NEWS COPS AND COURTS Arrests and citations in the Blue Mountain Eagle are taken from the logs of law enforce- ment agencies. Every eff ort is made to report the court dispo- sition of arrest cases. Grant County Circuit Court David W. Kreger, 28, pleaded guilty to a count of harassment committed on Jan. 27 and fourth-degree assault committed on Feb 12. Kreger was sentenced to 15 days in jail, 18 months of supervised probation, 30 hours of com- munity service and ordered to pay $300 in fi nes. Counts of fourth-degree assault, stran- gulation and harassment were dismissed. Grant County Sheriff The Grant County Sheriff ’s Offi ce reported the following for the week of May 19: Concealed handgun licenses: 7 Average inmates: 11 Bookings: 11 Releases: 14 Arrests: 1 Citations: 2 Fingerprints: 0 Civil papers: 16 Warrants processed: 8 Assistance/Welfare check: 0 Search and Rescue: 0 Andrew Roberts, 54, of Vancouver, Washington, was cited for violation of posted speed, 46/35 zone. Scott Iverson, 28, of Port- land was cited for careless driving and violation of posted speed, 73/35 zone. Dispatch John Day dispatch worked 194 calls during the week of May 17-23, including: • John Day Police Department May 17: Jolin C. Goskin, 41, of Graham, Washington, was cited for speed on High- way 395 near milepost 1. May 17: Kendal L. Fancher, 25, of John Day was cited for speeding on Northwest Sev- enth Street. May 18: Stacey Heinrich, 54, of Mt. Vernon was arrested for driving under the infl uence of intoxicants. May 18: Spencer Leif- heit III, 44, of Mt. Vernon was arrested for driving under the infl uence of intoxicants. May 18: Arrested Erik Mountain, 43, of John Day for second-degree criminal tres- pass and third-degree theft. May 18: Responded for a report of a domestic distur- bance on West Main Street. May 19: Toby Thomas, 34, of Mt. Vernon was cited for speeding on Highway 26. May 19: Kenneth Roche- fort, 61, of Vancouver, Wash- ington, was cited for speeding. • Oregon State Police May 20: Received a report of an elk-versus-vehicle crash on Highway 26. • Grant County Sheriff ’s Offi ce May 17: Received a report of theft on School House Lane. May 21: Jeremiah Alsop, 39, of John Day, was arrested on a Grant County warrant. • John Day ambulance May 17: Dispatched to an elderly woman with back pain on Northwest Canton Street. May 18: Responded for an 83-year-old woman with dia- betic issue on Brent Lane. May 18: Responded for a woman who fell on Highway 26. May 21: Responded to a report of a male subject who was unconscious for a short time. May 22: Dispatched for an elderly woman with diffi culty breathing on Brent Lane. • Long Creek ambulance May 21: Along with the John Day ambulance, dis- patched to an elderly woman with back and chest pain on Highway 380N. Wednesday, May 26, 2021 A5 John Day’s $1.8 million broadband grant makes progress, almost done By Rudy Diaz Blue Mountain Eagle The U.S. Economic Development Agency agreed to submit a letter of further consideration to provide John Day with $1.8 million for the city’s community broad- band project after several resubmissions. John Day City Manager Nick Green said the city was notifi ed last week by the EDA of the agreement. If the $1.8 is awarded, it will fund 90% of the total broadband proj- ect cost. John Day will be responsible for the remaining 10% match which is approxi- mately $200,000. Green said the match funds will come from the city’s IT Funds and a $50,000 grant from the Oregon Com- munity Foundation. “They’re sending a let- ter of further consideration, which is basically the pre- award and terms for the EDA grant,” Green said. “This let- ter will say we answered all of their questions, and this will basically be a terms sheet and layout the next steps to get to an award.” Eagle fi le photo John Day City Manager Nick Green The grant from EDA would help fund broadband fi ber internet to homes and businesses in John Day and support the Grant County Cyber Mill. The Cyber Mill, previ- ously known as Grant County Coworks, plans to provide access to computers, printers and broadband at facilities in Seneca, John Day and Prai- rie City. The city now plans to pro- ceed with the purchase of the Cyber Mill location in John Day, which is a building on Main Street in between The Outpost and a church, where a gym used to be. The prop- erty is currently listed for $170,000. EDA authorized this pur- chase as a pre-agreement cost and will count the expendi- ture toward the city’s match- ing funds commitment. A request from the com- mittee that reviewed John Day’s application was to either have a title to the future Cyber Mill building in John Day or a 15-year lease agreement. The building will be the city’s until it is transitioned to the Cyber Mill organiza- tion. The Cyber Mill organi- zation is currently working on establishing a non-profi t status. “We can transition it off our books and on to theirs if we would purchase it,” Green said. “We can transfer this as an asset as soon as our obli- gations under the grant agree- ments are completed. We just can’t do it before that.” While council members showed support for the Cyber Mill coming to fruition, there were some concerns on the purchase of the site. John Day City Councilor Heather Rookstool had a con- cern regarding the cost of repairs for the site. “I’m just nervous because a year ago it was lower and who knows what the prices are going to be later (when construction begins),” Rook- stool said. The council passed a motion to off er up to $100,000 to purchase the building in a six to one vote. S241544-1 BLUE MOUNTAIN EAGLE EARLY DEADLINE For June 2nd Edition Ad, Classified & Legal Deadline Thursday, May 27th by 4PM • 541-820-4463 S245043-1 Our office will be closed May 31st in observance of Memorial Day 195 N Canyon Blvd., John Day, Oregon Memorial Day Grant County’s newspaper since 1868 541-575-0710 S244850-1 Join your local telephone & internet provider as we honor & remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. MEMORIAL DAY We owe this freedom of choice and action to those men and women in uniform who have served this nation and its interests in time of need. In particular, we are forever indebted to those who have given their lives that we might be free. - Ronald Reagan Grant County Veterans Services One Telephone Drive, Mount Vernon, OR 97865 155 E Main St, John Day, OR 97845 1-800-848-7969 or 541-932-4411 S243252-1 530 E Main St., Suite 5 John Day, Oregon 97845 541-620-8057 S243945-1