The Blue Mountain eagle. (John Day, Or.) 1972-current, February 03, 2021, Page 8, Image 8

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Blue Mountain Eagle
Wednesday, February 3, 2021
Soo Yukawa
Terry Cade and Carrie Jew-
ell prepared for us a wonderful
meal of stuffed pork tender-
loin, scalloped potatoes, din-
ner rolls, carrots and birthday
cake. I savored every morsel.
We applaud the ladies for our
delicious meal. I especially
loved the dessert.
We had Jan Ensign and Bob
Cockrell fill out the paperwork
and count the money. Sylvia
delivered the yummy meals
to the patrons at the door. We
thank everyone involved in
the preparations and distribu-
tions of our Tuesday meals.
This also includes those who
help clean our facility as well.
A shout of appreciation and
thanks goes to Heather Riggs.
I want to call for all prayer
warriors out there to stand in
the gap with me to pray for
the children of our nation and
around the world. I received
from the Lord a burden to start
praying for the children the
latter part of 2019, and all of
2020. I now understand why.
I saw a three-minute video
made by a young girl of about
15 years old. Her video was
called “Numb.” It portrayed
her reflecting on her life as
she looked at pictures when
she had the freedom to go to
summer camps, meet with her
friends and go to school. The
young girl then sits on her bed
to look at her “homework”
assignments on her computer,
and it fast forwards to her in
different outfits. In the fast
play of her, still on the bed,
outfits changing, and towards
the end, she is emotional, frus-
trated and crying. There is no
sound, which made it even
more powerful.
Let us pray for these beau-
tiful children. I did not realize
the trauma that these children
are going through with these
lockdowns. It is not just here
in the USA but all over the
world. Pray for their hearts,
minds and spirits to not get
discouraged or hopeless. Pray
for the protection of these pre-
cious children.
The new girls have finally
learned to go in the goat shed.
OK, they now realize to fol-
low you in to get fed in there
for the night. Thank goodness
I don’t have to chase them
in. They are adjusting to life
on our little farm, and they
seem happy. They stand by the
fence next to the stinky boys,
though. I will let them out in a
few months. Hopefully I will
have fall babies again. That
was much easier to deal with
than winter babies.
Squirt is growing really
nice and healthy. He is so darn
cute, and I cannot decide to
band him or not, to keep him
or sell him. I can’t keep every
goat I think is cute. But since
he is so friendly and we can
just pick him up, it is a tempt-
ing option. I will have to think
about that one.
Maybe I will train some
of the goats to be pack ani-
mals? I don’t know if that
would work; they can be
ornery creatures. Ha. That
will take some thinking and
scheming. Ha.
Ephesians 5:18-19 “And be
not drunk with wine, wherein
is excess, but be filled with the
Spirit, speaking to yourselves
in Psalms and hymns and spir-
itual songs, singing and mak-
ing melody in your heart to the
Prairie City
Rose Coombs
In the demo and construc-
tion and cleaning in the back
room at the senior hall, we
found some old newspapers
from October 1977. Here-
with some prices: hamburger,
$0.89 a pound; 46 oz. can
tomato juice, $0.59; 200 count
Kleenex box, $0.58; stalk of
celery, $0.29; 25-pound sack
of flour, $1.99; veal Parme-
san dinner at a cafe, $1.99.
Ah, the good old days. Water-
gate was still making head-
lines, and the president was
Jimmy Carter.
On to the present: Tom,
Laura B. and Angie fixed a
delicious meal of chicken and
biscuits, veggies, green salad
and birthday cake supplied
by Driskill Memorial Chapel.
Carlos made the home deliv-
eries, and Carla and Gin-
ger made the door deliveries.
Pam made sure that the reg-
istration was all marked cor-
rectly. That is a very import-
ant job, and I’m so glad that I
don’t have to do it! Thanks to
all who have a part in getting
the meal cooked, delivered
and checked off. We appreci-
ate you all!
I was doubly thankful
that I did not have to cook.
Derrol had to make a run to
Bend in the ambulance to
get an angiogram on Mon-
day. We got home on Tues-
day — exhausted! He’s fine
and just has to heal up from
the wounds that the medical
personnel had to make in his
body. And kudos to all those
medical personnel! They
were all so kind and patient
and helpful to us in that
stressful situation. Thanks to
Pastor Keith and son Joel for
transportation to and from
Bend. And all praise to the
Lord for his comfort and
I just noticed the eclectic
reading material (i.e. books)
that is stacked up on the chair
side reading table: “Bad Hab-
its of Jesus,” “Charles Spur-
geon,” “Tales from Out There”
and “The Vagabonds.” The
last one is about Henry Ford,
Thomas Edison and Harvey
Firestone and their journeys
around the USA back in 1915-
1925 in Model T and A auto-
mobiles. The “Out There” is
not space related, but about
places in the wide open West
— like Grant County (ahem.)
And did you realize that Jesus
would have any bad habits?
(Think spit and eyes.)
I was having a bad day
because my computer mouse
died, and I was experienc-
ing solitaire withdrawal. Got
lots of reading and needle-
point done, though. Happily, I
was loaned a mouse so I could
combat the panic attack and
get back to the game!
I’m writing this missive
on National Puzzle Day. Bet
you didn’t know that there
was such a thing. Hey, there’s
a day for everything now!
And because there are only
365 days, each day has more
than one thing. Anyway, I
received a puzzle for Christ-
mas that is very different than
a regular jigsaw puzzle. Been
very hesitant to get it out and
get started. My comfort zone
is kinda small, I guess. Now,
give me a piano to clean or a
building to tear down and I’m
rarin’ to go! So why should a
little thing like a different type
of puzzle make me anxious?
Philippians 4:4-7 “Rejoice
in the Lord always… Let your
gentleness be evident to all. Do
not be anxious about anything,
but… present your requests to
God. And the peace of God…
will guard your hearts and
minds in Christ Jesus.”
John Day
Dusty Harris
Can you believe it’s Febru-
ary already? I’m not sure I can.
January went by fast.
I have green beans poking
their little head out, and I have
tulips with the potatoes.
Well as you know our sur-
prise first lunch was honey mus-
tard chicken with rice.
On Feb. 4, we’ll have chicken
Parmigiana pasta, cucumber
tomato salad, bread sticks and
birthday cake sponsored by
Driskill Memorial Chapel.
On Feb. 8, we’ll have stuffed
pork loin, garlic mashed pota-
toes and Italian love cake.
On Feb. 11, we’ll have beef
stir fry with fried rice, egg drop
soup and carrot cake roll.
We are so thankful for our
cooks. Thanks, you two.
Psalm 6:2 “Have compas-
sion on me, Lord, for I am weak.
Heal me, Lord, for my body is
in agony.”
75 years ago
After a long intermission due
to the awarding of gifts donated
by the merchants of John Day and
Canyon City, the game went on.
In the third quarter the teams
matched shots most of the way.
The fourth period saw Con-
don pull away out into front in
scoring. Grant cut it down, and it
was a wild game to the end.
Tierney led his Blue Devil five
in scoring with 10 counters, while
Livingston racked up 12 for the
Condon nips Grant 34-30 in
basketball thriller
The Condon Blue Devils
handed Grant a 34 to 30 defeat
before a large crowd in the Grant
gym last Saturday night, in a
Polio benefit basketball game.
The game started out fast and
lively as Grant took the lead in the
early minutes. Then Condon cut
the lead down and almost caught
the Prospectors at the halfway
mark. The score was 15-12.
50 years ago
Elwood Allen, 55, is drown-
ing victim
The body of Elwood Allen,
55, son of the late Jess Allen, was
found about noon Thursday in the
John Day River a short distance
west of Mt. Vernon.
Allen was found missing
Wednesday evening after one
wheel of his pickup truck left the
Old Airport Road bridge cross-
ing Canyon Creek. The bridge,
located next to and slightly
behind the Grant Union High
School building, leads to his
Sheriff Tom Negus said it is
believed Allen fell into the creek
while attempting to leave the
halted vehicle. Due to recent rain
and runoff, the creek is higher and
swifter than normal.
Allen’s brother, Royel, and his
family learned of the disappear-
ance Wednesday evening, some-
Eagle file photo
time after the approximately 8 From 50 years ago: Canyon Creek is swollen from recent
rain and runoff.
o’clock mishap.
Lutheran Church
Come Worship with us at
John Day Valley
24/7 Inspirational Christian
Meeting every Sunday
at Mt. Vernon Grange Hall
Tune into KSPL 98.1 FM
Sunday School ...............................9:30 a.m.
Sunday Morning Worship ............10:50 a.m.
For more information,
call 541 620-0340
Pastor Leland Smucker
Everyone Welcome • 541-932-2861
Grace Chapel (EMC )
Sunday School (all ages)
Sunday Worship
St. Elizabeth of Hungary
Catholic Church
Corner of S Canyon Blvd and SW 2 nd
Mon. - Fri. Mass - 12:05 pm
Saturday Mass - 5:00 pm
Sunday Mass - 9:00 am
Holy Days Mass: Noon & 6 pm
Confession: Saturday 4:00-4:45 pm
Anytime by appointment
St. Anne
Monument -
2nd & 4th Sundays at 12:30 pm
Office Hours
Monday - Friday 9 am - 12 Noon
Sunday Worship • 9AM
2 Corinthians 5:17
Every Sunday in the L.C.
Community Center
(Corner of Second & Allen)
Contact Paster Ed Studtmann at
541-421-3888 • Begins at 4:00pm
Sunday School ...................... 9:30 a.m.
Sunday Morning Worship .. 10:50 a.m.
Sunday Morning Worship .. 10:50 a.m.
No Mid-week Services
Pastor Jesse Gosnell
300 W. Main, John Day
627 SE Hillcrest, John Day
1 st Sunday Worship/Communion ..................10am
3 rd Sunday Worship/Communion/Potluck ...4:30pm
2 nd , 4 th & 5 th Sunday Worship .........................10am
Sunday Bible Study .....................................8:45am
For information: 541-575-2348
Community Church
SUNDAY SERVICE..............9 am
SUNDAY SERVICE ...........9 am
(541) 575-1326
126 NW Canton, John Day
Food Pantry Friday 3-4PM
Like us on Facebook!
154 E. Williams St.
Prairie City, Oregon
541 820-4437
Pastor Robert Perkins
Sunday School ..................... 9:45 am
Sunday Worship ...................... 11 am
Fox Community Church ............. 3 pm
Sunday Evening Bible Talk ......... 6 pm
Saturday Men’s Study ............... 6 pm
Full Gospel- Come Grow With Us
541-575-1202 Church
311 NE Dayton St, John Day
Pastor Al Altnow
Sunday Worship Service 10 am
Sunday Youth Group 3 pm
Thursday Celebrate Recovery 6 pm
Pastor Levi Manitsas
Sunday School .......................... 9:30 am
Sunday Worship Service......... 10:45 am
Sunday Evening Service ...........6:00 pm
Children & Teen Activities
Weekdays: Sonshine Christian School
St. Thomas
Join us on Facebook
live Sunday 10am
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Pastor Randy Johnson
521 E. Main • John Day • 541-575-1895
59357 Hwy 26 Mt. Vernon
Celebration of Worship
110 Valley View Dr.
Head Elder ..........................541-575-2914
Bible Classes (all ages) .................9:30 am
Worship ...........................................11 am
E. Main Street
Head Elder .................................421-3468
Bible Classes (all ages) ......................2 pm
Worship .............................................3 pm
Jr./Sr. High
Youth Connection
Sundays 5:30pm
Youth: 0-6th Grade
Midweek Service
Thursdays 6:30pm
Youth: 0-6th Grade
Wednesdays at 6:30pm
Overcomer’s Outreach
Mondays at 6pm at
A Christ-Centered, 12-Step
Recovery Support Group
Pastor Sharon Miller