A6 SENIORS & HISTORY Blue Mountain Eagle Wednesday, March 31, 2021 GRANT COUNTY SENIORS John Day Seniors Dusty Harris Here we are, almost April, and we are still seeing off- and-on winter. Are you as ready for spring and summer as I am? Do you find time fly- ing as fast as I am? Easter is just around the corner — a reminder that Christ is alive. I want to thank all the spon- sors of the wonderful meals we enjoy each week. The biggest issue in our world right now is the coro- navirus that is keeping us apart and creating so much loneliness. If you are feeling anxious or would like to talk to some- one about the COVID-19 sit- uation, you can call one of the following phone lines: the Oregon warmline at 1-800- 698-2392, available seven days a week, 9 a.m. to 11 p.m., to speak with a trained peer, or SAMHSA’s Disaster Distress Helpline at 1-800-985-5990 or text “talkWithUs to 66746 to speak to a trained crisis coun- selor to help people experi- encing distress related to natu- ral or human-caused disasters. And: If you need assis- tance getting on the email vac- cine waitlist, please call Angie at the senior center, 541-575- 2949. She can assist you get- ting on this waitlist. She will need the following: name, date of birth, phone number and mailing address. You can also get on the vaccine list using caccine@ccsemail.org. Life goes on for all of us so the best way to deal with life as we know it today is keep a positive attitude and think on things that are good and true and trust in God for daily comfort. Our senior center is alive and well and still making lunches on Mondays and Thursdays. Remember to call the center to reserve your meal so, when you arrive at 11:30 a.m., it will be ready for you. Thursday, April 1, our menu will be ham and Swiss sandwich, baked beans, mac- aroni salad and birthday cake. Monday, April 5, the menu will be egg bread bowl, hash- browns, sausage patties and fruit pastry. Enjoy your meals and keep safe. Psalm 118:1 “Give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: because His mercy endureth for ever.” Monument Seniors Soo Yukawa Looks like the month of March is coming to a close. I know, it just cannot seem to be! Where does the time go? I know I can’t be the only one who is thinking this way. I was telling my hubby the other day that it just seems like yesterday that I was still a little kid wanting to grow up. We were coming home from Bend and listening to our ‘80s music, and I felt like I was a teenager the day before and the nostalgia just hit. It is weird how music can take you back to a different time, a different era. Speaking of a different time, for the past Tuesday lunch, our cooks Terry Cade and Carrie Jewell prepared for us fried fish and chicken, wedge potatoes, coleslaw and blueberry fruit tart for our dessert. It was a yummy meal, and I especially liked the tartar sauce. I like dip- ping the chicken in the tar- tar sauce as well as the fish. I like different sauces, but my children don’t, go figure. We thank our wonderful cooks for their efforts. Our volunteers were Kristi Guimont who filled out the paperwork. Bob Cockrell and Jan Ensign counted up the money. Syl- via Cockrell delivered the meals at the door. There were some bags of rice and other dry goods that were avail- able for people to take home if they wanted. These were some extra food stuff that was from the food bank. I got a great idea from someone that I must share. We picked up a bunch of empty cattle salt lick tubs and brought them home. I was planning on using them to plant a lot of my garden veggies in them. I was told to put fresh manure first and then add regular dirt and then plant my seeds, and put an old window over it. Viola, a miniature hot house! The manure will be hot and heat up the tub keeping the seeds warm. I am so excited about this. I can’t wait to try it out. I am going to get to start some tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers early. I will let y’all know how it turns out. I was just thanking the Lord for his provision of those tubs, for I was think- ing how costly it would be to buy a bunch of planter pots. Those old salt lick tubs are perfect, and best of all, it did not cost me a thing. The Lord also provided for anyone to have access to him. Sin separated us from having a relationship with him, but through the shed blood of Jesus Christ, he made a way. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. Resur- rection Sunday is coming on the 4th of April. As I reflect what Jesus did for me on that cross, how he suffered for me, I am overwhelmed with gratefulness and love for him. He is my Risen Savior. Hallelujah. Happy Resurrec- tion Day to everyone. He is risen, he is risen indeed! John 17:1-2 “These things Jesus spoke; and lift- ing up His eyes to heaven, He said, ‘Father, the hour has come; glorify Thy Son, that the Son may glorify Thee, even as Thou gavest Him authority over all man- kind, that to all whom Thou has given Him, He may give eternal life.’” Prairie City Seniors Rose Coombs You can tell that it is spring break: It snowed — 2 inches on the first day! Were there any baseball games or track events? Ah, yes, March. When Mother Nature can’t make up her mind if it is winter or spring. Our wonderful cooks Pam and Laura made up their minds to give us a fantas- tic meal (not that it doesn’t happen every Wednesday!). We enjoyed pulled pork slid- ers, coleslaw, fruit (rasp- berry/blueberry mix) and those anticipated brown- ies. They are so good! Meals were delivered by Carlos and Tom to homes, and to our front door by Carla and reg- istrar Pam. Many thanks to the 51 diners who purchased a meal. Being as how we are “senior citizens,” we are always interested in new ways of saying that: to wit — here are two that surfaced this week: “You will be get- ting a ‘life experience’ dis- count.” (Fist pump!) “This particular disturbance in your otherwise healthy life is due to your maturity and wisdom.” How tactful! Pet peeve: A tissue left in a pocket that is not removed before being washed. The mystery is how such a small piece of paper can disin- tegrate into all those little specks of tissue. And other times it will just wad up on itself and stay in the pocket! This mystery goes along with the “science” of bubbles and clouds. Too much for my poor ol’ head. I read lots of history books, and I was under the impression that what I was reading was actually true. Herewith another quote: “History is always contro- versial and full of differing opinions and ideas.” Guess that’s where bias comes in. Another quote from the Ken- nedy assassination book: a certain person was given “… a specific assignment to investigate corruption… His determination to extend the cleanup to elected officials was not well received by powerful politicians.” I can imagine! And one more to make you smile: “Shouting to make your children behave is like steering your car with the horn.” (No comment.) I was given a large bag of old music to go through and take what I wanted. Among the old pieces of sheet music was a small magazine that had the words to popular songs way back when — you know, like 40, 50 and 60 or more years ago. Anyhow, there was an ad for people to become nurses. The sal- ary expected was $50-60 a week. Yes, a week! Today? Those are hourly wages. When my dad was a young man, his ranch wage was $30 — a month. Ah, yes, the good old days. If you want to get ahead today, join the U.S. Space Force. Beam me up, Scotty! Romans 6:23 “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” I Thessalonians 4:17 “… we will be caught up… to meet the Lord in the air…” (so while we wait) I Thessalonians 5:11 “… encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” OUT OF THE PAST 75 years ago Montana sheriff gets prisoner Sheriff Westlake of Boz- eman, Montana, was here the first of this week and picked up a man wanted in Gallatin County, Montana, on a grand larceny charge, according to information from Sheriff I. B. Hazeltine. The prisoner’s name is Peter D. Flater, alias Jack Bardeaux. He is about 31 years of age and has been around Dayville for about six weeks. Sheriff Westlake was accompanied here by his wife and son. 25 years ago ‘Environmentalists’ show little concern for the environment A loose-knit group of 15 or so “environmental” activ- ists turned out Thursday at the Reed Fire sale site to protest the logging activities. They left in their wake an over- turned pickup truck, litter and other debris. Most dam- aging, they dug a deep trench to prevent anyone from going around the truck that blocked the road. The trench chan- neled yards of rock and dirt into the adjacent stream caus- ing siltation that damaged fish habitat and the riparian areas. The group, lead by spokesman Assanti Riverwind, left Friday morning due to snow and cold weather, before they could be arrested. Eagle file photo From 25 years ago: Reed Fire sale draws protesters who have flipped over a truck to block the Forest Service road. MT. VERNON PRESBYTERIAN 24/7 Inspirational Christian Broadcasting John Day Valley Redeemer Mennonite Church Lutheran Church Meeting every Sunday at Mt. Vernon Grange Hall 1 st Sunday Worship/Communion ..................10am 3 rd Sunday Worship/Communion/Potluck ...4:30pm 2 nd , 4 th & 5 th Sunday Worship .........................10am Sunday Bible Study .....................................8:45am Sunday School ...............................9:30 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship ............10:50 a.m. Pastor Leland Smucker Everyone Welcome • 541-932-2861 Come Worship with us at 154 E. Williams St. Prairie City, Oregon 541 820-4437 2 Corinthians 5:17 Every Sunday in the L.C. Community Center Pastor Robert Perkins Contact Paster Ed Studtmann at 541-421-3888 • Begins at 4:00pm S211472-1 Sunday School (all ages) 9:30-10:30 Sunday Worship 10:45-12:00 (Corner of Second & Allen) St. Elizabeth of Hungary Catholic Church For information: 541-575-2348 Sunday School ..................... 9:45 am Sunday Worship ...................... 11 am Fox Community Church ............. 3 pm Sunday Evening Bible Talk ......... 6 pm Saturday Men’s Study ............... 6 pm Full Gospel- Come Grow With Us 541-575-1202 Church 311 NE Dayton St, John Day Pastor Al Altnow Corner of S Canyon Blvd and SW 2 nd JOHN DAY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Sunday Worship • 9AM (541) 575-1326 Mon. - Fri. Mass - 12:05 pm Saturday Mass - 5:00 pm Sunday Mass - 9:00 am Holy Days Mass: Noon & 6 pm Cornerstone Christian Fellowship Confession: Saturday 4:00-4:45 pm Anytime by appointment 541-974-8638 139 N.E. D AYTON S TREET , J OHN D AY St. Anne Sunday Worship Service 10 am Sunday Youth Group 3 pm Thursday Celebrate Recovery 6 pm Pastor Levi Manitsas cornerstonejohnday@gmail.com ccfjd.org johndayUMC@gmail.com 126 NW Canton, John Day Food Pantry Friday 3-4PM Monument - 2nd & 4th Sundays at 12:30 pm Like us on Facebook! Monday - Friday 9 am - 12 Noon Office Hours For more information, call 541 620-0340 SUNDAY SERVICE..............9 am SUNDAY SERVICE ...........9 am 541-932-4800 EVERYONE WELCOME 627 SE Hillcrest, John Day FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Grace Chapel (EMC ) Tune into KSPL 98.1 FM Community Church 541-575-2180 CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Sunday School .......................... 9:30 am Sunday Worship Service......... 10:45 am Sunday Evening Service ...........6:00 pm Children & Teen Activities SMALL GROUPS CALL FOR MORE INFO Weekdays: Sonshine Christian School St. Thomas Episocopal Church Join us on Facebook live Sunday 10am Like us on Facebook! Pastor Randy Johnson 521 E. Main • John Day • 541-575-1895 www.johndaynazarene.com 59357 Hwy 26 Mt. Vernon Seventh-Day Adventist Church SATURDAY SERVICES Celebration of Worship JOHN DAY 110 Valley View Dr. 541-575-1216 Head Elder ..........................541-575-2914 Bible Classes (all ages) .................9:30 am Worship ...........................................11 am LONG CREEK E. Main Street 541-421-3033 Head Elder .................................421-3468 Bible Classes (all ages) ......................2 pm Worship .............................................3 pm Jr./Sr. High Youth Connection Sundays 5:30pm Youth: 0-6th Grade Midweek Service Thursdays 6:30pm Youth: 0-6th Grade Wednesdays at 6:30pm Overcomer’s Outreach Mondays at 6pm at LWCC A Christ-Centered, 12-Step Recovery Support Group Pastor Sharon Miller 541-932-4910 www.livingwordcc.com S232608-1