to the size standard within
the Camp Lick project weren’t
warranted, the complaint said.
“If the alleged need to remove
large trees was site specifi c, a
region-wide amendment would
not be necessary.”
The complaint claims the
Forest Service violated the
National Environmental Pol-
icy Act in approving the project
without conducting an “in depth
analysis” of alternatives to the
project or suffi ciently evaluat-
ing its cumulative impacts, such
as potential harms to steelhead
and redband trout.
The agency didn’t properly
take into account “on any con-
sistent geographical scale” the
eff ect that several other nearby
projects will have on stream
temperature, sediments and
other factors, especially in light
of future timber sales, the com-
plaint said.
guilty July 26 to minor in pos-
session of alcohol and was fi ned
$440. He was ordered to attend
a victim impact panel and com-
plete a boating safety class.
Spencer E. Leifheit III, 44,
of Mt. Vernon was convicted of
violation of land use ordinance
after trial by default after fail-
ing to appear July 12. He was
ordered to pay a $100 fi ne.
The court found Thomas
Richard Taylor in default Aug.
4 and ordered a judgment of res-
titution for the premises for the
plaintiff , Deborah J. Brown, at
211 S. Washington St., Canyon
City. It was further ordered the
defendant shall remove all per-
sonal belongings. A total money
judgment of $203 was ordered.
Gallinatti, 26, of Boise on a
traffi c stop on Highway 26 and
Third Street.
• Oregon State Police
Aug. 4: Responded to a
report that a deer had been hit
by a vehicle on Mill Corner.
• Grant County Sheriff ’s
Offi ce
Aug. 4: Responded to a civil
problem on Washington Street.
Aug. 5: Responded with
John Day police to a report of
a disorderly patient on School-
house Lane.
Aug. 5: Responded to a
report of a vehicle rollover on
Wall Creek Road and Highway
402 in Monument.
Aug. 5: Responded to a
report of a suicidal subject at B
Aug. 5: Took information on
an overdue motorist near Day-
ville Merc.
Aug. 6: Cited Trevor Brown,
26, of Bend for speed, 75/55
zone, on Highway 26, milepost
Aug. 6: Cited Chandler Fos-
ter, 29, for driving on a sus-
pended license on Highway 26,
near Third Street.
Aug. 7: Received a report of
a suicidal subject in Prairie City.
• John Day ambulance
Aug. 5: Responded to a
report that a man, 37, with anx-
iety ingested pills on East Main
Aug. 5: Dispatched on a
call to a man, 82, with paraly-
sis on the right side on South
Aug. 6: Responded to a call
of a man, 37, puking up blood.
Aug. 7: Cited Caleb Vielma,
32, of John Day for driving
while on a suspended license
and uninsured on Canton, near
True Value.
• Prairie City ambulance
Aug. 7: Dispatched on a
grass fi re at the Oxbow Ranch.
Arrests and citations in the
Blue Mountain Eagle are taken
from the logs of law enforce-
ment agencies. Every eff ort is
made to report the court dispo-
sition of arrest cases.
Grant County Circuit
Spencer E. Leifheit III, aka
Spencer L. Heinrich, 44, Mt.
Vernon, pleaded guilty Aug.
4 to second-degree disor-
derly conduct committed on
May 26. He was sentenced to
10 days in jail with credit for
time served. He also pleaded
guilty Aug. 4 to driving under
the infl uence of intoxicants on
May 18. His driver’s license
was suspended for one year.
He was sentenced to two
additional days in jail and 18
months of probation. He was
fi ned $2,355. A count of sec-
ond-degree disorderly con-
duct allegedly committed May
31 was dismissed based on a
motion by Grant County Dis-
trict Attorney Jim Carpenter
stating that plea negotiations
and global resolution of all
cases warrant dismissal.
Jason W. Wainwright, 31,
pleaded guilty Aug. 4 to crim-
inal driving while suspended
or revoked and unlawful cut or
transport of special forest prod-
ucts committed on May 22. He
was sentenced to 10 days in jail,
18 months of supervised proba-
tion and 40 hours of community
service. He was fi ned $1,440.
Brian L. Gregg was found
in violation of the conditions of
his probation July 27 for fail-
ure to pay fi nancials, failure to
complete community service,
failure to obtain evaluation and
failure to complete treatment.
He was sentenced to 45 days
in jail to be served in 48 hour
blocks with a test for alcohol
and controlled substances upon
entry to jail each time. A posi-
tive test will result in 20 days
additional jail time plus the
remaining sentence to be served
straight through. The probation
will terminate following the
fi nal day served.
Grant County Sheriff
The Grant County Sheriff ’s
Offi ce reported the following
for the week ending Aug. 4:
licenses: 5
Average inmates: 13
Bookings: 3
Releases: 4
Arrests: 1
Citations: 5
Fingerprints: 3
Civil papers: 20
Warrants processed: 1
Assistance/Welfare check: 2
Search and Rescue: 1
Aug. 3: Cited Tommy Cald-
well, 60, Lebanon, for speeding,
56/30 zone.
Aug. 3: Cited Eugene Cur-
rey, 76, Mt. Vernon, for driving
without a license and insurance.
Aug. 3: Cited James Ruck-
man, 42, Eugene, for speeding,
71/55 zone.
Aug. 3: Cited Troy Nicoson,
48, Mt. Vernon, for off ensive
Aug. 4: Cited Faith Myers,
25, Elizabethtown, Indiana, for
speeding, 73/35 zone.
Grant County Justice
Exceeding speed limit:
Rosco C. Nelson Jr., 72, Port-
land, July 18, 76/45 zone, fi ned
$265; Juvenile, 17, Haines, July
4, 80/65 zone, fi ned $265; Jacob
I. Gonzales, 35, Prineville, July
3, 50/30 zone, fi ned $165; Tren-
ton A. Van Cleave, 24, Keizer,
July 4, 66/30 zone, fi ned $440;
Keith B. Knie, 38, Boise, Feb.
10, 81/65 zone, fi ned $225;
Charles E. Brown, 63, Baker
City, June 26, 87/65 zone,
fi ned $225; Sharon L. Baugh-
man, 27, Ontario, June 2, 43/25
zone, fi ned $165; Benjamin
J. Connor, 40, Bend, June 13,
74/45 zone, fi ned $265; Sheila
C. Fries, 52, Kirkland, Wash-
ington, June 17, 47/30 zone,
fi ned $165; Sara J. Hawley,
36, Burns, June 3, 82/65 zone,
fi ned $265; Kelilu Kirby, 42,
John Day, June 1, 38/25 zone,
fi ned $165; Nathan A. Martin,
59, Bonney Lake, Washington,
June 19, 81/65 zone, fi ned $265;
South Fork John Day Watershed Funding Available
The South Fork John Day Watershed Council, in partnership with the
Natural Resource Conservation Service, is offering funding through the
Regional Conservation Partnership Program for juniper removal, forest
health, upland water developments and pasture fencing.
Funding is available to private landowners within the South Fork John
Day Watershed.
TO LEARN MORE CALL: 541-792-0435
USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender
• General Construction
Storage Sheds
Andy Wolfer
Grant County Children need
Resource Families now!
Taylor A. Lovell, 20, Mt. Ver-
non, April 28, 63/45 zone, fi ned
$165; Kevin M. Lewis, 37, Spo-
kane, Washington, July 5, 81/65
zone, fi ned $265; Mariko H.
Dyson, 37, Seattle, Washington,
July 10, 47/25 zone.
Exceeding speed limit in
school zone: Juvenile, 16,
Kodiak, Alaska, June 2, 35/20
zone, fi ned $225.
Violation of the basic rule:
Kelly A. Lorenz, 61, Paisley,
July 10, 80/55 zone, fi ned $165;
Marc D. Barnes, 56, Philomath,
May 27, 73/55 zone, fi ned $165;
Darroll W. Batke, 55, Hills-
boro, June 27, 79/55 zone, fi ned
$265; Brent Dubreuil, 21, Red-
mond, July 5, 50/30 zone, fi ned
$165; Toni J. Zak, 43, Prairie
City, July 4, 75/55 zone, fi ned
$165; Cade R. Tiller, 20, Hines,
July 10, 75/55 zone, fi ned $165;
Dustin M. Wright, 23, Mt. Ver-
non, July 12, 75/55 zone, fi ned
Open container of alcohol:
Franklin S. Sadlon, 59, Salem,
June 27, fi ned $265.
Failure to drive within lane:
Franklin S. Sadlon, 59, Salem,
June 27, fi ned $265.
Driving uninsured: Caleb A.
Batease, 25, Canyon City, July
4, fi ned $265; Tiff ani R. Blair,
20, John Day, June 12, fi ned
$440; Bucky A. Breck, 34, John
Day, June 4, fi ned $440; Ash-
lie R. Clark, 29, John Day, May
31, fi ned $265; Erik I. Moun-
tain, 43, John Day, June 12,
fi ned $265; Destiny D. Nolan,
20, Prairie City, June 8, fi ned
$265; Holly B. Smith, 38, Spo-
kane, Washington, June 2, fi ned
$265; Mathew P. Walker, 38,
John Day, May 30, fi ned $265;
Austin W. Sexton, 34, Portland,
May 28, fi ned $265; Raymon
Glen McDonald, 56, Bend, July
2, fi ned $265; Toni J. Zak, 43,
Prairie City, July 4, fi ned $265;
Somer L. Robinson, 32, Day-
ville, June 30, fi ned $265.
Driving while suspended:
Tiff ani R. Blair, 20, John Day,
June 12, fi ned $440; Bucky A.
Breck, 34, John Day, June 4,
fi ned $440; Ashlie R. Clark, 29,
John Day, May 31, fi ned $265;
Erik I. Mountain, 43, John Day,
June 12, fi ned $440; Destiny D.
Nolan, 20, Prairie City, June 8,
fi ned $440; Holly B. Smith, 38,
Spokane, Washington, June 2,
fi ned $440; Mathew P. Walker,
38, John Day, May 30, fi ned
$440; Thomas D. Shockey,
42, Springfi eld, June 18, fi ned
$440; Somer L. Robinson, 32,
Dayville, June 30, fi ned $440;
Adrian Couey, 36, John Day,
June 29, fi ned $440.
Driving while revoked: Ray-
mon Glen McDonald, 56, Bend,
July 2, fi ned $440; Toni J. Zak,
43, Prairie City, July 4, fi ned
No operator’s license: David
W. Cunningham, 57, Parma,
Idaho, July 3, fi ned $265.
Failure to install ignition
interlock device: Keith B. Knie,
38, Boise, Feb. 10, fi ned $440.
Failure to obey traffi c con-
trol device: David A. Kodesh,
26, John Day, July 2, fi ned
Failure to carry proof of
fi nancial requirements: Thomas
D. Shockey, 42, Springfi eld,
June 18, fi ned $265.
Inadequate number of per-
sonal fl otation devices: Benja-
min Ives, 40, Hillsboro, June
26, fi ned $115.
Careless driving — acci-
dent: Steven M. Hueckman, 34,
John Day, June 11, fi ned $440.
Operating without proper
fenders: Sawyer R. Watterson,
31, Mt. Vernon, June 23, fi ned
Mason J. Gerry pleaded no
contest July 26 to depositing
trash within 100 feet of water
and was fi ned $440. He pleaded
John Day dispatch worked
205 calls during the week of
Aug. 1-8, including:
• John Day Police
Aug. 4: Responded to a
report of a dispute on North-
west Canton.
Aug. 4: Dispatched to a
report of pigs on East Main
Street, near the L building.
Aug. 4: Responded to a driv-
ing complaint on Highway 26,
near the Mullins Ranch.
Aug. 4: Conducted a wel-
fare check on a subject having
mental problems on Northeast
Aug. 4: Responded to a
report of a man who fell down
on East Main Street.
Aug. 5: Responded to a
report of a violation of a no-con-
tact on West Main Street.
Aug. 5: Responded to an
unattended death on West Main
Aug. 6: Responded to a bur-
glary at the Methodist Thrift
Aug. 6: Cited Anthony
Hello Grant County,
Can you believe it is already August and
will be starting soon? This has been
American Standard Sinks & Toilets, Delta
Faucets Brandford White, Water Heaters another summer we won’t soon forget!
245 N. Canyon Blvd., Canyon City
I hope you are all ready for and looking
541-575-2144 • Mon.-Fri. 8am-4:30pm forward to the 112th Grant County Fair! I sure
am! Mindy and her staff have been working
hard to bring us the best Fair yet. So, plan to go
and Have a Roaring Good Time!
The Chamber would like to welcome some
new members – 1st Choice Auto Body, Station
62, and Restoration Fuels, LLC. ! We value
your membership and we are here for you.
The Chamber Board of Directors has been
working on revisions to the Chamber’s By-Laws.
According to the current By-Laws, the by-laws
may be amended by a quorum vote of the Board
of Directors providing the following:
a. a copy of the proposed amendments and
by-laws will be delivered to all members at
least twenty-one (21) days prior to Board of
Directors vote.
A copy of the revised By-Laws are available on
the Chamber’s website – www.gcoregonlive.
com under “Recent News” and copies are
available at the Chamber office
b. special meeting of the membership be held
for member comment at least fourteen (14)
days prior to the Board of Directors vote.
The Special Meeting date will be prior to
the September Board Meeting. When the
date is chosen, it will also be posted on
the Chamber’s website and emailed to our
Chamber members.
c. changes resulting from member feedback
will be posted at the Chamber office and on
our website at least ten (10) days prior to the
Board of Directors vote.
d. Board of Directors will vote on changes at
the next regularly scheduled Board Meeting
where a quorum is present. The vote be
September 16, 2021.
The Events committee is working on the
Grape and Grain Celebration. The date has
changed to October 8th, so please SAVE the
DATE! It is coming together, and will surely be
an enjoyable evening!
We still have a large supply of face masks and
60561 HWY 26,
gloves if anyone needs them. They are free, just
John Day, Oregon 97845
come and get them or let us know you need
The August Board meeting will be Thursday,
August 19th at 10:30 am.
Stay well and cool!
Foster or Adopt
High need for families to foster Teens,
LGBTQ+ youth and children with mental
health needs and behavioral challenges.
Tammy Bremner
Executive Director
• etc •
A uniquie boutique featuring local
artisans from Grant County
133 W. Main, John Day, OR
541-620-2638 • etc.hand-