The Blue Mountain eagle. (John Day, Or.) 1972-current, June 30, 2021, Page 6, Image 6

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Blue Mountain Eagle
Wednesday, June 30, 2021
Position Title: Rural Venture Catalyst
Contractor Fee:
$3,500 - $4,000/month (contracted position: providing direct services in John Day, Prairie City,
and Canyon City at least 2.5 days/week) + reimbursable pre-approved monthly expenses (e.g.,
events, printing, marketing, etc.). Travel expenses are not included.
12-month contracted position filling the “Rural Venture Catalyst” role for RAIN’s (Regional
Accelerator & Innovation Network) Grant County partners: This is a remote
“ecosystem-building” position requiring the Rural Venture Catalyst to spend time in the Grant
County communities mentioned below at least 2-3 days/week, interacting with
entrepreneurs/innovators/creatives, hosting events and activities, and engaging with partners
(city, county, & community) and other supporters and service providers working to build/elevate
Grant County’s entrepreneurial ecosystem.
Target Region:
Grant County, Oregon -- with emphasis on the Cities of John Day, Prairie City, and Canyon City
(though outreach should happen throughout the county).
Are you an entrepreneur, innovator, or small business owner who enjoys starting or
creating new things, being a part of something important, and making an impact in your
community? Do you get excited about the idea of helping other entrepreneurs pursue
their dreams? Have you ever been called a “connector” because you enjoy referring
people to resources to help them advance and grow? Are you looking for a meaningful
“side hustle” that will allow you to help build/grow an entrepreneurial hub/culture in
Grant County? Are you a self-starter with a strong work ethic who feels like you
accomplish more in a day than most do in a week?
If you can answer “yes” to all of these questions, RAIN wants to meet with you. RAIN is hiring a
Rural Venture Catalyst (a community-based entrepreneurial ecosystem-builder) to help catalyze
entrepreneurial efforts in Grant County. This person will work closely with RAIN’s CEO,
Development & Operations Director, Resiliency Program Director, RAIN’s remote team of Rural
Venture Catalysts, and RAIN’s Grant County economic development partners to continue to
build upon the entrepreneurial ecosystem that is growing in Oregon.
Contractor Responsibilities:
Ecosystem Activation & Support:
● Identify and connect startups to needed resources: people (mentors/employees),
programs (accelerators/workshops), physical assets (equipment, labs, office space),
and capital (investment capital, grants, loans, crowdfunding)
● Develop, lead, and grow programs to support entrepreneurs and innovators in the
Grant County region
● Host relevant events that support the region’s entrepreneurs and innovators:
○ Startup Weekends, PubTalks, Meetups, Pitch Competitions, etc.
○ Manage and host fall/winter Bizarres, and entrepreneur Holiday Showcase
○ Lead and manage the John Day Farmers Market and website to help catalyze
it as an incubator for entrepreneurs creating/selling new products
○ Host a Grant County Pre-Accelerator in partnership with the RAIN team and
other partners
● Provide 1:1 technical assistance support to entrepreneurs and innovators based on
the phase of their idea or business (e.g., business planning, marketing, sales, etc.)
and referring to the right experts as needed
● Partner closely with RAIN’s Entrepreneur-in-Residence (EIR) by referring
entrepreneurs to the EIRin need of coaching, leadership, and other strategic
business needs
● Travel around the region to meet with entrepreneurs and community partners
● Enlist community members to serve as champions of the entrepreneurship &
innovation ecosystem
● Identify and onboard new startup mentors who have “been there, done that”
● Identify and educate potential startup investors (in partnership with RAIN’s
leadership team)
● Fulfill all other ecosystem activation activities according to grants secured by RAIN to
serve the region’s entrepreneurial economy
Ecosystem Partnerships:
● Partner closely with RAIN’s entrepreneurial ecosystem partners and economic
development and education partners, including (but not limited to): Grant County
Economic Development, Canyon City, John Day, Prairie City, Business Oregon, OSU
Extension Service, the Governor’s Regional Solutions team, Oregon Technology
Business Center (OTBC), Oregon’s Small Business Development Center (SBDC),
K-12 school districts in the region, higher education, regional Chambers of
Commerce, regional economic development organizations, etc.
● Interact with partners in the ecosystem and seek-out opportunities for collaboration
that elevates the entire ecosystem.
● Refer business owners to the right partners based on their growth goals (e.g.,
business expansion of existing businesses to Business Oregon and Grant County
Economic Development)
● Work with regional partners and RAIN to provide thought-leadership regarding the
local startup community and to identify, prioritize, and develop strategies around key
regional entrepreneurial needs.
Ecosystem Culture & Communications:
● In partnership with RAIN’s Marketing & Communications Lead, develop marketing,
communications, and public relations campaigns to promote entrepreneurial
activities in the region
● Record video and photos of activities and events, as well as testimonials from
● Provide consistency of communications, including calendar of events
● Communicate regularly with RAIN’s CEO, Development & Operations Director,
Entrepreneur-in-Residence (EIR), and RAIN’s other regional partners to continue
building the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Grant County
Communicate with elected officials about the economic impact of RAIN’s activities in
the region, including bringing regional entrepreneurs, innovators, and partners to
meetings to elevate messaging
Attend City Council, County Commissioner, and other public meetings to provide
program updates
Deliver updates to RAIN’s board of directors
Track and report key metrics, as required by contracts with communities served
Ensure all approaches align with RAIN’s Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
Serve as a mentor to entrepreneurs, as needed, and abide by RAIN’s Mentor
Ecosystem Leadership & Growth:
● Study and implement the elements of an inclusive entrepreneurial ecosystem
● Participate in the Grant County entrepreneurial community
● Champion the region’s entrepreneurial ecosystem and innovation economy
● Engage in fundraising and sponsor onboarding in partnership with RAIN leadership
● Assist in activating and elevating pools of capital to advance the region’s ecosystem
● Track and update the entrepreneurial assets in the Grant region, identify gaps for
startups and innovators, make recommendations for closing those gaps, and
collaborate with regional partners to help fill gaps
● Advocate on behalf of entrepreneurship and innovation (E&I) to ensure barriers are
reduced and the playing field is leveled for startups and small businesses in Grant
Contractor Qualifications:
Must reside in the Grant region
Able to work remotely and travel within the Grant County region
Entrepreneurial background and network
Extreme bias toward action
Self-starting ability; willing to innovate and adapt
Able to pivot quickly without being flustered
Excellent mentor and motivator of others
Able to confidently deliver workshops on topics related to early-stage
entrepreneurship and/or find experts to deliver content
Strong communication, leadership, facilitation, organizational, and interpersonal
Experience running online meetings and workshops
Able to manage multiple tasks simultaneously, remain professional and organized,
and prioritize follow-up
Detail-oriented and excellent project manager
Able to build bridges and turn difficult conversations into win-win outcomes
Inclusive and diplomatic approach at all times
An understanding of startup nomenclature and what it takes to start and grow a
business in Oregon
Stay up-to-date on best practices for startups and business management
Able to coach entrepreneurs on business pitches and/or connect them to mentors
who can help with this
Self-motivated and able to work collaboratively with individuals from various
Strong technology skills and an ability to easily learn/use new software and web
● Experience with the following technologies: Google Suite, Zoom, Slack,
Mailchimp, Hubspot CRM, Eventbrite, Expensify, Canva, YouTube, Facebook,
Twitter, and Instagram
● Understands Oregon’s Contractor Laws
To Apply: (Deadline = Midnight (Pacific), July
June 7th,
25th 2021
Please provide a proposal (including your resume) that includes the following:
➔ Your interest/fit for this position.
➔ What you know about RAIN.
➔ Your strengths and areas for growth from the “Contractor Responsibilities” and
“Contractor Qualifications” lists above.
➔ 3 references who can vouch for your ability to fulfill this contract.
Send to: Caroline Cummings, RAIN’s CEO
Please send using the following subject:
“Grant County Rural Venture Catalyst Position”
RAIN is committed to building a diverse team and strongly encourages applications from
women, people of color, LGBTQ+, and veterans.
About RAIN:
RAIN (Regional Accelerator & Innovation Network) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that is
run by experienced entrepreneurs and angel investors and exists to reduce barriers to
entrepreneurship and innovation. Since 2014, RAIN has been invited to serve 23 cities across 5
counties in Oregon to help them build inclusive entrepreneurial ecosystems and innovation
RAIN’s Mission: To partner with communities to catalyze entrepreneurial ecosystems, connect
entrepreneurs to resources–including overlooked entrepreneurs– and contribute to the creation
of prosperous economies.
RAIN’s Vision: Communities support, value, and celebrate entrepreneurs; regional leaders
recognize entrepreneurs are a primary creator of net new jobs; small and rural communities
have thriving economies; and a culture of possibilities is embraced.
Visit to learn more.