B10 Blue Mountain Eagle Wednesday, June 2, 2021 Graduation June 5th 2pm Monument Valedictorian Speech – Samantha Adams-Choate I want to thank everyone for coming as today is a day not only to show appreciation for those who have supported the class of 2021, but it is also a day of reflection, accomplishment, and encouragement. A Reflection for how we got here. An Accomplishment because we got here and an Encouragement because we have finally met up with this big crossroad in our lives. It has been one heck of a journey; full of support, love, compassion, friends, family. And here we are: 2021, something only four years ago, I viewed as climbing a mountain to get to. In truth, though, it was inevitable. We all grow up. We all move on and time ticks forward even when we wish it would slow down. I think it is funny how time moves. It’s endless, and can be unforgiving when we want it to. You always think there is never enough time and it causes us to open our eyes once we finally realize that our days as kids are over. You need to get a job. You need to go to college. You need a plan. It is not bad to have a plan, but that is not why I am giving this speech today. I am giving this speech because I want to tell my fellow graduates that it’s not over. This is just the beginning and with every beginning is a dream- an idea, an aspiration. Just like when we were young, we always had dreams from being a pilot, to an actor, to a rodeo cowboy. We were young, heads full of dreams, and nothing stopping us. I encourage us- you to start with dreams. They don’t have to be big, or outlandish but they have to be enough to get you where you want to be. Following dreams is not only getting to where you want to be, but it is also the journey. The part I think scares us the most. For some we view the journey as a grey void, an area we see but not really sure how to get there; kind of like a rainbow, we see it but we can’t physically ever get to it. Others are bold and have the determination to take it head on at full send. However, I expect that everyone one of us will or have been hit on the head known as life’s “wrench”. I think most of our parents can attest to that. But, the beauty of the journey is that it gives us the opportunity to learn and accept ourselves, bring ourselves to the understanding of failure but also bring ourselves to have the courage to succeed. So when life throws you it’s wrench, use it to fix and create whatever you want with it. Finally, I want to say that once we achieved our dreams, we should look back and reflect our accomplishments, knowing that we defeated the world and progressed. I say that because I do not wish for a fancy career, or a rich lifestyle. I say it because I want each of us: Mark, Donovan, DJ, Enrique, Destiny, Dorotha, and I to succeed, knowing that we did it in our own ways, and I wish them the best. With that said, I want to thank all of those who got us here: from our teachers and staff to our family and friends. Your wisdom, support, and love is what helped us get here, and just to know that when life gets rough we can always come back for guidance. Thank You. Class motto: “A dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination, and hard work.” Samantha Adams- Choate Valedictorian ~ Colin Powell Donovan Israel Schafer Salutatorian Mark William Thomas Enrique Vidrio- Landin Destiny Marie Derowitsch David James Howell Dorotha Anna Johnson Salutatorian Speech – Donovan Schafer Classmates, Alumni, Family, Friends Good afternoon! People say high school is the best four years of their lives. High school is by no means a negative experience, but there is so much life ahead of each and every one of us. I would like to encourage you to look beyond these four years of high school and do bigger and better things. Never settle for having your best behind you, and we are the class that successfully navigated our senior year through a pandemic, which is no small feat. Each member of the Class of 2021 has brought a unique friendship into my life. Dortha, even though you have not been here long, you have become a friend to all of us. Sam, your creative talent and drive has inspired all of us to keep pushing forward Destiny, you are a kind person and always brightens everyone’s day Enrique, from your goofy hair to your shenanigans, you keep us all laughing. DJ, we’ve been in it together from kindergarten to graduation. Thanks for your friendship and good times. Mark, you quickly became my best friend at this school. You are always there for me and never too shy to tell me to suck it up. Thank you for all the great memories. Our class is full of strong personalities, which I believe will take us far in life. We may have scared a few people along the way, but I think we are a pretty likeable bunch. To those of you who have stuck by us, we want to say thank you. Mrs. Engle, thank you for always being there to help us with anything. From fixing a paper to signing up for college classes, you never hesitated to take extra time to make sure all the students had the best opportunities. Mr. Masonheimer, thank you for putting up with all of us in your classroom. Even though we pushed your buttons, you still helped us and treated us with kindness. Mr. Metts, thank you for all the time you put into each student. You were given the task to teach math to high school students, and we all know that can be a challenge. You continued to push us even when we didn’t want to do the work. Thank you. Mrs. Thomas, from teacher to principal, you always had the kids’ best interest in mind. You continually jumped through hoops just to let us have in person school this year. For that I know all students are very grateful. Thank you for all your hard work. We have learned, studied, done homework, played sports, participated in plays and music concerts, made friends, found relationships, gone through break ups, passed, failed, laughed, and cried. Our families have been a part of all of this. To my family, I would like to say the biggest thank you. Mom and Dad without your guidance and advice I would not be the man I am today. From late nights to early mornings, you always encouraged me and held me to a high standard. At a young age I never understood why you did things the way you did. I definitely did not understand all the spankings. But now that I am older, I know that without your love I would have never reached where I am today. Thank you for loving me unconditionally and your continuous support throughout my life. Jamen, Hayden, and Faythe, you guys are the best brothers and sister anyone can ask for. I love you all. In our small community, we are family. Jeremiah 29:11 says “For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you a hope and future.” So to my fellow classmates, I say: Don’t let these be the best four years of your life. I am excited to see what the future has in store for all of us. Thank you. Prairie City Graduation S245527-1