The Blue Mountain eagle. (John Day, Or.) 1972-current, February 03, 2021, Page 6, Image 6

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Blue Mountain Eagle
Wednesday, February 3, 2021
Quality Healthcare Close to Home
170 Ford Road, John Day • 541-575-1311 •
February is
American Heart
by Dr. Caitlin MacCoun
For many of us the start of the new year means making res-
olutions. Maybe your resolution is to lose weight, or to be
more responsible, or to be more positive about the pandem-
ic, or you’ve decided to quit smoking. Or maybe you’ve been
learning a new language, or reading, or ballroom dancing
throughout your house while you watch less Netflix. Whether
it is your resolution or not (or maybe you’ve even given up or
forgotten already), it’s time to prioritize your health. The first
step to better health is just that – a step.
It’s February, which is Heart Health month. Staying healthy
is a top priority now more than ever, and this starts with your
heart! One of the top ways to improve your cardiovascular
health is through exercise. This might sound intimidating to
some. If you are new to exercising, this doesn’t mean anyone
expects you to suddenly run a marathon. Starting to exercise
requires guidance and strategy. It also takes some patience
and dedication on your end. Think of this as a prescription
much like those other medications you take for your health.
If you are at all nervous, just pop into the clinic and talk to
your doctor to make sure it’s safe for you!
Let’s start with the basics. Ideally, your regimen would incor-
porate three key types of exercise – aerobic (something that
makes your heart race), strength (muscle building) and mo-
bility (range of motion). You also want to be sure to dedicate
time to a warm up and cool down before each session. Next,
think about how to incorporate this into your week – mainly
frequency, intensity, and time per session. A great starter plan
for someone new to exercise would be a brisk walk three times
each week for 20-30 minutes each session. Stretch before and
after sessions to work on your mo-
bility and help prevent injury. Once
this is solidified into your routine, add in a short circuit on the
alternating days and gradually expand this to give you that
strengthening component. Depending on your fitness level,
this can range from seated leg raises, to standing up from a
chair, or even to bodyweight squats. Using bands and light
weights are great for things like bicep curls and other arm
exercises. Get creative with the things you have at home – use
soup cans if you don’t have a home gym or weights.
The best exercise is one that you will stick with. Pick some-
thing that you enjoy but also something that fits into your life.
Schedule it into your week. Think carefully about barriers that
keep you from exercising and how you can knock these down.
Maybe include your significant other or your friend. Create a
bit of a competition. Have someone hold you accountable.
The benefits of exercise don’t stop at your heart. Regular phys-
ical activity can help lower your blood pressure, improve your
blood sugar control, lower your cholesterol, help you lose
weight, improve your sleep, help manage depression and anx-
iety, decrease your fall risk, improve your bone health… The
list goes on and on! I’m sure everyone can find something in
this list that is relevant and important to them. If nothing else,
maybe you can swap a walking routine for one of your medi-
cations in a few months! What’s better motivation than that?
Good luck and get moving!
Lawrie Dieckhoff, Donna Adams, Heather Simmons, Bobbie
Bryant & Hank Gardner, Prairie City JR. High 7th grade FFA,
Lindy Cruise, Amanda Rockhill, Mary Loomis, Mark and
Lucie Immoos, Everyone who contributed to the Carrie Young
Memorial Auction, Linda Rockhill, Jim & Lorna Askew, Meghan
Trembly and her Prairie City 3rd grade class, Humbolt Elementary, Seneca School, Len’s Pharmacy, The Lallatin Family, The
Carpenter Family, Angel Carpenter, Brenda, Ely, Izyk, and Brion Thompson, Prairie City High School Students, Trish Coburn,
Debbi Clark, Bobbie Duley, Cyndi Rheinhart, Carrol Titus, Taylor Edgar, Krystin McClung. We’d also like to take this time
to thank all of our staff who have stepped up during this COVID-19 lock down from helping with hallway Bingo, decorating
the Residents room, helping with the residents Christmas party to just being there for the residents when they are missing their
families and friends. YOU are all greatly appreciated. Thank you!! Sincerely, Blue Mountain Care Center