4 JULY 28�AUGUST 4, 2021 MIXED MEDIUM THE ARTS AROUND EASTERN OREGON Pioneer skills meet 21st-century technology Learn how to make a forge and use it Aug. 7-8 in online classes Go! staff cording to the class description. Those who want to go a step further with their forge are invited to take Thompson’s Sunday, Aug. 8, “Basic Bladesmithing” class. Utilizing basic everyday hand tools or objects, participants will learn heat treatment techniques, handle assembly and fi ling/grind- ing techniques to complete a forged knife. Both classes run from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. There is no age require- ment if a parent is taking the class too; otherwise, participants must be at least 13 years old. F LORA — The pioneers did not have computers or smartphones to learn what they needed, but the Flora School Education Center does — and the organization is taking advan- tage of current technology to present its pioneer skills classes online this year. August’s online off ering is a pair of blacksmithing classes led by Nathan Thompson from Rusty Hammer Forge in Walla Walla, Washington. Saturday, Aug. 7, is “Black- smithing from the Ground Up.” Pioneers used what they had to get the job done. This class will teach you how to blacksmith when you do not have a forge, blower or tongs by building an in-ground forge “using what we have with minimal expense,” ac- fl oraschool.org Nathan Thompson from Rusty Hammer Forge in Walla Walla, Washington, is leading two online blacksmithing classes the weekend of Aug. 7-8, organized by the Flora School Education Center. Wed-Fri 12-5 pm & Sat 10am-2pm FALL ONLINE COURSES HOSTED BY THE FLORA SCHOOL EDUCATION CENTER Upcoming online classes planned by the Flora School Educa- tion Center are a weaving class and a sewing class, both taught by Vanessa Thew Thompson from Flora’s North End Crossing. The weaving course, “The Three Rs: Recycling, Reusing, Repurposing,” happens Sept. 18. As the title implies, partici- pants will learn to weave after making a loom out of used items (picture frames, sticks, dowels, 2x4s, plastic lids and containers) and gathering what they have to make yarn (clothing, T-shirts, Mother Nature’s gatherings, unravel a sweater, leftover yarns). In an Oct. 9 sewing class, Thew Thompson will help partici- pants get to know their sewing machines (electric, treadle or crank) while making a “French burrito pillowcase.” For questions on either class, contact Thew Thompson at 541-828-7010 or northendcrossing@tds.net. Donations in lieu of class fees are accepted after the class. For questions about the classes, call or text Nathan at 509-876-7812 or email him at dirtdart1981@yahoo.com. To fi nd out more about Thompson and get a look at his work, visit www. rustyhammerforge.com. Since the classes are online, it is important to register ahead of time to make sure all materials and equipment are gathered. To sign up, email fsec.education@ gmail.com. You will then receive information on how to access the class, what materials are needed and how to donate. For more information on the Flora School Education Center, classes, volunteering, teach- ing, work parties and events, go to www.fl oraschool.org or the center’s social media, email fl oraschool@tds.net or call 541- 828-7010.