CLASSIFIEDS 101 Legal Notices 101 Legal Notices 101 Legal Notices Notice is hereby given, in accordance with Section 3-1-6 of the City Code, that Business Licenses are required for every kind of calling carried on for profit in the City of John Day. Current licensees will receive mailed notice by June 1st, with payment due on or before July 1, 2021 to validate a period through June 30, 2022. Licenses may be obtained at City Hall, 450 E. Main, during the hours of 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM, Monday through Thursday (except holidays). 101 Legal Notices Wednesday, May 26, 2021 541-575-0710 MYEAGLENEWS.COM 101 Legal Notices 101 Legal Notices CITY OF JOHN DAY 2020-2021 Supplemental Budget Hearing A public hearing on a proposed supplemental budget for the City of John Day, for the current fiscal year will be held at the John Day Firehall at 316 S Canyon Blvd, John Day, Oregon. The hearing will take place on June 8th at 7:15 pm. The purpose of the hearing is to discuss the supplemental budget with interested persons. A copy of the supplemental budget may be inspected or obtain at city hall, 450 East Main St, John Day, Oregon between the hours of 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. Monday through Thursday. Please note: As ordered by Governor Brown, face masks are required for entrance to the building and social distancing guidelines will be maintained by all participants. Seating is extremely limited and preference will be given to those on the agenda. If seating is unavailable, particpants will be asked to wait outside the building. You may join from your computer, tablet or smartphone at: NOTICE OF PRELIMINARY DETERMINATION FOR WATER RIGHT TRANSFER T-13511 T-13511 filed by Oregon Department of Fish And Wildlife, PO Box 93, 45403 Hwy 26, Dayville, OR 97825, proposes a change in point of diversion under Certificate 25865. The right allows the use of 1/40 cubic foot per second per acre irrigated to June 1 and 1/80 cubic foot per second per acre thereafter; further limited to one acre-foot per calendar month to June 1 and four acre-feet per acre during season April 1 to Sept. 30 from Flat Creek in Sec. 13, T13S, R27E, WM for irrigation, domestic, and stock in Sects. 13 and 14, T13S, R27E, WM. The applicant proposes to move the point of diversion within Sec. 13, T13S, R27E, WM. The Water Resources Department proposes to approve the transfer, based on the requirements of ORS Chapter 540 and OAR 690-380-5000. Any person may file, jointly or severally, a protest or standing statement within 30 days after the last date of newspaper publi- cation of this notice, 05/26/2021. Call (503) 986-0815 to obtain additional information. If no protests are filed, the Department will issue a final order consistent with the preliminary determination. IMPORTANT: Due to COVID-19, the Department’s office is closed to walk-in services. The Department encourages the submission of protests by U.S. mail. Please consider mailing early to ensure the Department receives the protest by the deadline specified above. 3,208,490 Federal, State and Other Grants 3,975,073 Revenue from Bonds & Other Debt 8,150,000 Interfund Transfers 529,881 Fees & Licenses 644,630 Other Current Resources 1,752,192 Estimated Resources other than Property Taxes TOTAL RESOURCES Blue Mountain EAGLE Classifieds CALL ATTENTION TO YOUR AD •Add bold: $1/wk •Add a border: $3/wk •Highlight it: $5/wk • Add a picture or logo: $5/wk Call us: (541) 575-0710 Email us: WITH FULL COLOR for just $5 more per week GET RESULTS NOW Blue Mountain 18,260,266 EAGLE 350,530 Classifieds Revenue from Division of Tax KEEP YOUR AD IN DEMAND Revised Total FY 2021-2022 Net Working Capital support your local newspaper 101 Legal Notices CITY OF JOHN DAY PROPOSED 2020-2021 SUPPLMENTAL BUDGET SUMMARY RESOURCES Call 541-575-0710 or place your ad online at 18,610,796 REQUIREMENTS BY OBJECT CLASSIFICATION 101 Legal Notices Personnel Services 1,772,215 Materials and Services 1,193,122 Capital Outlay 13,683,111 Debt Service 419,500 Interfund Transfers 529,881 Contingencies 360,229 Unappropriated Ending Fund Balance 652,738 TOTAL REQUIREMENTS 18,610,796 CHANGES: * General Fund - reappropriate Contingency to Transfers to show an inter-fund transfer to the Motor Pool Fund. * Water Fund - to appropriate ODOT Grant funding received for the S 395 Project. 101 Legal Notices 101 Legal Notices CITY OF JOHN DAY 2021-2022 BUDGET HEARING A hearing of the John Day City Council will be held on June 8, 2021 at 7:05 p.m. at 316 S Canyon Blvd, John Day, Oregon. The purpose of this hearing is to discuss the budget for fiscal year beginning July 1, 2021 as approved by the Budget Committee. A summary of the budget is presented below. A copy may be inspected or obtained at the John Day City Hall between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. The budget was prepared on a basis of accounting that is consistent with the basis used last year. Please note: As ordered by Governor Brown, face masks are required for entrance to the building and social distancing guidelines will be maintained by all participants. Seating is extremely limited and preference will be given to those on the agenda. If seating is unavailable, particpants will be asked to wait outside the building. You may join from your computer, tablet or smartphone at: * Sewer Fund - to appropriate Brownsfield Grant funding received for the Oregon Pine Focused Site Asessment. CITY OF JOHN DAY PROPOSED 2021-2022 BUDGET SUMMARY * Street Fund - to appropriate ORR Grant funding received for signage. * Street Fund - to appropriate Chamber of Commerce funding for signage. Budget Commit- tee Approved FY 2021-2022 Adopted FY 2020-2021 Actual FY 2019-2020 TOTAL OF ALL FUNDS * Street Fund - to appropriate SCA Grant funding received the Charolais Heights Intersection Project. Net Working Capital * Street Fund - to appropriate Travel Oregon funding received for restrooms downtown. Federal, State and Other Grants * Motor Pool Fund - to appropriate additional transfers from the General fund for an equipment purchase. Revenue from Bonds & Other Debt Interfund Transfers 101 Legal Notices B7 101 Legal Notices 101 Legal Notices Fees & Licenses Other Current Resources CITY OF PRAIRIE CITY 2020-2021 BUDGET HEARING A meeting of the Prairie City Council will be held on June 9, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. at 133 South Bridge St, Prairie City, Oregon. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the budget for fiscal year beginning July 1, 2021 as approved by the Budget Committee. A summary of the budget is presented below. A copy may be inspected or obtained at the Recorder’s Office, City Hall, Prairie City between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. The budget was prepared on a basis of accounting that is consistent with the basis used last year. This meeting will take place via Go-to-Meeting for all public interested in attending. Please call: 1-312-757-3121 Access Code: 238-325-781 CITY OF PRAIRIE CITY PROPOSED 2021-2022 BUDGET SUMMARY Adopted FY 2020-2021 Actual FY 2019-2020 TOTAL OF ALL FUNDS Budget Commit- tee Approved FY 2021-2022 Net Working Capital 330,566 332,678 235,996 Federal, State and Other Grants 223,080 1,194,300 1,039,300 2,101,731 521,137 471,137 318,912 48,877 350,504 Revenue from Bonds & Other Debt Interfund Transfers Estimated Resources other than Property Taxes Revenue from Division of Tax 4,218,077 3,226,175 3,316,875 457,464 11,218,590 9,318,840 62,500 850,000 6,560,000 456,448 509,881 604,424 1,756,245 1,885,069 1,963,384 525,489 475,236 504,882 7,476,225 18,164,951 22,268,405 325,457 293,530 298,952 Revenue from Special Levy TOTAL RESOURCES 0 0 50,000 7,801,681 18,458,481 22,617,357 REQUIREMENTS BY OBJECT CLASSIFICATION Personnel Services 1,362,154 1,772,215 2,067,013 Materials and Services 1,087,694 1,209,007 1,331,465 Capital Outlay 1,737,469 13,448,111 17,280,252 Debt Service 383,861 501,300 434,268 Interfund Transfers 604,424 456,448 509,881 Contingencies 0 365,229 99,895 Unappropriated Ending Fund Balance 0 652,738 800,040 5,027,626 18,458,481 22,617,357 TOTAL REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS BY ORGANIZATIONAL UNIT Fees & Licenses 703,481 723,650 743,710 853,046 784,555 910,467 Other Current Resources 220,028 156,118 163,035 FTE 3.75 5.50 6.45 3,897,798 2,976,760 3,003,682 Police 489,134 569,551 706,082 FTE 4.23 4.73 4.83 147,177 231,925 242,098 Estimated Resources other than Property Taxes Revenue from Division of Tax TOTAL RESOURCES 162,798 163,652 170,580 4,060,595 3,140,412 3,174,262 REQUIREMENTS BY OBJECT CLASSIFICATION Personnel Services 381,254 458,400 491,337 Materials and Services 522,348 799,549 580,469 Capital Outlay 855,819 1,456,210 1,415,106 1,516,257 216,100 211,800 318,912 48,877 350,504 0 161,276 125,046 Debt Service Interfund Transfers Contingencies Unappropriated Ending Fund Balance TOTAL REQUIREMENTS 0 0 0 3,594,589 3,140,412 3,174,262 174,407 FTE Public Safety Broadband 0.00 0.00 149,766 1,430,147 3,309,666 FTE Non-departmental/Non-program 0.00 0.00 0.00 110,690 306,344 323,242 FTE TOTAL FTE 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,027,626 18,458,481 22,617,357 14.57 17.23 18.23 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: 0 0 0 *The proposed budget reflects a $1 increase in the base rate for residential sewer services. 3,299,778 2,609,061 2,707,940 3 3 3 18,551 34,360 12,960 0.47 0.47 0 41,509 127,631 117,686 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,594,589 3,140,412 3,174,262 5.25 5.25 4.50 *The proposed budget reflects a 1% COLA increase. *The proposed budget reflects grant revenues currently applied for but not received for the Broadband project. *The proposed budget reflects an approximate 10% increase in employee health insurance premiums. *The proposed budget reflects an approximate increase of 15% in Property/Liability insurance premiums. *The proposed budget reflects changes in personnel allocation resulting in an increase in Administration and a decrease in Streets/Public Works FTE count. *The proposed budget reflects increasing a part-time employee to 3/4 time. This may be necessary with the anticipated sewer and broadband projects. *The proposed budget reflects the addition of a full-time position for Community Development, this position will be grant funded. PROPERTY TAX LEVY *The proposed budget reflects a 3.81% increase in PERS OPSRP rates. *The proposed budget reflects an approximate increase of 10% in Property/Liability insurance premiums. Local Option Levy *The proposed budget eliminates the paid positions related to Museum operations. Levy for General Obligation Bonds *The proposed budget reflects grant and debt income related to the USDA funded Water project approved in a previous fiscal year. Rate/Amount Imposed 2019-20 Rate/Amount Imposed This Year 2020-21 Rate/Amount Approved Next Year 2021-22 4.8026 4.8026 4.8026 Local Option Levy 0 0 0 Levy for General Obligation Bonds 0 0 0 STATEMENT OF LONG-TERM INDEBTEDNESS Estimated Debt Outstanding on July 1 Rate/Amount Imposed 2019-20 Rate/Amount Imposed This Year 2020-21 Rate/Amount Approved Next Year 2021-22 Permanent Rate Levy (Rate Limit 2.9915 per $1,000) *The proposed budget reflects an approximate 10% increase in employee health insurance premiums. Business Oregon - Water Improvements 24 0.00 *The proposed budget reflects a $1 increase in the base rate for residential water services. *The proposed budget reflects a 2.28% increase PERS Tier I/II rates. USDA Rural Development Loan - Sewer 5.80 9,941 FTE *The proposed budget reflects no COLA. Bank of Eastern Oregon - Line of Credit 6.20 46,000 1.50 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: Permanent Rate Levy (Rate Limit $4.8026 per $1,000) 6.70 FTE Dispatch 65,093 TOTAL FTE PROPERTY TAX LEVY 0.25 17,125,778 1.78 FTE TOTAL REQUIREMENTS 270,583 1.20 15,126,018 106,840 FTE Non-departmental/Non-program 262,520 0.39 3,231,814 1.78 FTE Museum FTE Streets & Public Works 60,344 FTE Streets & Public Works Fire TOTAL REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS BY ORGANIZATIONAL UNIT Administration Administration Estimated Debt Autho- rized, but not incurred on July 1 84,456 0 0 50,000 62,921 62,921 62,921 STATEMENT OF LONG-TERM INDEBTEDNESS Estimated Debt Outstanding on July 1 General Fund: Fire Fire Hall Building Project 430,000 Sewer Fund Property Acquisition Loan 455,214 Greenhouse Construction Project 326,352 Water Fund Property Acquisition Loan 506,655 Water/Sewer Funds 1,259,201 500,000 Loan Refinance Package 1,762,952 Estimated Debt Autho- rized, but not incurred on July 1