CLASSIFIEDS Blue Mountain Eagle B6 651 Help Wanted T HE C ITY OF M T . V ERNON IS NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR A S EA - SONAL M AINTENANCE W ORKER . Must be 18 years old, have a valid driver’s license with a clean driving record, be able to perform manual labor and pass a drug screening. Job starts July 1 for approxi- mately 15 weeks. $12/hr. Applications at Mt. Vernon City Hall Monday – Friday 7:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m. Deadline for applications are June 21, 2021 @ 4:00 p.m. Call 541-932-4688 for more information. 707 Livestock Sales 999 Statewide Classifieds 999 Statewide Classifieds AT&T I NTERNET . S TARTING AT $40/ MONTH W /12- MO AGMT . I NCLUDES 1 TB OF DATA PER MONTH . G ET M ORE F OR Y OUR H IGH -S PEED I NTERNET T HING . A SK US HOW TO BUNDLE AND SAVE! G EO & SVC RESTRICTIONS APPLY . C ALL US TODAY 1-877-322- 1773. H UGHES N ET S ATELLITE I NTERNET - 25 MBPS STARTING AT $49.99/ MO ! G ET M ORE D ATA FREE O FF -P EAK D ATA . FAST DOWNLOAD SPEEDS . W I F I BUILT IN ! FREE S TANDARD I NSTALLATION FOR LEASE CUSTOMERS ! L IMITED T IME , C ALL 1-888-849-2601 E LIMINATE GUTTER CLEANING FOREVER ! L EAF F ILTER , THE MOST ADVANCED DEBRIS - BLOCKING GUTTER PROTECTION . S CHEDULE A FREE L EAF F ILTER ESTIMATE TODAY . 15% OFF E NTIRE P URCHASE . 10% S E - NIOR & M ILITARY D ISCOUNTS . C ALL 1-855-536-8838. T AKING ADVANCED ORDERS FOR G RASS F ED , C USTOM O RDER , NATURAL BEEF. Q UARTERS , HALVES , OR WHOLE . 541-620-4000 713 Horses & Tack @ MyEagleNews Buyer of all classes of horses. John Bennett Livestock 541-523-6119 541-519-2802 101 Legal Notices 999 Statewide Classifieds DIRECTV NOW. N O S ATELLITE N EEDED . $40/ MONTH . 65 C HAN - NELS . S TREAM B REAKING N EWS , L IVE E VENTS , S PORTS & O N D EMAND T ITLES . N O A NNUAL C ON - TRACT . N O C OMMITMENT . CALL 1-844-269-0236. DONATE YOUR CAR TO UNIT- ED BREAST CANCER FOUN- DATION! Y OUR DONATION HELPS EDUCATION , PREVENTION & SUPPORT PROGRAMS . FAST FREE PICKUP - 24 HR RESPONSE - TAX DE- DUCTION. 1-855-252-2579. P ORTABLE O XYGEN C ONCENTRATOR M AY B E C OVERED BY M EDICARE ! R ECLAIM INDEPENDENCE AND MOBIL - SENDS HELP L IFE A LERT . O NE PRESS OF A BUTTON FAST, 24/7! A T HOME AND ON THE GO . M OBILE P ENDANT WITH GPS. FREE F IRST A ID K IT ( WITH SUBSCRIPTION .) CALL 844- 395-8106 FREE B ROCHURE . ITY WITH THE COMPACT DESIGN AND LONG - LASTING BATTERY OF I NOGEN O NE . F REE INFORMATION KIT ! C ALL 855-839-0752. N EVER P AY F OR C OVERED H OME R EPAIRS A GAIN ! C OMPLETE C ARE H OME W ARRANTY COVERS ALL MAJOR SYSTEMS AND APPLI- ANCES. 30 DAY RISK FREE. $200.00 OFF 2 FREE M ONTHS ! 1-855-814-3266. DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK OR BOAT TO HERITAGE FOR THE BLIND. F REE 3 D AY V ACATION , T AX D EDUCTIBLE , F REE T OWING , A LL P APERWORK T AKEN C ARE O F . CALL 1-844-533-9173. READ THE EAGLE R ICKREALL G UN S HOW . S ATURDAY , J UNE 12 TH , 9 AM -5 PM . S UNDAY , J UNE 13 TH , 9 AM -3 PM . A DMISSION $8.00. P OLK C OUNTY F AIRGROUNDS , 520 S. P ACIFIC H WY . W. R ICKREALL . BREAKING NEWS! Wednesday, May 26, 2021 101 Legal Notices ONLINE 101 Legal Notices 101 Legal Notices NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING A public meeting of the Mount Vernon Rural Fire P.D. will be held on June 3, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. at Mount Vernon City Hall, Mount Vernon, Oregon. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2021 as approved by the Mount Vernon Rural Fire P.D. Budget Committee. A summary of the budget is presented below. A copy of the budget may be inspected or obtained at 53983 Happy Valley Lane, Mount Vernon between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. This budget is for an annual budget period. This budget was prepared on a basis of account that is the same as the preceding year. 807 Fuel, Heating & Firewood JUNIPER FIREWOOD APPROX. 2.25 CORD PER LOAD. $325 DELIVERED WITHIN JOHN DAY AREA. 541-620-8408 FINANCIAL SUMMARY–RESOURCES 999 Statewide Classifieds TOTAL OF ALL FUNDS Beginning Fund Balance/ Net Working Capital T HE G ENERAC PWR CELL , A SOLAR PLUS BATTERY STORAGE SYSTEM . SAVE MONEY , REDUCE YOUR RELIANCE ON THE GRID , PREPARE FOR Fees, Licenses, Permits, Fines, Assessments & Other Service Charges POWER OUTAGES AND POWER YOUR F ULL INSTALLATION SERVICES $0 D OWN F INANCING O PTION . R EQUEST A FREE, NO OBLIGATION , QUOTE TODAY . C ALL 1-844-989-2328. AVAILABLE . 90,000 95,000 34 50 50 20,000 20,000 All Other Resources Except Current Year Property Taxes 5,507 5,102 5,212 Current Year Property Taxes Estimated to be Received 43,723 46,380 47,395 153,909 161,532 167,657 TOTAL RESOURCES FINANCIAL SUMMARY–REQUIREMENTS BY OBJECT CLASSIFICATION Personnel Services Materials and Services Capital Outlay 3,922 5,000 5,300 26,860 49,020 48,620 6,939 100,000 100,000 7,512 13,737 161,532 167,657 Debt Service Interfund Transfers Contingencies Special Payments W ESLEY F INANCIAL G ROUP , LLC. T IMESHARE C ANCELLATION E XPERTS O VER $50,000,000 IN TIMESHARE DEBT AND FEES CANCELLED IN 2019. G ET FREE INFORMATIONAL PACKAGE Unappropriated Ending Fund Balance & Reserved for Future Expenditure 37,721 TOTAL REQUIREMENTS FINANCIAL SUMMARY–REQUIREMENTS AND FULL-TIME EQUIVALENT EMPLOYEES (FTE) BY ORGANIZATIONAL UNIT OR PROGRAM AND LEARN HOW TO GET RID OF YOUR CONSULTATIONS . REVIEWS . 104,645 Interfund Transfers/ Internal Service Reim- bursements GENERAC S TANDBY G ENERATORS . T HE WEATHER IS INCREASINGLY UNPREDICTABLE . B E PREPARED FOR POWER OUTAGES . FREE 7- YEAR EXTENDED WARRANTY ($695 VALUE !) S CHEDULE YOUR FREE IN - HOME ASSESSMENT TODAY . C ALL 1-877- 557-1912 S PECIAL FINANCING FOR QUALIFIED CUSTOMERS . O VER 450 POSITIVE 855-385-4473. Approved Budget Next Year 2021-2022 Revenue from Bonds and Other Debts DENTAL INSURANCE FROM P HYSICIANS M UTUAL I NSURANCE C OMPANY . C OVERAGE FOR 350 PLUS PROCEDURES . R EAL DENTAL INSURANCE - NOT JUST A DISCOUNT PLAN . D O NOT WAIT ! C ALL NOW ! G ET YOUR FREE D ENTAL I NFORMATION K IT WITH ALL THE DETAILS ! 1-844- 239-9335 www.dental50plus. com/25 #6258 F REE Adopted Budget This Year 2020-2021 Federal, State & all Other Grants, Gifts, Allo- cations & Donations HOME . TIMESHARE ! Actual Amounts 2019-2020 C ALL Name of Organizational Unit or Program FTE for the unit or program DIVORCE $130. C OMPLETE PREPARATION . I NCLUDES CHILDREN , CUSTODY , SUPPORT , PROPERTY AND BILLS DIVISION . N O COURT APPEAR - ANCES . D IVORCED IN 1-5 WEEKS POSSIBLE . 503-772-5295. www. Clerk FTE Fire & Emergency FTE TOTAL REQUIREMENTS DISH N ETWORK . $59.99 FOR 190 C HANNELS ! B LAZING F AST I NTERNET , $19.99/ MO . ( WHERE AVAILABLE .) S WITCH & G ET A FREE $100 V ISA G IFT C ARD . FREE V OICE R EMOTE . FREE HD DVR. FREE S TREAM - ING ON ALL D EVICES . C ALL TODAY ! 1-866-373-9175. TOTAL FTE B ECOME A PUBLISHED AUTHOR ! P UBLI - Permanent Rate Levy (Rate Limit 1.0012 per $1,000) 1,015 1,200 1,200 1 1 1 1,766 2,100 2,100 2 2 2 2,781 3,300 3,300 3 3 3 YARD SALE DEAL UNLIMITED WORDING FOR $15.00 PROPERTY TAX LEVIES & SPECIALTY C HRISTIAN BOOKSTORES . CALL C HRISTIAN F AITH P UBLISHING FOR YOUR FREE AUTHOR SUBMIS - SION KIT . 1-855-407-5056. NOTICE OF OPPORTUNITY TO COMMENT Responsible Official Craig Trulock, Forest Supervisor for the Mal- heur National Forest announces the availability of the Long Creek Pass Communication Site Draft Environmental Assessment for public review and comment. The Long Creek Pass Communica- tion Site project proposes to authorize an AT&T FirstNet commu- nication site including a 195’ tower and associated building within an area less than one acre. The site is located west of US Highway 395 at Long Creek Pass where an existing radio site is located. This authorization would include a project specific Land and Re- source Management Plan (Forest Plan) amendment of the visual quality objective of retention and plan-level Forest Plan amend- ment to designate the area as an Administrative Sites. The Malheur National Forest has identified the following substan- tive rule requirements as directly related to the proposed amend- ments for the Long Creek Pass Communication Site: 36 CFR 219.10(a)(1) Aesthetic values, scenery, and viewsheds and 36 CFR 219.10(a)(3) Appropriate placement and sustainable management of infrastructure. The Draft Environmental Assessment can be accessed on the Forest Service Website at: This solicitation serves three purposes: 1. It serves as the comment period required under 36 CFR 218 and 36 CFR 219 objection regulations. 2. It serves as the purpose of scoping under the National Environmental Policy Act regulations. 3. Is serves as an opportunity for the public to share with forest staff their thoughts on the proposal and associated forest plan amendments. This includes what you like, dislike and any adjustments you may want to see considered in the project design, and why. Comments concerning this action and the associated Forest Plan amendments must be submitted within 30 calendar days following publication date of the legal notice in the Blue Mountain Eagle. Written comments concerning the proposed project and associat- ed amendments may be submitted using the following methods: Postal mail: Craig Trulock, Forest Supervisor, Malheur Nation- al Forest, PO Box 909, 431 Patterson Bridge Rd, John Day, OR 97845. E-mail: (please put “Long Creek Pass” in the subject line of your email). Electronic comments must be submitted as part of the actual e-mail message or as an attachment in Microsoft Word (.doc), rich text format (.rtf), or portable document format (.pdf) only. E-mails submitted to e-mail addresses other than those listed above, in other formats, or containing viruses will be rejected. For electroni- cally submitted comments, the sender should normally receive an automated acknowledgment from the agency as confirmation of receipt. If the sender does not receive an automated acknowledg- ment of the receipt of the comments, it is the sender’s responsibili- ty to ensure timely receipt by other means. Fax: 541-575-3001. For those submitting hand delivered comments please call 541-575- 3000 to make arrangements. Written comments shall include your name, address, and (if pos- sible) telephone number; organization represented (if any), title of document about which the comment is being submitted, and specific facts or comments along with supporting reasons that you believe the responsible official should consider in reaching a deci- sion; and your signature. Your comments concerning possible amendment of the Forest Plan should focus on the potential environmental impacts, reason- able alternatives, and measures to avoid or lessen any adverse impacts. The more specific your comments, the more useful they will be. Decisions by the Forest Service to approve “project-specific” plan amendments (for this project the proposed amendment for site-specific changes in standards and guidelines for visuals) are subject to the Administrative Review Process of 36 CFR 218 Sub- part A and B, in accordance with 36 CFR 219.59 (b). The term “project specific” refers to an amendment that would only apply to the proposed project and would not apply to any future manage- ment actions. Decisions by the Forest Service to approve “plan level” amend- ments to Land Management Plans (for this project the proposed amendment to designate the area as an administrative site) are subject to the Pre-Decisional Administrative Review Process Reg- ulations at 36 CFR 219 Subpart B. The term “plan level” refers to plan amendments that would apply to future management actions. Refer to the applicable administrative review regulations for eligi- bility requirements. Comments received in response to this solic- itation, including names and addresses of those who comment, will be considered part of the public record on this proposed action and will be available for public inspection. Comments submitted anonymously will be accepted and considered but will not allow for standing to object to the amendments. Anyone wishing to obtain additional information on the project should contact Janet Plocharsky by phone at 541-575-3390 or email: Mention the "Yard Sale Deal" to get: STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN ACTIVITIES AND SOURCES OF FINANCING* CATIONS SOLD AT ALL MAJOR SECULAR 101 Legal Notices Rate/Amount Imposed 2019-20 Rate/Amount Imposed This Year 2020-21 Rate/Amount Approved Next Year 2021-22 1.0012 1.0012 1.0012 Local Option Levy (one week only) AND 6 YARD SALE SIGNS FOR YOUR YARD SALE CLASSIFIED AD. Levy for General Obligation Bonds SERVICE DIRECTORY INTERNET A Services Directory listing is $9.95 per week for a single ad (13 week minimum). Call the Blue Mountain Eagle today! 541-575-0710. JANITORIAL SERVICE 541-932-4411 NURSERY Better Blooms & Gardens YOUR AD Eastern Oregon Building Maintenance Blinds • Carpets • Floors • Windows • Ducts Upholstery • Power Sweeping • Snow Removal Fire & Flood Restoration “Professional Cleaning Service” FIBER FAST INTERNET, PHONE & EZVideo ! PORTA POTTY CLARK’S ANDY’S PLUMBING & SPORTS TRANSFER STATION • Clean, sanitized • Portable • Septic tank pumping • We deliver & pick up American Standard Sinks & Toilets, Delta Faucets Brandford White, Water Heaters #CCB 114195 ROLL OFF CONTAINERS FOR LARGE JOBS Serving John Day, Canyon City, Prairie City, CCB#181941 Mt. Vernon & Dayville Mon.-Fri. 8am-4:30pm Sports Store: Mon.-Thurs. 8am-4:30pm VETERINARY 541-575-0432 WELL DRILLING CCB#156965 • Equine Services • Internal • Nutritional medicine guidance • Surgery • Annual exams • Heartworm prevention • Vaccinations 59989 Hwy, John Day, OR 541-932-4428 Office Hours: Mon-Fri 11am-2pm Transfer Station Hours: Wed-Sat 9am-4:30pm Recycling Available • NO Burning Barrels DISPOSAL 245 N. Canyon Blvd., Canyon City 541-575-2144 SANITATION YOUR AD Experienced Air Rotary Drilling • Licensed & Bonded Also: Complete Pump WWC# Installation & Service 1606 CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATES Between John Day and Prairie City 541-820-3329 SPORTS ANDY’S PLUMBING & SPORTS STORAGE R & S SELF-STOR A LL TYPES OF ARCHERY EQUIPMENT BOWS: Martin Jennings-Hoyt 245 N. Canyon Blvd., Canyon City 541-575-2144 731 W. Main, John Day Mon.-Fri. 8am-4:30pm Sports Store: Mon.-Thurs. 8am-4:30pm YOUR AD WELDING SUPPLIES • Industrial Gases • Industrial Machine Work • Full Automotive • Lincoln Wire and Rod • Replacement parts for welders, plasma cutters & torches • Special Orders Welcome QUALITY PARTS, QUALITY SERVICE, QUALITY PEOPLE JOHN MARCIEL MT. VERNON 721 W Main St, John Day, OR 97845 • (541) 575-1850 S241801-1 PLUMBING 541-575-1741 • 1-800-282-1741