CLASSIFIEDS KEEP YOUR AD IN DEMAND WITH FULL COLOR 101 Legal Notices 101 Legal Notices NOTICE OF BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING A public meeting of the Budget Committee of the Monument Cem- etery Maintenance District, Grant, State of Oregon, to discuss the budget for the fiscal year July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022, will be held at Monument City Hall, 291 N. Main Street, Monument, OR. The meeting will take place on June 17, 2021 at 3:00 p.m. The purpose of the meeting is to receive the budget message and to receive comment from the public on the budget. This is a pub- lic meeting where deliberation of the Budget Committee will take place. Any person may appear at the meeting and discuss the proposed programs with the Budget Committee. A copy of the budget document may be inspected or obtained on or after June 22, 2021 at 727 Wall Creek Road, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. 101 Legal Notices 101 Legal Notices NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE On June 25, 2021 at the hour of 9:00 a.m. at the front steps of the Grant County Courthouse, 201 S Humbolt, Canyon City, Oregon, the defendant’s interest will be sold, subject to redemption, in the real property commonly known as: 309 Edgewood Drive, Canyon City, OR 97820 A PORTION OF L OT 11, OF E DGEWOOD T ERRACE S UBDIVISION , G RANT C OUN - TY , O REGON AS SHOWN BY THE PLAT THEREOF ON FILE AND OF RECORD IN THE O FFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK OF SAID COUNTY AND STATE IN B OOK 2 OF T OWN P LATS , AT PAGE 21, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS : B EGINNING AT THE N ORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID L OT 11, THENCE S29°39’48”W, ( RECORD BEARING S30°30’W), ALONG THE W ESTERLY LINE OF SAID L OT 11, A DIS - TANCE OF 122.50 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING: THENCE S29°39’48”W, CONTINUING ALONG THE W ESTERLY LINE OF SAID L OT 11, 433.70 FEET , MORE OR LESS , TO THE N ORTHERLY LINE OF E DGEWOOD D RIVE ; THENCE E ASTERLY , ALONG THE N ORTHERLY LINE OF E DGEWOOD D RIVE TO A POINT WHICH IS S4°33’55”W, OF THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING ; THENCE N4°33’55”E, 438 FEET , MORE OR LESS , TO THE TRUE POINT OF BE- GINNING. The court case number is No. 19CV20535, where, BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., is/are plaintiff(s), THE UNKNOWN HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF JOHN E. SHORT AKA JOHN ELWIN SHORT; THE UNKNOWN HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF MARILYN G. SHORT AKA GLADYS MARILYN SHORT; TERESA L. CHAIN; KAREN JARRETT; JOHN ESTES SHORT; SAMUEL SHORT; BANK OF THE CASCADES MORTGAGE CENTER; UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; STATE OF OREGON; OCCUPANTS OF THE PROPERTY, is/are defendant(s). The sale is a public auction to the highest bidder for cash or cashier’s check, in hand, made out to Grant County Sheriff’s Office. For more information on this sale go to: NOTICE TO DEBTOR You should be careful about offers to sell rights to surplus funds. You may have a right to surplus funds remaining after payment of costs and satisfactions of the judgement, as provided in ORS 18.950(4). If you transfer or sell your right to redemption, you might not have the right to surplus funds. PROSPECTIVE BIDDERS, READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY Before bidding at the sale, a prospective bidder should inde- pendently investigate: (a) The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment creditor; (b) Land use laws and regulations applicable to the property; (c) Approved uses for the property; (d) Limits on farming or forest practices on the property; (e) Rights of neighboring property owners; and (f) Environmental laws and regulations that affect the property. Place your ad online or over the phone now! 541-575-0710 Conditions of Sale: All potential bidders are subject to in- spection of funds prior to or during participation in the auc- tion to qualify as a bidder. Individuals without proof of suffi- cient funds, or that have not qualified before the start of the auction, will not be allowed to participate. Only U.S. currency and/or cashier’s checks made payable to Grant County Sher- iff will be accepted. Payment must be made in full immedi- ately upon conclusion of sale. Only the judgement creditor who obtained the writ may credit bid up to the Writ amount plus allowable costs. The judgement creditor must have cash in hand for any difference above the amount of the Writ and allowable costs. Wednesday, June 9, 2021 SUBSCRIBE 101 Legal Notices TODAY B7 101 Legal Notices NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING A public meeting of the Board of Directors of TEC will be held on June 17, 2021, at 10:00 am over the phone. The purpose of this meeting will be to discuss the budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2021, as approved by the Training and Employment Budget Committee. A copy of the budget may be inspected or obtained at 1901 Adams Avenue, La Grande Oregon between the hours of 8 AM and 5 PM. This budget was prepared on a basis of accounting that is consistent with the basis of accounting used during the preceding year. This budget is for: Annual Period $51 1 year $90 2 years $48 1 year digital only 541-575-0710 MYEAGLENEWS.COM 101 Legal Notices 101 Legal Notices 101 Legal Notices BEFORE THE GRANT COUNTY COURT OF GRANT COUNTY, OREGON ) ) ) ) ) IN THE MATTER OF THE SALE OF LAND ACQUIRED BY GRANT COUNTY THROUGH FORECLOSURE OF TAXES OR OTHERWISE ORDER OF SALE 2021-01 RECITALS: Grant County has acquired title to the properties described on the attached Exhibit “A” through tax foreclosure proceedings or otherwise; title is now vested in Grant County and it is in the best interest of Grant County to sell the property. NOW, THEREFORE, as provided by Oregon Revised Statutes 275.110, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that these properties shall be sold “AS IS” without warranty of any kind, at a PUBLIC ORAL AUCTION by the Sheriff of Grant County, to the highest bidder. The auction shall be held on the front steps of Grant County Courthouse, located at 201 S. Humbolt, Suite 280 in Canyon City, Oregon on June 28, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. Information regarding the properties to be offered may be obtained by contacting the Grant County Assessor at 541-575-0107 or request can be made by email to IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the listed minimum bid is the minimum price acceptable as the purchase price. Payment must be made with cash or with a cashier’s check payable to Grant County. No personal checks, busi- ness checks or credit cards will be accepted. Payment in full must be made by 4:00 p.m. on the day of the auction. Properties will be conveyed to purchaser by Bargain and Sale Deed. The description of the real property offered for sale and the minimum price fixed as the minimum bid is as outlined on the attached Exhibit “A”. Certain County officers or employees, their families, or an intermediary of either, may not purchase from the County directly or indirectly, real property obtained by foreclosure of delinquent tax liens (refer to ORS 275.088). THIS AUCTION WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF ANY PROPERTY IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE BIDDING AT THE AUCTION OR SIGNING OR ACCEPTING ANY INSTRUMENTS, ALL BIDDERS SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OF COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENTS TO VERIFY WHETHER THE UNIT OF LAND BEING BID ON IS A LAWFULLY ESTABLISHED LOT OR PARCEL, AS DEFINED IN ORS 92.010 OR 215.010, TO VERIFY THE APPROVED USES OF THE LOT OR PARCEL, TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930 AND TO INQUIRE ABOUT THE RIGHTS OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNERS IF ANY, UNDER ORS 195.300, 195.301, AND 195.305 TO 195.336 AND SECTIONS 5 TO 11, CHAPTER 424, OREGON LAWS 2007. SOME PROPERTY MAY NOT BE WITHIN A FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT PROTECT- ING STRUCTURES. PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS, WHICH, IN FARM OR FOREST ZONES, MAY NOT AUTHORIZE CONSTRUCTION OR SITING OF A RESIDENCE AND WHICH LIMIT LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930 IN ALL ZONES. ALL BIDDERS SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENTS TO VERIFY EXISTENCE OF FIRE PROTECTION FOR STRUCTURES. Properties sold on an AS IS, WHERE IS, WITH ALL FAULTS basis without warranty or guarantee, expressed or implied, as to the physical/environmental condition of the property, location of property boundaries, condition of title, whether lots were legally created according to Oregon Land Use Law, existence of legal access or the ability to acquire permits for building, subsurface, sewerage or other development rights under Oregon Land Use Law. No survey has been or will be made by Grant County to establish property lines. Properties may have portions dedicated to public bodies for use as roads, easements or other use. All bidders should inspect the sites to be aware of the conditions. Properties are sold on an “as is, where is, with all faults” basis. No warranties or guarantees are made concerning the condition of title (liens and/or encumbrances may still be on title), the ability to use a property for any particular purpose, the ability to develop a property pursuant to the state and local land use law, location of boundary lines, environmental condition or any other matter concerning a property. It is the buyer’s responsibility to thoroughly investigate a property prior to purchasing it (obtaining a title report is highly recommended). CAUTION: On occasion, some parcels have proven to be only errors in descriptions, gaps where surveys do not coincide or where only a partial interest may be held, and conflicts of ownership have thus arisen. No warranty as to title is made. It is strongly suggested that bidders secure title reports to verify condition of title and/or insurance prior to the sale date of parcels they are interested in. Dated this 26th day of May, 2021. GRANT COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF GRANT COUNTY, OREGON Scott W. Myers, County Judge Jim Hamsher, Commissioner Sam Palmer, Commissioner EXHIBIT “A” GRANT COUNTY FORECLOSURE’S 2021 MYEAGLENEWS.COM START YOUR DAY RIGHT ACCT# 1 6266 2 2601 2 4860 MAP & TAX LOT 7S29-2100 11S3521AA-103 13S3028BA-2000 2020 RMV $38,940 $21,010 $37,670 101 Legal Notices MINIMUM BID $20,000 $12,500 $20,000 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 40.00 ACRES RITTER AREA (POOR TOPO) CABIN IN AUSTIN (NOT LIVABLE) SFD IN MT. VERNON (NOT LIVABLE) 101 Legal Notices 101 Legal Notices NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING A public meeting of the Grant County Extension & 4-H Service District will be held on June 16, 2021 at 11:30 a.m. at 201 S. Humbolt, Canyon City, Oregon. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the budget for the fiscal year฀ beginning July 1, 2021 as approved by the Grant County Extension & 4-H Budget Committee. A summary of the budget is presented below. A copy of the budget may be inspected or obtained at 116 NW Bridge St. Ste. 1 between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. or online at http:/ This budget is for an annual฀ budget period. This budget was prepared on a basis of accounting that is the same as the preceding year. Contact: Carol Waggoner 541-575-1911 FINANCIAL SUMMARY - RESOURCES Total of All Funds 101 Legal Notices 101 Legal Notices A public hearing on a proposed supplemental budget for Grant County, for the current fiscal year, will be held at 201 S Humbolt St, Canyon City. The hearing will take place on June 23, 2021 at 11:55 a.m. The purpose of the hearing is to discuss the supplemental budget with interested persons. A copy of the supplemental budget document may be inspected or obtained on or after June 16, 2021 at 201 S Humbolt St, Canyon City, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. SUMMARY OF PROPOSED BUDGET CHANGES Beginning Fund Balance 139,836 99,000 92,000 Current Year Property Taxes, other than Local Option Taxes 143,783 157,700 163,140 2,045 1,000 500 23,688 20,100 168,000 311,352 277,800 423,640 Current Year Local Option Property Taxes Tuition & Fees Revenue from State Sources Fund: Sheriff Patrols Fund Revenue from Federal Sources Amount Expenditure Amount indicate Org. unit/Prog. & Activity, and Object Class Revised Total Fund Resources Approved Budget 2021-2022 Other Revenue from Local Sources AMOUNTS SHOWN ARE REVISED TOTALS IN THOSE FUNDS BEING MODIFIED Forest Title III Adopted Budget 2020-2021 101 Legal Notices NOTICE OF SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET HEARING RESOURCES Actual Amounts 2019-2020 $42,000.00 Personal Services $75,518.00 $83,000.00 Revised Total Fund Requirements $83,000.00 EXPLANATION OF CHANGES: THE SHERIFFS PATROL WILL BE RECEIVING $42,000.00 FROM FOREST TITLE Interfund Transfers All Other Budget Resources TOTAL RESOURCES FINANCIAL SUMMARY - REQUIREMENTS BY OBJECT CLASSIFICATION III FUNDS TO INCREASE PERSONNEL SERVICES TO $75,518.00 TO FUND A 30 HOUR PER WEEK EMPLOYEE. THESE CHANGES INCREASE THE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES EXPENDITURE FROM $33,518.00 TO $75,518.00 Personnel Services 101 Legal Notices Financial Aid 101 Legal Notices 101 Legal Notices Materials & Services Capital Outlay NOTICE OF SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET HEARING A public hearing on a proposed supplemental budget for Prairie City School District, for the current fiscal year will be held at P Library. The hearing will take place on Tuesday, June 15, 2021 at 6:30 PM. The purpose of the hearing is to discuss the supple with interested persons. A copy of the supplemental budget document may be inspected or obtained on or after June 10, 20. School District, between the hours of 8 AM and 4 PM. SUMMARY OF PROPOSED BUDGET CHANGES Fund: School Lunch Program Additional Federal Lunch Reimbursement Revised Total Fund Resources Expenditure Amount 35,000 Cook Staff 10,000 Food 25,000 Revised Total Fund Expenditures 35,000 EXPLANATION OF CHANGES: An increase in students caused an increase in staff time and food expenses. Also, due to COVID- 19 changes all breakfasts and lunches have been made available to all students and have been paid for by federal funds. Fund: Summer School Program RESOURCES New Program 2021 Summer Only Revised Total Fund Resources 115,137 157,860 292,890 5,889 5,000 6,500 Interfund Transfers Operating Contingencies 2,000 2,000 2,000 32,500 27,000 27,000 30,688 8,000 5,000 TOTAL REQUIREMENTS 259,451 277,800 423,640 PROPERTY TAX LEVIES Permanent Rate Levy (rate limit $0.2598 per $1,000) Rate or Amount Imposed 18-19 Rate or Amount Imposed 19-20 Rate or Amount Approved 20-21 0.2595 0.2595 0.2595 Local Option Levy Levy for General Obligation Bonds Amount Expenditure Amount 45,000 Additional Staffing - Cook/Bus 8,000 Food - lunch/snacks 5,000 Other Additional Supplies 32,000 Revised Total Fund Expenditures 45,000 45,000 90,250 Debt Service Unappropriated Ending Fund Balance Amount 35,000 77,940 All Other Expenditures AMOUNTS SHOWN ARE REVISED TOTALS IN THOSE FUNDS BEING MODIFIED RESOURCES 70,338 EXPLANATION OF CHANGES: The state has provided additional funding for remedial education during the summer. This will allow lunches and other additional supports to our current 3 week summer school for K- 8 students in June. STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS Long Term Debt General Obligation Bonds Other Bonds Other Borrowings TOTAL Estimated Debt Outstanding on July 1 Estimated Debt Authorized, but not Incurred on July 1