14 LETTERS TO SANTA Blue Mountain Eagle Wednesday, December 23, 2020 PRAIRIE CITY AND SENECA Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Dear Santa, How have you and the elves been? I have been good so I think I’m on the nice list. I want a 20 guage shotgun and shells. I would also like a collar for my dog. I hope you are hav- ing a good year in the North Pole. Sincerely, Tatyn Harper How is it going? I have been a nice girl this year because I did chores for my mom everyday. What I want for Christmas is a wallet. I hope you will have a nice Christmas! Best wishes, Brenna How do you not get fat by eating all of those cookies in just one night? … I want a scope nerf gun with tan gpts, turning sled and a camo drone. Zane P.S. I eat lots of cookies. Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Santa, It’s Eli. I really want a Gear- jit Projector. Really, I’ve been good! I would also like a drone and a RC car. I got really good grades! Hope you’re well! Adiós, Eli How have you been and the rain- deer. This year I been good and not nice but I will try to be good for until Crhistmas. This year I will want is a gaxg Z flip is anew tip of phone. And also a iPod and a bike for the mountains. I hope you have a nice flyt here. With love, Jassmin P.S. Have fun. How do you grow such a Big Beard? Now for my wish list: I want PS4 games, legos and an iPad. Thank you! Wade How are you? I have been nice this year. For Christmas I would like a new cage for my Guinea pigs, a big speaker for my room and some new stuff for my room. I wish you best luck with your raindeer. From, Jaylan LaDuke Dear Santa, How are your raindeer doing? I’ve been both naughty and nice. I want a DK Metcalf jersey or a Cris Carson jersey. I also want a bow and arrow. My brother wats Airpods. I hope you fly safe. Sincerely, Sam Rausch Dear Santa, How are you doing up at the North Pole? For Christmas, I would like Beyblades, the Bakugan Battle Planet set, and a lot of Nerf guns. I have been a nice boy during this time of the Coronavirus. My mom and my two sisters would like makeup. My dad would like the Lonesome Dove Saga. My baby brother would like a ride-on horse. Sincerely, Jason Dear Santa, How is the weather in the North Pole? I think I have been nice because I have been helping with the chores and working the cows. For Christmas. I would like some jewelry. My mom would like a dishwasher (ours broke) and a spa week/ My dad would like a vacation. For my brother he would like paracord. I hope you stay warm and safe. Best wishes, Silvie Holliday Dear Santa, How are the raindeer? I think that I have been nice this year. What I want this year is some Jewelry. My dad wants our new house to be done. My mom would like some new stuff for the new house. My brother wants a basketball hoop. Hope you had a good 2020. Love, Colbie Howard Dear Santa, How have you been? I have been naughty. Can I have coal. Then can I have Money. Next can I have a DK Medcalf Jersey. Brogan wants a PS5. I hope you have a good winter. From, Jonathan Dear Santa, For Christmas this year I would like a puppy. A puppy to have has been one of my life long dreams. My mom never let me have one of my own puppys before. Another thing I would like is ripped jeans that are highrise. The last thing I would like is an iPhone II promax with a phone case. I would be very grateful if I got any of these things and I would take very much care of these things if I was able to have them. By the way how is it over there. Hope its not too cold! I have been pretty good exept for my atti- tude, but otherwise I hope you have a great winter! Sincerely, Nevaeh Kimble Dear Santa, How is children. I’ve both naughty and nice because that’s just me if you don’t like me then to bad. I want an xbox series x and new games and a headset for Christ- mas. The why I want all that stuff is because the xbox has so many cool features even col enthen the PS5 and it has more features then the PS5 also. I want the head set so I can talk to my friends online. I hope you get this all to me on Christmas. From, Trevor Duvall SENECA ELEMENTARY KINDERGARTEN MS. MCLEAN Dear Santa, What do you make? I want cars, monster trucks, a nerf gun and legos. Thank you! Rocky S. I hope you’re doing well! I want an American Girl doll. Clothes and a Polly Pockets. I hope you have a good trip. Zivah FIRST GRADE MS. MCLEAN THIRD GRADE MS. MCLEAN Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Dear Santa, How are you doing? I want stuff horses, lego sets, lego dinosaurs, games and clothes for my brother. Thank you! Avah Dear Santa, Are the elves doing a good job? I want a Harry Potter lego set. PJ Mask lego set. Dinosaur lego sets. Card games and new books. NinjaGo lego sets. Thank you! Blaine Dear Santa, How are you doing? I want Juras- sic World lego sets, NinjaGo lego sets and VS. books. Thank you! Danner Moore Dear Santa, How are you feeling with Covid going on? I want a Jurassic World lego set, playstation, lego box, toy flatbed truck and trailer, card games and other toys. Fly safe! James SECOND GRADE MS. MCLEAN What do you feed your rein- deer to make them fly? I want a drone, a megamind video game for my XBOX 360 and the new XBOX please. Kanin FOURTH GRADE MS. MCCORMICK Dear Santa: I would like a playstation. Also a gaming PC with a headset. Also a hover board and how is your rein- deer? And how are you? I hope you have a great Christmas! From. Jase Dear Santa, I really want a puppy, and iPhone8, a case for it, books, and games for my PS4. I have been very good this year and I want one more thing. I want my family to get what they want. I have an inquiry, how are your reindeer? Have a good Christmas. Sincerely, your friend, Paige Galbreath Dear Santa, Dear Santa, What’s your favorite kind of cookie? I want mermaid legos and fairy, unicorn and mermaid toys in general. We will leave carrots! Thank you! Noxi Milo Hernandez • 2nd grade, Humbolt Elementary I’ve been good. I have five top things. I want for Christmas is ARC Titanic, iPhone II, hotwheels ulti- mate garage, iPhone II charger, lap- top. Please. Thank you. Sincerely, Sam Stout Dear Santa, I would really like a playsta- tion 5, Fortnite and a popsocket. I got good grades on online school all A’s! It’s ok if it’s too much, but I’ve been a good girl this year. I hope you liked the cookie my step mom made last year, it was big! Thank you for everything. Sincerely, Emily Ford Dear Santa, I would like a play bank and a snuggly blanket. I have been good. Thank you, Samantha FIFTH GRADE MS. MCCORMICK Dear Santa, Hi there Santa Claus, how are you and Mrs. Claus doing? I hope you guys are staying safe. Oh the whole reason I am writing you is because I am going to tell you how good I have been, really, really, really, really, really, really good. Also I would like to give you 3 things I really want for Christmas so her I go. I would like to have a 32oz hydro flask, and I would like to have some cute pens, and I would love to have some air plants. Sincerely, Abigail Humphreys SIXTH GRADE MS. MCCORMICK Dear Santa, May I please have two new Xbox controlers. I’ve been good and got good grades and new friends. May I also have a TV, a Nerf gun and Call of Duty. I would also like some clothes, hoodies and shoes. Thank you. Sincerely, Gage Dear Santa, My name is Brynlie. I would like a couple of Bryer horses please. I am crazy about horses and have been around them my whole life. If you aren’t able to get a Bryer horse, I would like a Luke Bryan doll. Is that creepy? I don’t think it is. I have liked Luke Bryan since I was five. I think it would be really cool! Now, how are you doing? How are the reindeer? Hope you are all doing well. Have a good Christmas! Bye, Bye! Sincerely, Brynlie Koppel Dear Santa Claus, I don’t have much I want, but I would like the Harry Potter sets which are Hagrids Hut and the Womping Willow, a pocket knife, and a new computer. I try my hard- est in school and at home. Landin James P.S. I would like tons of books. Dear Santa, I would only like one thing, it’s the Nerf rival Perses. I have a collection of Nerf guns and this one will complete it. I have been getting good grades and have been helping out a lot. Sincerely, Ukiah Snapp How are you? Are you well? Okay, so I would like some books please. The series is called War- riors: Omen of the Stars, Warriors: The New Prophecy, and Warriors: Power of Three. If you could bring any of those book series I would appreciate it very much. Sincerely, Allyson Moore Dear Santa, Dear Santa Clause, Dear Santa, I was really good this year. How are you and your reindeer? Hope you are well. I would like: 1. Dude shoes white, gray or black 2. Bath Bombs, Shower Bombs Thank you! Sincerely, Ali Wenick How have you been? I hope you had a great year! What I am asking for this year’s Christmas is an iPhone11 and also a saddle. I know it’s not much but Merry Christmas! Thank you! Sincerely, Tymber Moore Adie Judd • 5th Grade, Humbolt Elementary 1188 Brewing Co. 141 E Main St., John Day, OR 97845 541-575-1188 Jaden Copeland • 5th Grade, Humbolt Elementary Thriftway S220502-1 S220136-1 Ximena Armenta • 2nd grade, Monument School Boyer’s Cash Store John Day Plaza 541-575-1899 335 John Day Street Monument, OR 97864 (541) 934-2290 S220663-1 S220150-1