HISTORY MyEagleNews.com Wednesday, April 28, 2021 A7 OUT OF THE PAST 75 years ago Disappearance of Little Hin- ley Girl still a mystery The fate of little Ann Hin- ley, 4-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hinley who has been missing for over a week, still remains a mystery, and local offi cials and searchers have been unable to uncover any clues as to her whereabouts. The little girl was last seen by her mother at their trailer home in the Hill Auto Court about 11:30 a.m., Thursday of last week. A few minutes later Mrs. Hinley missed the little girl. A search was started and a few of her playthings were found along the bank of Canyon Creek behind the auto court, which led the searchers to believe that she had fallen into the water which was very high and swift, but a thor- ough search of the creek failed to reveal any sign of the body. Nets were placed at the mouth of the creek, also at several points in the John Day River and every eff ort during the past to fi nd the little girl’s body has been unsuccess- ful. It was thought by some that the tiny tot might have wandered off to the hill east of the court, and searching parties have combed every foot of ground as far as Dog Creek. A search of this area was also made by airplane fl ying low — but not a sign or trace of the little girl has been found. 50 years ago Naval Academy accepts Leach Earl Thomas Leach has been accepted at the U.S. Naval Acad- emy to join the class that will graduate in June 1975. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Leach of Prairie City. He is a senior at Prairie City High School. 25 years ago Operation ASVAB Seven students and four teach- ers and counselors from Grant County schools, along with a teacher and two students from Burns, were fl own in a CH-47 Chinook helicopter to and from La Grande April 18 so they could attend a day-long “Operation ASVAB” symposium at East- ern Oregon State College, which included the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery, col- lege admissions requirements, college fi nancial aid process, mil- itary assistance for college and the Guard Offi cer Leader Detach- ment (GOLD) program off er at EOSC. Eagle fi le photo From 25 years ago: The people who attended included: from Grant Union, Regina Cooper, Nick Warren and counselor Matt Thatcher; Dayville, Shilo Hettinga and teacher Skip Inscore; Monument, Heather Cooke, Mequasah Russell and teacher Ralph Brown; Prairie City, Drew Vonlintel, Rian Adams and counselor Jim Vonlintel. O utlook SENI R Aha! We finally got our April Showers! I don’t recall having to irrigate the bulb beds this early. (‘Course, I have Rose Coombs trouble recalling last week, so…) Anyway, I decided to water them only a couple of days each week to encourage the roots to grow down to search for moisture. Being on top of dredge tailings doesn’t help either. The only vegetation that seems to thrive are the wild roses and bouncing bettys. The poppies that I transplanted from around the power pole have responded to care, however, with production of thirty, sixty, and a hundred fold! Then there is the extremely deep-rooted button weed. I can usually get to the bottom of its taproot with vigorous exercising of the spading fork. The two plants that seem to defy all attempts to dislodge them are – drum roll please – morning glory and alfalfa/clover. These two have penetrated to the lowest level of rooting by wrapping around the boulders at the bottom of the dredging. To excavate involves a lot of work. There must be an easier way! Ob to business: The meal was a cheeseburger with lettuce, tomato, onion, and of course, a slice of cheese. It was great! To go along with it was a pasta salad, and a rice crispies bar with chocolate drops on it. Super-duper meal. Thanks to cooks Pam and Laura, and helper Tom. Carla was at the registration Prairie City Seniors desk and Ginger supervised (That’s what she wrote!) the delivering of the food to homes and those who came to the Hall. Thanks to you, too, for patronizing our meal site. May your tribe increase! The lilac bush at the SE corner of our Center is awash with buds. Isn’t it amazing how you can prune them to the ground and they come back stronger than ever the next year? And we certainly don’t provide it with any other extra care i.e. water or fertilizer. Just keep whacking it off when it gets too bushy next to the building. When you see abandoned homesteads out in the boonies, there will usually be iris and lilacs gamely surviving. And apple trees. Takes a lot of neglect to kill them. I receive an early birthday gift from son #1 – a record turntable. The first problem was to get it out of the box. Interesting carton. Finally found the ‘key’ and got it opened after a day. Put it on the shelf. Oops. To big. Had to make room on an adjacent space. Then the directions – all pictures. That takes care of pages and pages of print in 14 different languages! Discovered that I need to buy a different connecting cable. OK. That should be no problem. I have about 100 albums that I would like to listen to, so I am excited to get the machine all organized and working. The machine even has an automatic device to set the stylus on the record. Very helpful fo us oldsters! Thank you, son. Job 19:23,25 “Oh, that my words were recorded,… I know that my Redeemer lives, and that in the end He will stand upon the earth.” 1 Corinthians 13:5 “… {Love} keeps no record of wrongs.” reserve a lunch for yourself. What did you think of that wonderful turkey pot pie Monday? Yummy yummy! And what about that bean salad? Soo GOOD! Hope you enjoyed it all including the fruit salad and the hummingbird cake. WHAT’S FOR LUNCH Thursday and NEXT Monday? Thursday will be Philly Cheese Steak Sub, Potato Wedges and Apple Pie Bars. Wow!! That sounds wonderful. Monday May 3rd we will have Pork Loin roast with dressing, Crazy corn casserole, and Pear brown betty cake. Does that ever sound tasty. My taste buds want it RIGHT NOW!! Have you gotten your covid19 vaccination yet? (I got my 1st one, as well as my husband and son) The maderna is available here in John Day. Call 541-575 0429. You also can go online to vaccine@ ccsemail.org and ask for your appointment. The sooner we all get this the sooner we will be able to meet in person again. Even though Covid is causing us to live differently, do you find yourself too busy or overwhelmed. I know I do, and it is aggravating. Are you sleeping well and tired all day? Hmmm Here is an idea: Try one of these to help your feelings be healthier. The Oregon warmline at 1-800-698-2392, available 7 days a week, 9 am-11 pm to speak with a trained peer. Also: SAMHSA’s Disaster Distress Helpline at 1-800- 985-5990 or text “talkWithUs to 66746 to speak to a trained crisis counselor to help people experiencing distress related to natural or human-caused disasters. You are not alone so help yourself feel better. It does help to just speak these things out loud. I tried this only I just talked to myself and I didn’t have an answer, just ideas but it did help to talk out loud. Give it a try. Am I weird? May be, but it is life and this is where we are. Matthew 23:12 KJV Whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted.” We were served yummy, delicious food for our meal Tuesday, April 20. Yes, Terry Cade and Carrie Jewell Soo Yukawa made us stroganoff, carrots, garlic bread, and peach cobbler for our dessert. My food was gone in an instant. We thank our cooks for their faithful service and their fabulous meals. Kristi Guimont filled out the paperwork. Bob Cockrell and Jan Ensign counted the money. Sylvia delivered the meals to the patrons at the door. A shout of thanks to all our volunteers. We are grateful for their service as well. We got some rain. Praise the Lord! Thank you prayer warriors out there who helped to pray for rain. Let us keep pounding on heaven’s door and presenting our case before the Lord God Almighty. We sure could use at least a week’s worth of steady rain for our parched land here right now. Surprisingly, even though we have not had too much rain, the grass has been growing nicely. So, I decided to bring up Davey and one of the new nanny goats I had gotten recently, to eat the weeds and grass around the house and my garden. Ginger was a little nervous but Davey was fine. Ginger was wandering around nibbling the weeds until she heard a sound, got spooked, and started heading down the driveway. I start to go after Ginger in pursuit. She started running faster, then I started running, then Davey started running. Next thing I knew, we three were all running down the driveway. Ginger ran all the way down to the goat pen and then decided she wanted to eat the grass that was on the outside of the goat pen. Needless to say, I had a heck of time trying to catch the wily goat. I probably ran back and forth trying to catch her for 15 minutes. I finally caught her and plopped her back into the goat pen. I think I got my exercise for that day. I was tired so I sat in the goat pen to rest from chasing Ginger around. Davey decided he wanted to come over and sit on my lap. Well, that would have been fine and dandy, only he is too big now so he half fit on my lap. I sat there with Davey half on my lap, resting from chasing silly Ginger around, trying to catch my breath. That was when Darla decided to come over and jumped on my head, twice! I had to shove her off of my head and then she decided she wanted to sit on my lap too. Well, Davey didn’t take too kindly to that and tried to butt her. It was a pretty funny fiasco. When Darla realized she could not sit on my lap because of Davey, she decided she was going to rest on my back this time. She succeeded until I threw her off. I then decided, I had had enough and got up to walk back slowly up the driveway. Proverbs 28:5 Evil men understand not judgment: But they that seek the LORD understand all things. John Day Seniors Dusty Harris Monument Seniors Lunch is available for pickup every Monday and Thursday at 11:30 a.m.. $5.00 for Seniors, $6.00 for everyone else. Call by 8:30 a.m. to BIOSMILE Family, Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry 165 NW 1st St., John Day 541-575-0363 Open Monday-Thursday DrJ@BiosmileDental.com We offer a wide range of primary care and medical treatment. Zachary Bailey, MD • David Hall, MD • Raffaella Betza, MD Zachary Bailey, MD • Janessa Sickler, DO • Emily Lieuallen, DO • Janessa DO • Emily DO Nora Healey, FNP • Sickler, Erika Adams, FNP-C Lieuallen, • Caitlin MacCoun, MD Clark, DNP • Nora Jennings, Healey, FNP Brian MD • Shawna Robyn Jennings, MD Available Monday - Friday 180 Ford Road, John Day • 541-575-0404 Huffman’s SELECT MARKETS Quality Healthcare ...close to home. 170 Ford Road John Day 541-575-1311 112 E. 5th Prairie City 541-820-3341 422 W. Main, 1st floor • John Day If you have any questions or think you know of someone who might benefit, call: 541 575.1648 241 S. Canyon Blvd. John Day • 541-575-0529 T roy Hanson - Funeral Director S241025-1