A14 NEWS Blue Mountain Eagle Wednesday, June 30, 2021 Rally Continued from Page A1 facelift and skin color and moving to Thailand, “where they love pedophiles.” In an interview after his speech, Steele said that he was “confounded” that judges appointed by Trump dismissed election fraud cases, citing no evidence of any fraud that could have changed the out- come of the election. He said what puzzled him was that all nine Supreme Court justices refused to hear a case that 20 states brought. He said the only “specula- tive” conclusion that he could come to was that the time was not right, and they did not want to do the court cases. Steele said he believes the justices wanted to do more forensics and surveillance work with the National Sur- veillance System and make the deal outside of the legal system. “The federal court system is not where you’re going to solve this problem,” he said. Steele also blames the U.S. government for the 9/11 ter- rorist attacks despite con- trary conclusions reached by the 9/11 Commission, which released its findings in 2004. He said Israel was behind the attack while former Vice Pres- ident Dick Cheney and former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld were “inside guys.” Steele also “absolutely” believes that high-ranking Democratic Party officials were running a human traf- ficking and child sex ring out of a pizza parlor. The widely debunked con- spiracy theory, dubbed “Piz- zagate,” is considered a pre- decessor to the QAnon conspiracy theory and alleged that a cabal of Satanic, can- nibalistic pedophiles ran a global child sex trafficking ring and conspired against for- mer president Donald Trump during his term in office. The Eagle/Steven Mitchell Bob Jackson Minor, dressed as Abraham Lincoln, riffs on the harmonica Thursday during the Arise USA rally at the Grant County Fairgrounds. The Eagle/Steven Mitchell Grant County resident Dave Traylor spoke at Thursday’s event. tarian Party is not interested in winning elections. “The Libertarian Party leadership today is interested in keeping its fat paychecks as national level leaders,” he said. He said 50% of voters have dropped out of the system completely and are not partic- ipating. There are many rea- sons, Steele said, as to why they’re not voting. “Either they’re being scared away — a lot of black people being scared away — or they’re being intimidated away,” Steele said. He said half of all Demo- cratic and Republican precinct seats are vacant. “In my own personal view, I will tell you this tour is about destroying the Republican and Democratic parties and put- ting people, not parties, back in charge,” he said. The Eagle/Steven Mitchell The Eagle/Steven Mitchell Trent Loos, a radio host and Thursday’s emcee, speaks during the Arise USA rally at the Grant County Fairgrounds. Constitutional counties He said constitutional counties are a way to get peo- ple to realize they can take back the power. FAMILY FUN DAY 2021 2021 EVENT SPONSORS Grant County Coordinating Advisory Council Frontier Early Learning Hub • Grant County Fairgrounds BOOTHS STAFF/VOLUNTEERS • Advantage Dental Rhiannon Bauman Devan Haynes • Blue Mt. Hospital – Ambulance Katrina Randleas Hannah Hinman • Blue Mt. Hospital – Trauma Program Megan Cameron Rozanne Mullin • Blue Mt. Hospital – Rehabilitation Services Teresa Aasness Madisyn Propeck • Boy Scouts – Troop 800 Tracey Blood Logan Randleas • Chester’s Market Russ Comer Gracie Voight • Child Care Resource & Referral Sheila Comer Kristen Walz • Church of the Nazarene Tyler Dehiya Lisa Weigum • Community Counseling Solutions Greg Floyd Bre Wilson • Community Health Improvement Coalition Ethan Haney Mindy Winegar • Earthly Home Natural Market • Families First • Frontier Early Learning Hub th • Grant-Harney CASA • Grant County Library Foundation and the hottest one ever! • Intermountain ESD – EI/ECSE 133 kids • John Day Fire Department played • Lions Sight & Hearing Foundation on the • Malheur Forest • OSU Extension-SNAP ED inflatables • OSU Grant County Extension 4-H 15 vision • Painted Sky Center for the Arts screens were • Umatilla Morrow Head Start completed • Young Women’s Group IN-KIND DONORS 265 Hot Blue Mt. Eagle Dogs and Families First Hamburgers Grocery Outlet - Burns were enjoyed KJDY 2019 SPONSORS 9 bike • Bank of Eastern Oregon helmets were • J & L Shelk Foundation distributed • John Day Auto Parts and • John Day River Vet Clinic SNOCONES • Mobile Glass were in high • Oregon Telephone demand! • Oregon Trail Electric Company • Umpqua Bank S247937-1 14 Annual… Thank You! A constitutional county, Steele said, will not allow the federal, state or local govern- ments to pass and enforce an unconstitutional law. “Which means that if someone is telling you that kids have to wear masks in a lockdown, and there’s no science and no law behind it, that’s an unconstitutional act,” Steele said. “Which means that if you are in Cal- ifornia, and they’re telling your kids that they have to roll around on the floor with drag queens and be taught that they have the option of asking for a sex change oper- ation before they’ve reached maturity, which generally is between 28 and 33, that’s unconstitutional.” Critical race theory, COVID-19 vaccine and the culture wars Jenkins, who the show, railed ous culture war including critical closed out about vari- flashpoints, race theory Former Indiana law enforcement officer John Bowen speaks Thursday at the Arise USA rally at the Grant County Fairgrounds. and the COVID-19 vaccine. He said people are in a “war” for their “very soul.” Jenkins said he walked into a restaurant in Flor- ida that had vaccinated and unvaccinated sections. “I said, ‘Excuse me, I’m black, where do I sit,’” he said. “I’ve been fighting for 100 some odd years in this country, to feel free to walk in some place and not be victim- ized because of my color like you should not be victimized because of where you live, and what you think about God and country, and family and community.” Jenkins said people are being divided by race. He asked the crowd what critical race theory was. He said that there is “maximum sophisti- cated confusion” going and that a group of people are orga- nizing themselves to “rewrite” the narrative of humanity. “It is the most ridiculous thing ever,” he said, “but we’ve allowed it to happen.” According to Brittanica online, critical race theory is an academic concept that is more than 40 years old, which posits that racism is a social construct and the prod- uct of individual bias or prej- udice and something embed- ded in legal systems and policies. The basic tenets of critical race theory emerged from a framework for legal analysis in the late 1970s and early 1980s created by legal scholars Derrick Bell, Kim- berlé Crenshaw and Richard Delgado. Marc Seigel, communica- tions director with the Oregon Department of Education, said the state develops academic standards, not the curriculum, and critical race theory is not mandated in any standards. He said local school boards adopt curriculum to meet state standards. Bret Uptmor, Grant School District superintendent, said unless ODE defines critical race theory and creates stan- dards around it, they will not teach it. HOME PARENTS HOME SCHOOL SCHOOL PARENTS Home school students are assessment required by testing law to be for tested by a school qualified neutral finishing person following Grant ESD will offer home students grades 3, 5, 8, and 10. [OAR581-021-0026 (5) (a) (A)] However, students who grades 3,5,8, and 10. Cost is $20.00 per student. Payment is due at the participate time of in interscholastic activities are required by OSAA rules to be tested every year and testing. Register your student for assessment testing by calling Jo Sproul, must score in the 23rd percentile to be eligible to participate in interscholastic activities. 541-575-1349 on or before July 22, 2012. Grant ESD will offer assessment testing for home school students finishing grades 3, 5, 8, and Home participating in any their student local for 10. Cost school $20.00 students per student. Payment is due at the OSAA time of activity testing. through Register your school district must be tested before the 15th of August prior to participation. assessment testing by calling Grant ESD, 541-575-1349 on or before, July 24, 2019. Testing begins promptly at 8:30 Thursday and Friday morning. Testing Dates: Testing Dates: July 28th - 3rd and 5th grades July July 25, 29th 2018 – - 8:30am to 2:00pm 8th - 11th grades July 26, 2018 – 8:30am to 2:00pm If you have any question you may contact: If Robert you have any questions Jo you may contact: Waltenburg, Sproul, or Tara Young Robert Waltenburg or Jo Sproul Grant County ESD | 541-575-1349 Grant County ESD | 541-575-1349 S249747-1 Steele said the purpose of the tour is to unite Trump sup- porters with Bernie Sanders supporters. He said Sanders “rolled over and played dead” for Hillary Clinton twice. Steele said a populist believes that citizens give the government rights, not the other way around. The left and the right, Steele said, need to set aside their differences. He said the Democrats control 17% of the voters, while the Republicans con- trol 13% of the voters. Steele said those are the people that go through the motions of voting. He said 20% of the voters are Independents and Libertar- ians whose votes don’t count. He said he used to be a Repub- lican and then he became a Libertarian but said the Liber- 128910 Uniting the populist left and the populist right