The Blue Mountain eagle. (John Day, Or.) 1972-current, May 26, 2021, Page 17, Image 17

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Wednesday, May 26, 2021
Eagle fi le photo
From 25 years ago: Raft racers at the Cinnabar Mountain Rendezvous steered wide on the fi rst
curve, sending them crashing into a tree.
75 years ago
Searchers again fail to fi nd body of little
girl believed drowned
An exhaustive search was made of the John
Day River from John Day to Cole Bridge near Mt.
Vernon, by boat Monday, by state police, sheriff ’s
offi ce and city police of John Day for the body of
the little 4-year-old daughter of the Hinley family
of John Day who was, in all probability, drowned
in Canyon Creek a few weeks ago.
It was hoped that the body, if in the river,
might be found lodged in brush or pools along
the river. The offi cers report no results. It was
thought for a few moments the body had been
found, but it turned out to be a part of an ani-
mal. Hope is about abandoned that the little body
will ever be found. There was, about a week ago,
much agitation that the little girl was seen, by
another child, climbing into a car at the Hill auto
court: in other words an abduction. But, investi-
gation by a representative of the Eagle-Ranger
developed no dependable data in that story.
Eagle fi le photo
From 50 years ago: Mrs. Dean Rogers (left), Mrs. Etna Boe (center), and Mrs. Elmer Johnson.
50 years ago
Memorial Poppies Sold
Mrs. Dean Rogers of Mt. Vernon purchased
a Memorial Poppy on Friday from Mrs. Elmer
Johnson of Mt. Vernon, a past president of the
Ellis Tracy Unit No. 77, American Legion Aux-
iliary, as Mrs. Etna Boe watched the proceed-
ings. The Legion ladies moved the poppy sales
inside Chester’s market when chill winds made
street sales diffi cult. Girls Staters assisted with
poppy sales later in the day.
O utlook
Good ol’ Grant
Prairie City
County weather!
80 degrees with
bright sunny skies
so we opened the
Rose Coombs
foundation and
attic vents on the
house. So what happens? 45 degrees and clouds with
rain! Which reminds me of the mandate for our area:
never leave home without a jacket. But the rain is most
welcome. Got the garden all weeded, but needed to do
some leveling. Seems to be more dirt in the center for
some reason. Need to do some equalizing there. But dirt
doesn’t move easy when it’s too wet, so that will have to
wait a bit.
On a related note, we just used the last frozen packages
of beets and carrots from last year’s bounty. Have to
make some changed there to. Put too many in each
container. When there’s only two people, don’t fill the
container for 6!
Had to make a run to get my glasses straightened out.
Tripped or slipped some how on the back step and fell
on my left side and the glasses frame got bent. Anyhow,
while I was waiting for the technician to fix them, I saw
this saying: Bifocals are God’s way of saying ‘Keep your
chin up!’ (Ahem.) Then I had to go back for the special
dry eye test later on. The lady tried to get a salty sample
from the outside corner of my eye, but no luck. Then
they wanted to get a picture of the inside of the upper
eyelid. No luck there, either. My eye lashes were not
long enough for her to get a grip to roll around a Q-tip.
Not a good testing subject! Then I have to go back and
discuss all this with the doctor. Found out that it is a
normal result of growing old and women have a worse
time than men. Well, that’s not equality!
On to good news! We had a wonderful meal on
Wednesday. Chicken nuggets, mashed potatoes and
gravy, pickled beets, a roll, and cottage cheese with pears
for dessert. Pam H. took care of the registration book,
Ginger and Tom did the home deliveries, and Mary
helped get the bags of meals to the diners who came
to the center. Thanks to all who help to get the meals
prepared and out the door. Next week will be spaghetti,
salad, and birthday cake!
The Grant County Senior Advisory Council will be
meeting at the Prairie City Center on June 2 before the
meal deliveries. If you have something that you think
the County Court needs to know about, come and have
your say. Then the Senior Co-ordinator Angie Uptmor
will let the court members know. It’s your chance for
input, so have at it!
2 Corinthians 8:14 “At the present time your plenty will
supply what they need, so that in turn their plenty will
supply what you need. Then there will be equality…”
Weeks go by
quickly when we
are looking back,
but when we go
forward, the things
Elise Huskey
we are waiting for
seem like they will
never happen. That is just weird, but that is how it is.
My household has been vaccinated for the covid 19
prevention. We will continue to wear our masks when
away from home, partly to be an example and partly to
do like everyone else.
Tomorrow, Thursday May 27, Shay and his crew are
making cranberry chicken, rice, french bread, and
cheesecake for dessert. This meal sounds really good
to me. Yum. Then on Monday, May 31, the menu
for lunch will be: hamburger and potato salad, and
cupcakes for dessert. We could have a picnic. I am sure
ready for one.
This will end all information for May and Tuesday,
June 1 will be here. Can you believe it? When I think of
June, I think “summer.” It sure doesn’t look like summer
yet, here.
Psalm 139: 17,18 “How precious are your thoughts about
me, oh God. They cannot be numbered. They outnumber
the grains of sand! And… when I wake up, you are still
with me.”
What did ya’ll
think of the crazy
weather we’ve been
having? First it
got so hot that
Soo Yukawa
I got sun-burnt.
Then it got so cold
that there was snow falling from the sky. Notice, I did
not say the ground, because the snow did not make it
to the ground. I don’t know about that global warming
mantra when the weather feels like winter in the middle
of May. I was pelted in the face with sleet when I was
helping my son run the dogs with the four wheeler.
Our Tuesday lunch that we had prepared for us by our
cooks, Terry Cade and Carrie Jewell, were beef tacos
with all the fixings, refried beans, pasta salad, and peach
cobbler for our dessert. We thank our cooks for the
yummy meal. It is always a treat not to have to cook
something and eat someone else’s cooking, ya know?
Our volunteers were Kristi Guimont, who filled out all
the paperwork. Bob Cockrell and Jan Ensign counted
the money. Sylvia Cockrell collected the money and
doled out the to-go containers of food to the patrons at
the door. We thank all our volunteers for their time and
work. We appreciate everyone’s dedication and support
of the Monument Senior Center.
Praise the Lord for the rain we received! Keep up
the prayers, Prayer Warriors. The Lord is hearing and
Don’t forget about the Bingo night on Saturday, May
29. It is a potluck dinner and the seating is limited to
50 people. You can read my previous article from the
week before for more information.
Another reminder, the Monument rummage sale is
going on the same upcoming weekend, May 28, 29, and
30th. I believe there are lots of things that are going
to be available for sale and you never know that you
might find that treasure you have been searching for.
Remember that tub that I tried to use to plant some
tomatoes? Well, it did not work, possibly because I used
green tomatoes that did not have mature seeds. I will
try again in the next week or so when the weather is
supposedly going to get a little warmer. Maybe the dirt
was too hot? I don’t know but it was worth a try.
We had our friends come to visit from the Portland
area with their two little daughters. They loved my
goats! Their younger daughter especially loved that she
got to pet Darla. Darla is so precious. She really is a
very very friendly little goat. There are some goats that
are just ornery and some are just so friendly and loving.
I guess that is the same way with people. Ha.
I have been prepping Darla to get used to me touching
her bag and scratching her there. She seems to like it
for she stands still and lets me scratch her. I am really
hoping to milk her one day. I just have to keep petting
her and loving on her.
Proverbs 22:9 “He that hath a bountiful eye shall be
blessed; For he giveth of his bread to the poor.”
John Day
25 years ago
Raft race adventures
One of the more exciting events during
this past weekend’s Cinnabar Mountain Ren-
dezvous Celebration in Mt. Vernon was the
fi rst running of a raft race that started behind
the WR 2 small sawmill in John Day and con-
tinued down river toward the fi nish line Mt.
Vernon. Several crews of adventuresome raf-
ters took to the water, and some were luckier
than others.
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We offer a wide range of primary
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Zachary Bailey, MD • Janessa Sickler, DO • Emily Lieuallen, DO
• Janessa
DO • Emily
Nora Healey,
FNP • Sickler,
Erika Adams,
FNP-C Lieuallen,
• Caitlin MacCoun,
Clark, DNP
• Nora Jennings,
Healey, FNP
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Available Monday - Friday
180 Ford Road, John Day • 541-575-0404
Quality Healthcare ...close to home.
170 Ford Road
John Day
112 E. 5th
Prairie City
422 W. Main, 1st floor • John Day
If you have any questions or think you
know of someone who might benefit,
call: 541 575.1648
241 S. Canyon Blvd. John Day • 541-575-0529
T roy Hanson - Funeral Director