Wednesday, June 2, 2021 B9 Prairie City Valedictorian Speech - Declan Zweygardt Declan Zweygardt Valedictorian Caitlin Willet Salutatorian Ezra Beam Jesaka Culley Jayda DuBois Kevin Duvall Jojari Field Katelynn Hire Brandon Horrell Well guys we finally made it, had a couple rough patches with Covid but we made it to graduation. All the years went by so fast, especially with the few of us that have been here since kindergarten. It seems like only weeks ago that we were in 6th grade getting in trouble for having beer cans on our homecoming float as noise makers. Everyone always viewed our class as the trouble makers and it may seem that our class has pushed some teachers into retirement but I think it was just a coincidence. In spite of all that, we are here standing on this stage each receiving our diplomas. After this day many of us will be going straight into summer jobs, either to make money for college or to start life in the real-world as part of the workforce. Sitting here today we have a future police officer, wildland firefighter, ranchers, estheticians, military personnel, physical therapist, business entrepreneurs, welders, and a veterinarian. People are always saying to be ready for the “real- world” “it’s scary” “it’s difficult” but I don’t see it that way. Getting out of high school should be exciting not scary, to be pushed into the “real-world” to pay your own bills, have a job, and pay taxes sounds scary but all it really is, is a challenge and opportunity to show everyone your perseverance and potential to be great. So the message I’m trying to portray is, let’s not waste this opportunity and accept this challenge head on and make great people out of ourselves. To give my argument some credibility here is some wisdom and inspiration from very successful people. Like what Walt Disney once said: “The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing” or Henry Ford, who stated: “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right”. In the words of US president Theodore Roosevelt: “Do what you can with all you have, wherever you are”. The great basketball coach John Wooden said: “Things work out best for those who make the best of how things work out” and Brian Tracy, the motivational speaker and author said: “There are no limits to what you can accomplish, except the limits you place on your own thinking”. I know that there are going to be difficulties and failures on our paths of life, but we need to be optimistic about those failures and difficulties as Winston Churchhill said, “The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty”. So Class of 2021 let’s go be optimists. Salutatorian Speech - Caitlin Willet Tristan McMahan Sophia McLennan Abbey Pfefferkorn My name is Caitlin Willet and I have been born and raised in Grant County. I have attended this school since I was in kindergarten and all I’ve ever known is Prairie City School. I’ve known some of my classmates since I was 5 years old, so it’s hard to imagine life without them. So, I’m going to be cliche and share a quote that I like. It says, “We don’t remember the days, we remember the moments.” I like this quote because it reminds me of how each day of school seemed like it took forever and class periods seemed like they stretched on for hours, but overall the years passed before our eyes and now all we have is the memories. My advice for the younger classmen that are here today is to cherish the memories and be thankful for those who are next to you in school. No matter how much they annoy you at times, these will be some of the most memorable times and people in your life. You won’t remember the days but you’ll definitely remember the moments. Tanner Way Jayden Winegar Samantha Workman Next, I want to give a huge thank you to the staff here at Prairie City School. They have all taught us so much and I am so grateful for that. I also want to give a special thank you to Susie Combs for always being so kind and being everyone’s rock at Prairie City School. I’d also like to thank my family and friends for always being there for me and putting up with my endless dumb jokes. They’ve stuck by my side through all the good and bad times and I couldn’t ask for anything more. I’d like to thank the community members and businesses in Prairie City who have helped each and everyone of us at PCHS. Your support and donations for fundraisers is so appreciated and we couldn’t do it without you. Lastly, I want to thank my classmates. School wouldn’t have been the same without you guys and honestly I’d say we were a pretty fun group. We’ve grown so much together and I can’t wait to see what you guys become. Thank you! S245526-1