A10 Blue Mountain Eagle Wednesday, August 4, 2021 e r n a t s Page P August 2021 Protect What’s Precious. Immunize Today! 541-575-1263 235 S Canyon Blvd. John Day, Oregon 97845 Accepting new Patients! Go to: www.canyoncreekclinic.com Immunizations  It’s that time of year again! As we prepare for our kids to go back to school this fall making sure they are up to date on their immunizations is very import- ant. Throughout the past 18 months, we have seen a decline in childhood vaccination rates, not only in Oregon but the nation.   Making sure our kids are vaccinated is the single most effective way to assure vaccine-preventable diseases and outbreaks do not occur, including diseases such as measles, whooping cough and more! Some illnesses may present as just a common cold in parents but for our children could mean devastating lifelong illnesses. If you have any questions regarding vaccines or to find out what your child needs, feel free to call your health- care provider or the health department.  Getting a COVID-19 vaccination can help protect your child from getting COVID-19, spreading the virus to others or help keep your child from getting seriously sick even if they do get COVID-19. At this time, the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine is the only COVID-19 vaccine that has been studied and authorized for use by people ages 12-17 years old. Data from Pfizer vaccine studies show the vaccine is safe and effective for this age group. Other vaccine manufacturers are also study- ing their vaccines in younger age groups but have not yet received authorization from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration   V-safe, a free, smartphone-based tool that uses text messaging and web surveys to provide personalized health check-ins after your child receives a COVID-19 vaccination is a great option. Through v-safe, you can report any side effects your child may have after vaccination. V-safe also reminds you to get your child’s second dose. Ask your healthcare provider or the health department about the V-safe app.  541-575-0404 Zachary Bailey, MD Janessa Sickler, DO Emily Lieuallen, DO Nora Healey, FNP Erika Adams, FNP-C Caitlin MacCoun, MD Brian Jennings, MD Robyn Jennings, MD Check Website for Upcoming Events 541-575-0110 jdccparksandrec.rc@gmail.com CCS Changing Lives NO COST SCREENING High Quality Services Include: Mental Health Alcohol and Drug Developmental Disability 528 E. Main • John Day • 541-575-1466 S255697-1