FAMILY Blue Mountain Eagle Wednesday, June 2, 2021 Eastern Oregon Trail Alliance work party planned June 5-6 Blue Mountain Eagle Eagle fi le photo Mytchell Mead tests out a new trail near Magone Lake in 2017. The Eastern Oregon Trail Alliance will hold a work party June 5-6 at Magone Lake. The event begins at 9 a.m. at the Tin- ker Creek Trailhead. Volunteer work will include construction and maintenance of purpose-built trails in the Magone Lake Trail Network. Tools will be provided, but bring lunch, sturdy footwear, gloves and a bike. Contact Eastern Oregon Trail Alliance on Facebook with questions. CDC health and safety guidelines will be followed. RAC planning committee to meet June 9 gov/get-involved/resource-advisory-council/near-you/ore- gon-washington/john-day-rac. A 30-minute public comment period will be off ered at 7:40 p.m. For meeting links and other information, contact Larisa Bogardus, 541-219-6863 or Blue Mountain Eagle The John Day-Snake Resource Advisory Council Planning Subcommittee will meet at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 9, via Zoom. A complete agenda can be found at https://www.blm. Prairie City all-class reunion planned June 25-27 Blue Mountain Eagle All current and past alumni, teachers and local residents are invited to a Prai- rie City High School all-class reunion June 25-27. A list of activities and registration infor- mation can be found on the school website: All proceeds will be donated to Prairie City School District. For more information, contact Kevin Zemmer at 775-388-1952 or Rebecca Neault at 208-781-1226. Parker Manitsas Abigail Lusco Victoria Coalwell Peyton Neault Natalie Stearns OTEC announces scholarship recipients Humbolt Elementary kindergarten registration set for June 3 Blue Mountain Eagle Kindergarten registration for Hum- bolt Elementary School will be held on June 3 at 5 p.m. A child must be 5 years old by Sept. 1 to enter kindergarten for the upcoming 2021-2022 school year. Parents should bring a copy of their child’s birth certifi cate and their child’s immuniza- tion record. Registration packets are avail- able at the front offi ce and can be mailed if needed. For more information, contact Catrina Gabbard at 541-575-0454 or gab- Blue Mountain Eagle Oregon Trail Electric Cooperative is proud to announce that 29 local students have been selected to receive college scholarships. Twenty-fi ve of the scholarships rang- ing from $2,500 to $5,000 have been awarded to graduating high school stu- dents and returning college students. Applicants for scholarships must be an active OTEC member in good stand- ing with the cooperative or a dependent or tenant of such an OTEC member to be eligible for the scholarship. Scholar- ships are funded from interest earned on unclaimed capital credits. In Grant County, these graduating high school seniors earned the scholar- ship: Abigail Lusco, Grant Union High School; Parker Manitsas, Grant Union High School; and Peyton Neault, Grant Union High School. Returning college students receiv- ing the scholarship included Victoria Coalwell, Eastern Oregon University; and Natalie Stearns, Boise State University. From Harney County, graduating high school seniors included Victoria Purcella and Abbigale Yarbrough, Burns High School. Returning college students included Sarah Letham, Treasure Valley Commu- nity College; and Tea Recanzone, Boise State University. Hadley Marshall, Burns High STRUCTION, LL N O C C AW Featuring: • • • • • Roofing • General Construction Remodeling Fences Decks Storage Sheds Andy Wolfer 541-910-6609 Jan. 24, 1932 – May 12, 2021 Albert “Big Al” Newman of John Day passed away at his home on May 12, 2021. He was 89. Al was born in Burns, Oregon, on Jan. 24, 1932, to Thomas and Velma (Pyne) Newman. He joined older sisters, Effi e (Elsie) and Tammie Lou, then came younger brother, Wilford (Bill). He grew up in Seneca, Oregon, then years later the family moved to Mt. Ver- non, Oregon. He left school at the age of 13, and along with brother Bill, they traveled and became road scholars. In 1949, at the age of 17, Al joined the United States Army. He served six years, which included 13 months in the Korean War. He was awarded three Purple Hearts. On April 28, 1961, Al married Shirlee Cooper. They raised fi ve children, Delbert, Thomas, Andrea, Leo and Albert. Al worked for the Oregon Department of Forestry for 30 years. He retired in 1994. He was active in the Jaycees, the Elks Lodge, as well as being a reserve deputy for the Grant County Sheriff ’s Offi ce. He enjoyed golfi ng, fi shing and hunting. Al is survived by his wife, Shirlee, of 60 years; his chil- dren, Delbert Newman of John Day, Tom (Karie) New- man of Bend, Andrea (Glenn) Ennis of Prairie City and Leo Newman of Canyon City; 11 grandchildren; and 12 great-grandchildren. He is preceded in death by his father and mother; sisters, Elsie and Tammie Lou; brother, Bill; and son, Albert “Little Al” Newman. No service will be held. The family will spread his ashes at a later time at his favorite hunting spot. Correction In the May 26 edition, the Eagle incorrectly reported that Eli Wright placed 14th in the triple jump at the 2A State Track Championships in Union when it was Tucker Wright who placed 14th. The Eagle regrets the error. CONSTRUCTION (541) 410-0557 • (541) 575-0192 CCB# 106077 REMODELS • NEW CONSTRUCTION • POLE BUILDINGS CONCRETE EXCAVATION • SHEET ROCK • SIDING ROOFING • FENCES • DECKS • TELESCOPING FORKLIFT SERVICES debbie.ausmus@ S246270-1 S246271-1 Attend a Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation Dinner and Benefit Auction Where fun and fund-raising combine for a memorable evening. Saturday, June 5 4:00—Doors open 5:30—Dinner 7:30—Auction Place: Pavilion— Grant County Fairgrounds Ticket Information: Gale Wall (541) 620-0455 Date: Time: S246279-1 Following Covid Guidelines • 541-820-4463 Don’t get left behind, call today! Kim Kell 541-575-0710 S245043-1 Last Week’s Temps 24/7 F ORECAST A UTOMATED : 541-575-1122 R OAD CONDITIONS : 511; TRIPCHECK . COM NOAA W EATHER R ADIO FOR J OHN D AY 162.500 MHz Albert ‘Big Al’ Newman 24 hrs/7 days wk A MAN WAKES UP in the morning after sleeping on... an advertised bed, in advertised pajamas. John Day ...........................................................HI/LO Tuesday ........................................................... 59/44 Wednesday ..................................................... 71/41 Thursday .......................................................... 74/47 Friday ............................................................... 68/38 Saturday .......................................................... 77/39 Sunday ............................................................. 80/46 Monday............................................................ 85/48 ward to hearing of their con- tinuing success,” said Presi- dent and CEO Jeff Bailey. This scholarship is awarded to students plan- ning to enroll in agriculture or business and judging is based on scholarship, leader- ship and citizenship. Appli- cations are accepted from graduating seniors in all areas where Bank of Eastern Oregon and Bank of East- ern Washington branches are located. For more information, visit OBITUARIES 541-575-1113 CCB#186113 BEO Bancorp and its sub- sidiary, Bank of Eastern Ore- gon, have selected the 2021 high school senior scholar- ship winners. In Grant County, $500 scholarships were awarded to seniors Jesaka Culley and Declan Zweygardt of Prai- rie City High School. Jus- tin Bunch of Spray High School was also one of the 16 winners. “We wish these seniors the best of luck as they move on to college and look for- Debbie Ausmus 245 South Canyon Blvd. John Day, OR 97845 OPEN WED. & THUR. 9 am - 5 pm S246272-1 Blue Mountain Eagle Blue Mountain Eagle TOM CHRISTENSEN CHRISTENSEN TOM and Much More! He will bathe in an ADVERTISED TUB, shave with an ADVERTISED RAZOR, have a breakfast of ADVERTISED JUICE, cereal and toast, toasted in an ADVERTISED TOASTER, put on ADVERTISED CLOTHES and glance at his ADVERTISED WATCH. He’ll ride to work in his ADVERTISED CAR, sit at an ADVERTISED DESK and write with an ADVERTISED PEN. Yet this person hesitates to advertise, saying that advertising doesn’t pay. Finally, when his non-advertised business is going under, HE’LL ADVERTISE IT FOR SALE. Then it’s too late. AND THEY SAY ADVERTISING DOESN’T WORK? DON’T MAKE THIS SAME MISTAKE Advertising is an investment, not an expense. Think about it! BEO selects scholarship winners A great time for a great cause. Proceeds benefit elk and other wildlife. W EATHER F ORECAST FOR THE WEEK OF J UNE 2 - 8 Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Sunny Sunny Sunny Mostly sunny Mostly sunny Mostly sunny Partly sunny 97 93 84 76 69 67 67 62 58 48 43 42 38 40 S241549-1 A2