HISTORY MyEagleNews.com Wednesday, January 27, 2021 A7 OUT OF THE PAST 75 years ago Prospectors, Mustangs play at Crane tonight The Grant High Prospectors travel to Crane today where they will meet the Crane High Mustangs in a basketball con- test tonight. The Prospectors edged out the Crane quintet at the Grant gym a month ago. Tonight’s meeting will be tougher for the Prospectors due to the trip and playing on a strange floor. The Grant team will leave for home immediately follow- ing the game to be ready for the Polio benefit affair with Condon tomorrow (Saturday) night. 50 years ago Tri-County League first match up The Dayville Devils took over first place in the Tri- County League, Saturday, by defeating the Prairie City Pan- thers, 72-71, at Dayville. The Devils led 16-10 at the end of the first quarter, but the Panthers came back to go ahead 32-30 at halftime. The score was tied 53-all after the third quarter and the lead changed hands several times before Dayville gained a 1-point victory. Devil scoring was led by Randy Rothell’s 22 points and Paul Youngren’s 20. Kelly Voigt scored 17 for the Panthers followed by Dan Averett with 16, Jackson Har- ris with 15 and Ivan Andrew with 14. The score by quarters: DAYVILLE: 16, 30, 53, 72–72 PRAIRIE CITY: 10, 32, 53, 71–71 Scoring: DAYVILLE: (72) — Rothell 22, Youngren 20, Bond 15, Johnson 6, Berry 6, Culps 3. PRAIRIE CITY: (71) — Voigt 17, Averett 16, Harris 15, Andrew 14, Flippence 9. 25 years ago Skeletal remains found near Mount Vernon by horn hunters Human skeletal remains were found by two Grant County horn hunters last Sunday on public land approximately eight miles northwest of Mt. Vernon. Grant County Sheriff Fred Reusser investigated and confirmed the find then contacted the Grant County Major Crime Team, including Oregon State Police detectives and crime laboratory personnel. The remains were sent to the Oregon State Crime Laboratory in Ontario where identifications of the remains were made through review of dental records and con- firmed to be that of a male. Fur- ther identification is being with- held by authorities pending notifications of next of kin. Investigation into the matter continues. Police sources remain noncommittal on the issue of foul play and the estimated length of time the remains had been there. Eagle file photo From 50 years ago: Dayville’s Paul Youngren (No. 24) played a standout defensive game in addition to notching 20 points against Prairie City. O utlook SENI R Today started out perfectly clear, but by 1 p.m. it was perfectly cloudy! Rose Coombs Our meal was in the perfectly edible category: Pulled pork sliders, coleslaw, fruit salad and a huge chocolate chip cookie. Thanks to Tom, Laura B., and Angie for today’s repast. I, too, like to indulge in having a meal prepared for me one day a week. I try to plan our meals to use up all the left-overs by Tuesday night because I don’t have to cook on Wednesday! Whee!! Now the entree is one that I have never prepared, and indeed did not know anything about until the last few years. And I am perfectly happy to have someone else fix it…. It is really good and I may have to learn more about it. How’s that for a change of mind? Helpers today were our faithful Carole, Carla, Carlos, Pam and Ginger. Thanks again to all who volunteered to make the meal viable. Daughter-in-love called from Oregon City and related her new cooking endeavor. She makes rose petal jelly. But she needed to make some pectin for it, too. Now I never heard that you could make our own pectin (not being a very experienced canner), but people in the Middle East do it all the time. Prairie City Seniors I think winter is up on us once again please watch where you walk in the morning before the Dusty Harris sun melts the ice, we don’t need anymore broken bones. I’m starting my garden in the house spuds doing great guess it’s time to get the rest started, am I crazy no I don’t think so. John Day Seniors Monument Seniors Our cooks Terry Cade and Carrie Jewell made BBQ beef sandwiches with Soo Yukawa french fries, cole slaw, and cookies for dessert for the Tuesday meal. I am sure it was very tasty. I did not get to partake of that meal for I had to go out of town to pick up some goats. More on that later. Our volunteers were Bob Cockrell and Jan Ensign, they filled out the paperwork and counted the money. Sylvia Cockrell handed out the meals to the patrons who came to pick them up at the door. We thank our cooks and we thank our volunteers for their joint efforts and service. We have lost quite a bit of our community passing away. Many of them had suffered from cancer or many years of health issues. Let us pray for their families and loved ones during this difficult time. Praise the Lord we got some more snow on the ground! It is not by any means like two or three feet of snow, more like maybe an inch or two, but we’ll take what we can get. Some days are really beautiful and sunny, which melts the snow and gets pretty mucky. I feel good about that though for I believe the moisture is seeping into the ground. I pray that we will get enough snow intermittently to help the snow pack levels in the mountains. And you can find it on YouTube. The only problem is the directions are not in English. She finally found one site that did and proceeded to cook. Said she had been saving apple peels and cores in the freezer for a long time. You have to have 2 quarts to begin with. Everything turned out OK now it’s on to the jelly. Something else I have never tried….and don’t plan to! I forgot to mention that our meal last week was in memory of Blaine Kendall. There will be other throughout the year that will have such a designation, either in honor or in memory of. This comes about through the Entree Program. You may donate enough money to enable us to purchase the entree for a meal and you can name someone to honor that day. It will be so noted on the menu that we hand out with the meal. We finally moved ito the 21st Century and bought a battery powered pencil sharpener. The one I’ve had since my Kindergarten teaching days is mounted on a 1x4 board that you have to put on the floor and put your foot on to hold it while your hands take care of holding the pencil and twirling the handle to do the sharpening. We decided that at our age we could indulge ourselves and purchase something that was easier to operate. Happy New Year! So have you tried out Shalom on anyone? Just saying the word and thinking about its definition seems to bring a calming sensation to my troubled mind. It also helps to know the “Prince of Peace.” II Thessalonians 1:6,7 God is just: He will…give relief to you who are troubled… For lunch on Thursday 28 is Club Sandwiches, Cheesy Potatoes, Fruit Hello, Butterscotch Blondies. On February 1st BIOSMILE Family, Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry 165 NW 1st St., John Day 541-575-0363 Open Monday-Thursday DrJ@BiosmileDental.com We offer a wide range of primary care and medical treatment. Zachary Bailey, MD • David Hall, MD • Raffaella Betza, MD • Janessa Sickler, DO • Emily Lieuallen, DO • Nora Healey, FNP Shawna Clark, DNP Available Monday - Friday 180 Ford Road, John Day • 541-575-0404 Huffman’s SELECT MARKETS is surprise lunch and on the 4th is a surprise too. Psalm : 8,9. The Lord is gracious and full of compassion, slow to anger and great in mercy. The Lord is good to all, And His tender mercies are over all His works. So, my husband and I went to Prineville to pick up three goats. I needed some new blood to add to my little herd. I got two 5 year old nanny goats and one little 10 month old doeling. I named them Marianne, Ginger, and Elsa. My kids protested that they did not like the name Elsa. I named the little one Elsa (after Elsa from the Disney movie, “Frozen”) because she has blue eyes and her coat is like a splash blue color. Don’t you think that was a perfect name for her? Well, then a friend of mine also protested against the name of Elsa, so I gave in. Her name is now Yuki. So the two nannies are Marianne and Ginger, and the little one is Yuki. Yuki is very pretty and I am hoping to get some blue-eyed babies in the fall from her. The girls are adjusting to living on our little farm. They are pretty docile and I think they got trained after about three days to go into the goat shed for the night. The first night, the silly girls slept outside and I saw them shaking in the cold the next morning. They have collars, and I leashed them one by one and led them into the goat shed and shut the door with everyone. Yay, that makes our job easier. Hopefully, they will just go in on their own and we won’t have to shut them in. I know that Frita is going to have her babies soon. I hope she does not have triplets. That would put me over the edge. Ha. Isaiah 55:7 Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts, and let him return unto the LORD, and He will have mercy upon him, and to our God for He will abundantly pardon. Quality Healthcare ...close to home. 170 Ford Road John Day 541-575-1311 112 E. 5th Prairie City 541-820-3341 Home Health Agency Blue Mountain Hospice 422 W. Main, 1st floor • John Day If you have any questions or think you know of someone who might benefit, call: 541 575.1648 241 S. Canyon Blvd. John Day • 541-575-0529 T roy Hanson - Funeral Director S225659-1