The Blue Mountain eagle. (John Day, Or.) 1972-current, February 10, 2021, Page 5, Image 5

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Wednesday, February 10, 2021
Clark reprimanded by nursing board
By Steven Mitchell
Blue Mountain Eagle
A local nurse practitioner has been
reprimanded by the state nursing board.
The Oregon State Board of Nurs-
ing on Jan. 9 issued a reprimand, the
lowest form of discipline, to Shawna
Clark, who operates Canyon Creek
Clinic and formerly worked for Blue
Mountain Hospital District.
Clark self-reported to the board
in August an incident in which she
accessed her own medical chart and
ordered lab tests for
herself that she said
had been ordered by
her medical provider
but were not show-
ing up in the system.
Clark acknowl-
Shawna Clark edged the “error was
on her part,” accord-
ing to the reprimand letter — essen-
tially a public notice of a minor rule
violation that does not place restric-
tions on duties or employment on a
nursing license.
“I hope that the details are all there
for the sake of transparency for every-
body to see because I’m not ashamed,”
Clark said during a Wednesday inter-
view at her new practice. “I’m not dis-
puting the fact that I accessed my chart
and put in the orders for my cholesterol
and annual labs that were less than
what my provider had ordered.”
Clark said, under the same circum-
stances, she would have done the same
thing for anyone else but it was inap-
propriate for her to do so for herself.
“If it was 6 a.m. and you had your
blood drawn, I would dang well put in
your orders for your annual screening
labs to look for diabetes and choles-
terol,” Clark said.
Miriam Montalvo, a nursing
board investigator, told Clark in a
Dec. 15 email that she would plan
to recommend the board dismiss the
case with a letter of concern at the
OSBN’s January hearing. A letter of
concern essentially closes an inves-
tigation with no discipline and does
not become a public record, accord-
ing to the nursing board’s investiga-
tion and discipline process.
The hospital placed Clark on
administrative leave shortly after find-
ing out she accessed her medical chart
in July.
Clark said her new private practice
has been busy and that she is seeing a
total of nearly 500 patients since she
“I have plenty of people to sup-
port me that legitimately know the
situation,” she said. “...It makes
everything that happened not
so painful.”
Arrests and citations in
the Blue Mountain Eagle are
taken from the logs of law
enforcement agencies. Every
effort is made to report the
court disposition of arrest
Grant County Circuit
Darron L. Huskey, 56,
pleaded guilty Aug. 12 to a
count of criminal simulation
committed on Jan. 28. He
was sentenced to 18 months
of bench probation, 40 hours
of community service and
ordered to pay $149.50 in res-
titution to Chester’s Thrift-
way. A count of third-degree
theft was dismissed.
Bryon E. Freniere, 38,
pleaded guilty Feb. 1 to a
count of possession of a sto-
len vehicle committed on Nov.
21. He also pleaded guilty on
Jan. 28 to a count of third-de-
gree theft committed Nov. 21.
He was sentenced to 20 days
in jail, 24 months of super-
vised probation and 100 hours
of community service. He was
also ordered to pay $4,284
in fines. A count of unautho-
rized use of a vehicle was
Rebecca T. Born, 31,
pleaded guilty Jan. 21 to a
count of delivery of metham-
phetamine committed on Oct.
11. She was sentenced to 36
months of supervised proba-
tion and 80 hours of commu-
nity service. A count of man-
ufacture of methamphetamine
and a count of unlawful pos-
session of methamphetamine
were dismissed.
Grant County Sheriff
The Grant County Sheriff’s
Office reported the following
for the week of Feb. 3:
licenses: 13
Average inmates: 10
Bookings: 9
Releases: 6
Arrests: 0
Citations: 0
Fingerprints: 4
Civil papers: 18
Warrants processed: 6
Assistance/Welfare check:
Search and Rescue: 0
Grant County Justice
Driving while suspended:
Shayla D. Winton, 19, John
Day, Jan. 17, fined $440.
Driving uninsured: Shayla
D. Winton, 19, John Day, Jan.
17, fined $265.
Failure to drive within
lane: James K. Caudill, 62,
Lebanon, Dec. 8, fined $225.
Operating a motor vehi-
cle in violation: Juvenile, 16,
Prairie City, Dec. 23, fined
Wade A. Reimers pleaded
guilty Feb. 1 to a count of
hunting in a prohibited area,
a count of waste of a game
mammal and a count of
unlawful possession of a buck
deer. Reimers’ hunting license
was suspended for three years,
and he was sentenced 18
months of probation and 40
hours of community service.
Reimers was also ordered to
pay $2,250 in fines.
Thomas J. Deshazer,
pleaded guilty Jan. 4 to a count
of unlawful possession of a
buck deer. His hunting license
was suspended for three years,
and he was sentenced to 18
months of supervised proba-
tion, 20 hours of community
service and ordered to pay
$1,000 in fines.
Oregon State Police
Feb. 1: A state trooper
responded to a reported sin-
gle-vehicle crash at milepost
68.7 on Highway 395B. The
investigation revealed the
vehicle was heading north-
bound, negotiating a curve,
when it lost traction on black
ice roads. The vehicle started
to slide, and the driver was
unable to recover. The vehicle
left the roadway on the south-
bound side of the road into a
ditch and started to roll, com-
ing to an uncontrolled rest in a
creek on its top. The driver and
passenger were transported to
the hospital in Pendleton. The
driver and passenger received
non-life-threatening injuries.
The vehicle was towed from
the scene by Doug’s Towing.
Feb. 3: A state trooper
stopped a vehicle on High-
way 26 near milepost 165
for a traffic violation. The
driver, Jeremiah J. Alsop, 39,
of Prairie City had one fel-
ony warrant and two mis-
demeanor warrants for his
arrest. Alsop’s driver’s license
was also misdemeanor sus-
pended. Dispatch confirmed
the warrants. The trooper
took Alsop into custody with-
out incident. The vehicle was
released to a licensed passen-
ger. OSP transported Alsop
to the Grant County Jail. The
trooper issued Alsop with a
citation for driving while sus-
pended and lodged him on the
warrants and driving while
Feb. 3: A state trooper
assisted the John Day Police
Department on a domestic
disturbance on Southeast Hill-
crest Drive. The John Day
officer took Toby J. Yazzie,
27, into custody for fourth-de-
gree assault. Yazzie made
statements about the incident
to the trooper while the John
Day officer conducted his
investigation. The John Day
officer lodged Yazzie at the
Grant County Jail.
John Day dispatch worked
123 calls during the week of
Feb. 1-7, including:
• John Day Police
Feb. 2: Along with Grant
County Sheriff’s Office
and Oregon State Police,
responded to a report of
domestic dispute. Karina
Robinson, 21, of John Day
was arrested on third-degree
assault and resisting arrest.
Feb. 2: Advised of tres-
passing on East Main Street.
Feb. 3: Responded to a
report of a commercial bur-
glary alarm on Apple Road.
Feb. 3: Dispatched to a
report of a motorcyclist trav-
eling at a high rate of speed
in John Day.
Feb. 3: Along with OSP,
responded to a report of a
domestic dispute in John
Day. Toby Yazzie, 27, was
arrested for fourth-degree
Feb. 4: Responded to a
report of theft at a business
on West Main Street.
Feb. 4: Along with GCSO
and OSP, dispatched to a
business on West Main Street
for a report of harassment.
Feb. 5: Dispatched to a
report of a restraining order
Feb. 5: Travis J. Fre-
niere, 34, of John Day was
arrested for a restraining
order violation.
Feb. 5: Advised of an
ongoing problem with bark-
ing dogs on East Main Street.
Feb. 6: Cited Travis J.
Freniere, 34, of John Day for
a driving while suspended
• Oregon State Police
Feb. 3: Received a live-
stock complaint on Highway
26 near milepost 158.
• Grant County Sher-
iff’s Office
Feb. 4: Advised of a theft
on North McHaley Street.
Feb. 4: Responded to a
fight in John Day at West
Main Street and Bridge Street.
Hello Grant County,
Where did January go? It seems like
we just had Christmas and now it’s
almost Valentine’s Day!
It seems that we are starting 2021
Monday - Thursday
- Thursday
- 5pm
Mendy Sharpe 5pm
almost the same as 2020. Hopefully,
there will be light at the end of the
Sharpe FNP
tunnel. Stay strong Grant County!
I know this last year has been really
hard for some of our businesses.
Without the local support that they
have received, some of them might
not have made it. They still need our
support because this isn’t over yet.
Local support means everything to our
small businesses! Lets’ keep pulling
The second installment of the 2020-21
property tax is due Tuesday,
February 16th, 2021 by 5:00 p.m.
together and get through this.
The Grant County Fairgrounds is
Payments may be made at the Tax Collector’s Office
at the Grant County Courthouse in Canyon City, or
the payment may be mailed and postmarked no later
than February 16th, 2021. Please remember that
delinquent taxes accrue interest at the rate of 16% per
year. If you have any questions, please call the tax
office at 575-0107 or 575-0189.
hosting Magician Louie Foxx, a one-
man side show on Friday, February
19th. Tickets are $12 - Kids under
6 get in for $5. Show Starts at
7PM- Doors open at 6PM. Tickets
PO Box 185
Canyon City, OR 97820
are available at the Fairgrounds
and Chamber offices and online
at Social
Distancing and Masks are Required.
60561 HWY 26,
John Day, Oregon 97845
Only 200 tickets are available.
The Chamber Board will meet at the
Chamber office on Thursday, February
18th at 10:30 AM for their monthly
Business Meeting. Seating is limited
due to Social Distancing Requirements.
Happy Valentine’s Day and stay well!
Tammy Bremner
Chamber Manager
Feb. 5: Thomas E. Pfeifer,
51, of Prairie Cit, was cited on
a Grant County Justice Court
warrant by GCSO.
Feb. 5: Cited Michael J.
Cordonnier, 51, of Klamath
Falls for speeding on High-
way 395C near milepost 25.
Feb. 6: Prineville police
arrested James E. Jewell, 38,
of Prairie City on a Grant
County warrant.
Feb. 6: Along with
John Day police and OSP,
responded for a report of a
domestic dispute on Bridge
Feb. 7: Responded to a
report of motorists stuck in the
snow on Magone Lake Road.
• John Day ambulance
Feb. 4: Responded to Prai-
rie City for a patient with
breathing issues on North
Johnson Street.
Feb. 5: Responded to a
Canyon City patient who fell
on North Humbolt Street.
Feb. 6: Responded to Can-
yon City for a woman with
high blood pressure and dif-
ficulty breathing on Nugget
Feb. 6: Responded for a
91-year-old man with dizzi-
ness and elevated blood pres-
sure on Dixie Creek Road.
Feb. 7: Responded for a
68-year-old woman with high
blood pressure.
• Prairie City fire
Feb. 1: Along with GCSO,
responded to a report of a
vehicle fire on Highway 26
near Prairie City.