The Blue Mountain eagle. (John Day, Or.) 1972-current, May 05, 2021, Page 13, Image 13

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Wednesday, May 5, 2021
May 5, 2021
Lady Pros undefeated in league play
Team sweeps
Pilot Rock, will
face Union/Cove
By Steven Mitchell
Blue Mountain Eagle
The Grant Union/Prairie
City Prospectors softball team
is 4-1 after winning three in a
row last week.
The Lady Pros picked up
a pair of wins Wednesday,
sweeping Pilot Rock in a dou-
bleheader, routed Heppner
Saturday 12-1 and are unde-
feated in league play.
bleheader, the Lady Pros
pounded the Rockets 5-1 in
the fi rst game and eked out
a 7-6 win in a nailbiter that
The Eagle/Steven Mitchell
Drewsey Williams pitches April 28 in the fi nal inning of the Lady
Pros’ 7-6 win to sweep a doubleheader over Pilot Rock.
Freshman Drewsey Williams
Senior Jordyn Young
saw solid defense by senior
infi elder Jordyn Young and a
solid relief eff ort by freshman
pitcher Drewsey Williams.
With the bases loaded,
senior night game.
In the fi rst game, Young
said the team hit the ball well
and did not let any runners
“It’s always stressful going
in, especially with a runner on
third with the top of the order
coming up,” Williams said.
Williams said Young’s
Williams faced the top of the
Rockets’ order and made a
heads-up play, doubling up
base runners on a ground ball
to lock up the win on the girl’s
The Eagle/Steven Mitchell
The Eagle/Steven Mitchell
heads up play that got a runner
out on second base helped the
team button up the win.
“It really helped,” she said.
Young said the infi eld
thought the runner would
round second on a grounder,
but she hesitated. She said she
saw the runner was between
the second and third and made
the tag for the fi nal out.
She said it was special to
come back and win a double-
header on senior night, Young
said, given that they split a
doubleheader the day before,
winning the fi rst game 8-3 and
dropping the second 12-10.
With it being senior
night,” she said, “it was pretty
Next up, the Lady Pros will
host Union/Cove in a double-
header Wednesday, with the
fi rst pitch at 2 p.m.
Grant Union/Prairie City sweeps Pilot Rock in doubleheader
Baseball team hosts
Lakeview Wednesday,
Dufur Friday
By Steven Mitchell
Blue Mountain Eagle
Ordinarily, a week off might dis-
rupt the mojo of a ball club, but an
unexpected weeklong pause due to
a spike in COVID-19 infections did
not stop the Grant Union/Prairie City
Prospectors from collecting a pair
of wins April 27 in a doubleheader
against Pilot Rock.
In the shortened season, the Pros-
pectors improved their record to
3-2 after sweeping the Rockets. A
high-scoring 14-6 win in game one
was followed by a strong outing by
Pros pitcher Kobe Fell in a 5-2 win
in game two.
Doug Sharp, Grant Union head
coach, said the Pros struggled with
their command on defense but made
up for it by hitting the ball well.
“It doesn’t matter how you win,”
he said. “A win is a win.”
Fell, who held the Rockets to
two runs in the second game, said he
appreciated the run support.
“We did not make as many errors,
and our hitting was good,” Fell said.
Prospector senior Logan McClus-
key went two for three at the plate
said he tried to keep it as simple as he
could on off ense.
“Just go up there, see the ball, and
hit the ball where it’s pitched,” he
McCluskey said the team had their
“heads up” in both games and did not
let anything get them down, and that
made the diff erence in the sweep.
Sharp said the team is a “great
group of kids” who are “fun to coach”
and are hard-working.
He said their attitudes have helped
them get through the uncertainty of
the COVID-19 shutdowns.
“They got great attitudes,” he said.
“And it’s a bad situation made good,
because we got good quality kids.”
The team hosts Lakeview for
a doubleheader starting at 2 p.m.
Wednesday, May 5.
The Eagle/Steven Mitchell
Senior Logan McCluskey ropes a double against Pilot Rock April 27 during game two of the Prospectors’ sweep.
The Eagle/Ste-
ven Mitchell
Grant Union’s
Kobe Fell
pitches April
27 against
Pilot Rock.
Long Creek track and fi eld
gains experience at Burns
Long Creek track and fi eld head
coach Linda Studtmann said, with
mostly new athletes this year, this
weekend’s meet was a learning expe-
rience for the team.
She said her team is working well
as a team. “They are learning and
helping each other,” she said.
In the boy’s long jump, junior
Khoa Vuong his best mark yet,
12-6.5. Peter Jo hit 34-6.
In the javelin event, Jo threw for
34-6, his best. Vuong hit 53-7.
In the discus throw, Nolan Gar-
inger made his season-best throw, hit-
ting 65-6.
Jo set a personal record in 100
meters, sprinting a 14.39, while
Michael Martin fi nished with a time
of 14.56.
For the girls side in the 100, senior
Lucchese Douglas fi nished 11th and
set a season record, 15.43. Ji-ha
Nam, a junior, set a personal record
of 16.33, as did junior Belen Frances
with 16.27.
The Prairie City team scored 6
points in Burns.
as they wanted, but they “left every-
thing on the track and gave 110%.”
“For our fractured season of starts
and stops and starts again,” she said,
“our athletes have been very resilient
and did amazing.”
Prospectors play fi rst bit of
competitive golf in Pendleton
Contributed photo/Kim Randleas
Grant Union’s Sydnie Brandon passes the baton to Kate Hughes in a relay race.
Grant Union athletes left it
‘all on the track’ at Pendleton
In a season marred by uncertainty
Grant Union’s track and fi eld athletes
put it all on the line Saturday at the
Pendleton Triad.
For the boys side, Justin Hodge
took fi rst place in the 100 meters at
12:03. Hodge came within two sec-
onds of breaking his 2019 record.
However, the junior led the race by
a 17-second margin. Teammate Eli
Wright set a personal record, fi nish-
ing ninth with a 12.97, while freshman
Kaden Talkington came in at 14.24.
Hodge fi nished second in the 200
meters while Tucker Wright fi nished
Eli Wright fi nished in the top 10 in
javelin and 300 hurdles.
On the girls side, senior Abby
Lusco set a season record and took
fi rst place in the shot put event with
Grant Union track and fi eld head
coach Sonna Smith said some of her
athletes might not have placed as high
Grant Union’s golf team scrapped
their plans to play in their district tour-
nament and instead played 18 holes at
Pendleton Country Club.
Prospectors head coach Ron Lund-
bom said some on the team had never
been on an 18-hole golf course.
Lundbom said the tournament
organizers were unsure of the team’s
status given the two-week pause, and
the slots fi lled up with other teams.
Lundbom said, as a coach, the chal-
lenge is to keep the kids enthusiastic
about golf. Lundbom said this week-
end he was surprised at their enthusi-
asm and eagerness to play competitive
“That’s been a challenge for all of
us coaches this season, the starting and
stopping, keeping the kids interested
keeping and them excited about play-
ing,” he said.
Wednesday, May 5
Grant Union/Prairie City
baseball vs. Lakeview,
2 p.m., 4 p.m.
Grant Union/Prairie City
softball vs. Union, 2 p.m.,
4 p.m.
Friday, May 7
Grant Union/Prairie City
baseball vs. Dufur, noon,
2 p.m.
Grant Union/Prairie City
softball @ Echo, 2 p.m.,
Grant Union track and fi eld
hosts Grant Union Invita-
tional, 4 p.m.
Saturday, May 8
Prairie City and Long Creek
track and fi eld @ Wheeler
County Invitational, Condon
High School, 10 a.m.
Grant Union golf @ Enter-
prise Invite, Alpine Mead-
ows, 11 a.m.