The Blue Mountain eagle. (John Day, Or.) 1972-current, June 02, 2021, Page 14, Image 14

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Blue Mountain Eagle
Wednesday, June 2, 2021
June 4th
Raegenn Van Tassel
Caleb Auty
Ian Auty
Haylee Collins
Salutatorian Speech – Caleb Auty
Valedictorian Speech – Raegenn Van Tassel
Since hearing that I had become Valedictorian, I’ve been contemplating this
speech. What could I speak about that would best represent the 5 of us? There are
the usual themes, make mistakes. It helps you grow; home is where the heart is,
treasure these moments, etc. While all good choices and all actual, I still couldn’t
decide. So what of the class itself? It’s not like we have been waiting for this since
kindergarten together.
So even though we hadn’t known each other for long, we had a goal in mind. A
day where our work from the last 12 years would be recognized. Wanting this, we
started going through the motions of what was needed to make this day a day to September. What song we would choose, decorations, colors. It wasn’t
until January that a decision was made.
It was hard to make these decisions for many reasons. Except for Ian and Caleb,
our lives have been very different, but we share this moment and the memories it
came with. We had to make compromises, and learn to work with one another to
bring these five opinions and styles to one.
Just like how we came together with different opinions... 5 to 1. We came together
for one moment. We will all share. Today we walk across this stage with the same goal
to graduate. Separately we have been steadily working toward this for 12 years, and
today for the only time in our lives, we will share the same thought, goal, and success.
We made it.
I know that a moment like this will never come again. We will be in the exact
moment in time having the same experience. I know that we may never even speak
after today, whatever our intentions may be. But it doesn’t matter because we will
have different paths to take and mistakes to make.
Caleb has followed in his father’s footsteps by enlisting in the marine corps and is
headed to basic training soon.
Ian is continuing his studies to become a medical practitioner through joining the
U.S. Navy.
JT, on June 10th, moves to Redmond to work as a diesel mechanic at torque
Haylee is taking life one day at a time and eventually will successfully take her
place in the world as a nurse.
As for myself, I go to Southern Oregon University to study a mix of business and
political science.
Everyone’s path is unique and as sad as it makes me think of never seeing them
again, I know in my heart that it’s going to be okay. All of us have to move on, make
mistakes, and have tons of life-changing adventures.
As we go through our lives apart and disconnected from each other on our
journeys, nothing can take away what we have today. We have this moment united
with the same goal and end—the end of a chapter and a diploma to symbolize it. This
moment is a solid stepping point where we will all start our lives.
Maybe one day we will meet for lunch, but until then, I wish my classmates the
best of luck in all their endeavors, and I promise I will be cheering you on no matter
how far apart we may be.
JT Hand
As I stand before you today I hope you all take a moment of time to listen to
what I have to say and recognize us, not as highschoolers but as equals, stepping
out into this great beautiful world on our own paths. While writing this speech, along
with our esteemed Valedictorian, I struggled to figure out what to say, and it wasn’t
because there was a lack of options, but the exact opposite. There were so few
actual requirements for this speech that any number of concepts and ideas could
fit. However after weeks of thought I think I found one that fits the criteria. As I get
through my speech today, I want you all to try and figure out what the theme is. I will
say it at the end but I think you all will subconsciously figure it out before then. To
start my speech let me just say these two words.
Thank You, I would like you to keep these words in mind for the next few minutes.
You family members and friends are the true backbone that supported us for the
last 18 years and without you we wouldn’t be who we are today. I know that I haven’t
been here long and I can’t claim to know many of you very well. In fact most of you
I probably have never met, but I can say this with my head high and my voice full of
pride. Friends and family of the graduates, the four people on this stage with me
today are without a doubt some of the best people I will ever have the pleasure to
I cannot speak on the thoughts of my classmates and how they view me, but here
is my opinion of them.
As soon as I met him I knew that JT would be without a doubt the core of the
group and throughout this year he has proven himself reliable time and time again.
Haylee was probably the most vocal of us and brought a cheerful attitude to the
class everyday, her happy go lucky attitude put many of our debates to rest.
The quiet and hardworking Reagenn brought a voice of reason to our group and
without her most of this probably wouldn’t have been possible.
Finally there is Ian, while I’ve only known the other three for a year, Ian has been
with me my entire life, and even before that. While I watched as the others each stood
out in their own way, I didn’t have to watch for him because I already knew that he
would be the group’s leader.
Of course there are others who helped us along the way such as the teachers and
staff. I would also like to thank Jayden Hoffman who helped me come up with my idea
for this speech.
One thing I feel the need to say to the other graduates is while we may not have
known each other long, those two words stated earlier apply to you too. You guys
helped this to be one of the best, most interesting years of my life. So let me take this
chance to personally say:
Thank You.
So with that said the last thing to reveal is the theme for this speech. If you haven’t
figured it out yet, then let me just come out and say it. Though I know you already
know it, I mean you guys did raise us. The theme for this speech is GRATITUDE.
What I have in my heart today is nothing but gratitude for us and those who helped
us throughout the years, and while we may never be able to repay the kindness that
has been shown to us by you, I hope you will find it in yourselves to keep caring for us
as we struggle through the next stages of our lives.
I feel that other topics like memories or making mistakes just wouldn’t show the
significance behind my words, and so, as I leave the stand and as we leave highschool
today, let me take the moment to say these two words again:
Thank You.
Long Creek
Valedictorian Speech – Jenny Kim
Good afternoon families, friends, and most importantly to the graduates of the
class of 2021. My name is Jenny Kim, and I am honored to have the opportunity to
give the valedictory address today.  Before I begin, on behalf of the class of 2021, I
would like to thank our families, friends, Long Creek teachers, staff and community
members who have supported us through the years. We can’t thank you enough for
all you have given us..
Long Creek has helped to form our foundation, and now, ready or not, we will be
leaving here to build our futures. Some of us will be going to serve our country or
their community, some will be going to college, but we all will begin forging our own
paths. However, we go with the knowledge that we have the support of not only our
families and friends, but the Long Creek community, as well. 
Class Motto:
“Face the
sun and the
shadows will
fall behind.”
Jenny Kim
Lucchese Douglas-
~ Walt Whitman
Aaron Garinger
Benjamin Henry
Thomas Kreamier
Life is full of decisions, and I am sure each of you can relate, not all of them turned
out exactly as we had planned. It doesn’t matter how old you are, how experienced
you are, we all make mistakes; but hopefully, we learn from them. Life is about trying
new things and testing yourself; some experiences you will appreciate and others,
not so much. However, if you never get out of your comfort zone, how will you really
know what you like or what you could accomplish?  My hope for this class is that we
will not be afraid to try new things, even if that means sometimes making a mistake.
Today is the end of one chapter, but also the beginning of another. I believe we
will change this world, let it be for the better.  As for today, we celebrate together
one last time as the Class of 2021, tomorrow we each begin our own life’s journey. 
Whatever your path,  I am glad to have spent these high school years with each of
 I would like to close with a quote from the late author, Neil Gaimen, who said
“Now go, and make interesting mistakes, make amazing mistakes, make glorious and
fantastic mistakes. Break rules. Leave the world more interesting for you being here.
Make good art.” 
Parents, teachers, staff members, friends, and community members, thank you for
supporting us once again.
Congratulations Mountaineer Class
of 2021! Jenny, Lucchese, Aaron,
Benjamin, Thomas Best wishes for your
next adventure!
Long Creek School
Congratulations Long Creek
Mountaineer Class of 2021!
Happy graduation!
Long Creek Booster Club
Congratulations on all your hard work
and accomplishments! We are proud
of you! Education is truly our finest
Long Creek Education Association
Congratulations! Best wishes for a
bright future! Way to go class of 2021!
Blue Mountain Herbs, Inc.