Blue Mountain Eagle A6 Wednesday, May 5, 2021 e r n a t s Page P May 2021 Are you looking for quality a preschool program for your child? Oregon  Head  Start  provides  free  pre-­‐ school  that  prepares  children,  ages  3-­‐4,   for  kindergarten  and  beyond  by   supporting  language,  literacy,  and   emotional  development. Fall enrollment is underway! Programs in Grant County are enrolling students for classes next fall that can provide a great opportunity for your child to gain the skills they need to be successful in kindergarten. ! Head Start emphasizes the role of parents as their child’s most important teacher ! Parents learn how best to support their child’s educational development. . ! Head Start puts children on the pathway to success Children  are  more  likely  to  read  by  third   grade.  More  likely  to  graduate  from  high   school,  attend  college,  and  receive  a  post-­‐ secondary  degree.   541-575-1263 UMCHS  Head  Start  Classroom  is  located  at  116   NW  Bridge  Street  In  John  Day.  Class  times  8:30   to  noon.  Transportation,  breakfast  &  lunch   provided.   235 S Canyon Blvd. John Day, Oregon 97845 Call 541 575-1429 to learn more about enrolling your 3-4 year old in a free Head Start program or pick up an application. Accepting new Patients! Go to: Information provided by Frontier Early Learning Hub You also can apply online @                                                     Classes begin Early September Prairie City   Preschool Promise Classroom                                                                         Currently  enrolling  and  for  the   2021-­‐22  School  year.             Oregon has FREE, high-quality preschool programs for families across the state. Located  in  the  Elementary                                             School                                                                                                                                             This  preschool  program  is                                                                           a  part  of  the  Prairie  City  School   Located  in  the  Elementary   District  and  has  the  capacity  for  15   School   Located  in  the  Elementary   students  that  reside  in  the  district. School   Preschool Promise is a full day,                                           8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday. These sites are located in Prairie City and Long Creek and are serving families in those areas.           This  preschool  program  is   a  part  of  the  Prairie  City  School   If  you  would   This  preschool  program  is   like  more  information  about     District  and  has  the  capacity  for  15   this  program  or  to  register  for  the  2021-­‐ a  part  of  the  Prairie  City  School   students  that  reside  in  the  district. 2022  school  year  please  contact  the  school   District  and  has  the  capacity  for  15                                                                           at  541  575-­‐3314  or  log  on  to  their  website   students  that  reside  in  the  district. at  to  download  a   Income 2 $34,480 3 $43,440 4 $52,400 5 $61,360 6 $70,320 7 $79,280 8 $88,240 2021-­‐22  School  year.     Reg is t rat ion  f orm s   are   av ailable   from   t he  f ront   of fic e   and   will   be  av ailable   on   our   webs it e  b y   A ug us t   1 ,   2 0 2 1 .           F www.L or  m ore   at c ion,   c ont ong inform c reeks hool.c om ac   t   J   ennif er  Garing er   at at   t ion,   he   L c ong C reek       F or  m ore   inform ont   ac t   S c hool   Dis t ric er   t   of e   at L   ong 5 4 1   C -­‐5 reek   0 8 -­‐ J ennif er  Garing at fic   t he   In Long Creek has openings for all day, 6 4 e   .     at   5 4 1 -­‐5 0 8 -­‐ S c hool   Dis t ric t   9 of 1 fic full school week, preschool and childcare.           9 1 6 .     av ailable   from     Reg is t rat ion  f orm s 4   are   t Currently  enrolling  and  for  the   he  f   of fic e   and   will   be  av ailable     Reg is t ront rat ion  f orm s   are   av ailable   from   on   our   webs y   A will   ug us t   1 ,   ailable   2 0 2 1 .     t he  f ront   of fic it e   e  b and   be  av 2021-­‐22  School  year.   www.L hool.c om on   our   webs ong it e  b c y reeks   A ug c us t   1 ,   2 0 2   1 .     Breakfast and lunch available www.L ong c reeks c hool.c om   through our school meals program. Located  in  the  Elementary   School         F or  m ore   inform at ion,   c ont ac t   J ennif er  Garing er   at   t he   L ong   C reek   S c hool   Dis t ric t   of fic e   at   5 4 1 -­‐5 0 8 -­‐ 9 1 6 4 .     registration  form.     Grant County Childcare Center If  you  would  like  more  information  about   rogram   or   m to   ore   register   for  the   a 2 bout   021-­‐ If   this   you   p w ould  like   information   22. 2022   school   y o ear   contact   the   school   this   program   r  to   p r lease   egister   for  the   2021-­‐ at  541   575-­‐3 y 314   log  on   to  their   website   2022   school   ear   o p r   lease   contact   the   school   This  preschool  program  is   at   a   at   541   575-­‐3314  or  log   t o o   n   d t ownload   o  their  website   249 N Humbolt Canyon City a  part  of  the  Prairie  City  School   at  to  download  a   District  and  has  the  capacity  for  15   students  that  reside  in  the  district. Erika Adams, FNP-C Caitlin MacCoun, MD Brian Jennings, MD Robyn Jennings, MD       F or  m ore   inform at ion,   c ont ac t             J ennif er  Garing er   at   t he   L ong   C reek             Currently  enrolling  and  for  the   S c Little hool   Dis t Mountaineers ric t   of fic e   at   5 4 1 -­‐5 0 8 -­‐ 2021-­‐22  School  year.   Currently  enrolling  and  for  the   Early Learning 9 1 6 4 .     Center There are income guidelines to qualify use this chart to determine your eligibility. Family Size Zachary Bailey, MD Janessa Sickler, DO Emily Lieuallen, DO Nora Healey, FNP   Reg is t rat ion  f orm s   are   av ailable   from   t he  f ront   of fic e   and   will   be  av ailab le   on   our   webs it e  by   A ug us t   1 ,   2 0 2 1 .     www.L ong c reeks c hool.c om   Check Website for Upcoming Events Preschool and Childcare services available 541-575-0110 For more information please contact If  you  would  like  more  information  about   this  program  or   the to  register   for  the  2021-­‐ center at 541 575- 0166 2022  school  year  please  contact  the  school   at  541  575-­‐3314  or  log  on  to  their  website   at  to  download  a   New Research Illustrates Importance of Child Care for Oregon Families Oregon Early Learning System Director Miriam Calderon. “Families made clear how important child care is — not only to remain in the workforce, but also to support their children’s healthy development and learning. registration  form.     Daycare Center located at 404 N Canton Street in John Day This program accepts infants and toddlers Contact Josie Sharp at 541 792-0888 CCS Changing Lives NO COST SCREENING Quality Preschool is available in our small school districts throughout Grant County High Quality Services Include: Mental Health Alcohol and Drug Developmental Disability 528 E. Main • John Day • 541-575-1466 Dayville School District District Monument School Da yville Scho ol ww vill escho ol m m on um ents cho ol .co m M onu me nt Scho o l @ Re gistrar L ori Sm ith – sm ithl@ gran tesd .k1 2.o r.u s la uratho ma s@ gra ntes d.k1 2 .o Sup t. L aura T ho m as Pres cho ol Te acher Tau nya C a rr – carrt@ grant esd .k 1 2.o Schoo l O ffice : 5 41 9 34 -2 64 6 K in derg arten T eacher – Shilo Fre twel l – fretw ell s@ grant esd .k 1 2.o Seneca Preschool School Office: 541 542 -2542 S241905-1