LETTERS TO SANTA MyEagleNews.com Wednesday, December 23, 2020 9 HUMBOLT, LONG CREEK AND MONUMENT All I wish for this year is for Covid19 to go away and for Kayleb to be a great big brother. Sincerely, Tristen J. Lippert fun I like to play with my cousins. For Christmas, I would really like to have a Christmas tree for my family to decorate. Merry Christmas! From, Marian suits with their weapons like in the Transformer movies. Merry Christ- mas! I will see you next year. Thank you, Santa! Sincerely, Joel Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Dear Santa, We want snow at Christmas and more snow after Christmas! Can we have a doll house for our dollies to sleep in? They can eat with us in the kitchen! Merry Christmas to Mom, Dad, sister, and brother. My baby brother is too little to open presents. From, Kymberlynn I know that you both ship pres- ents, and that Mrs. Claus makes cook- ies! What do you do on vacation? I like to go somewhere warm so I can swim! Can I please get an RC car that goes REALLY fast with a spoiler to keep it under control on the ground? Also, can I please have a skateboard and a new scooter because my old one is broken, and also a camera? My brother Hunter would like baby toys since he is a baby! Thank you and Merry Christmas! From, Eoin Dear Santa, are you real I like to minecraft toys red phone bumblebee toys fnaf plushie Penavinos of Madagascar operishino dvd premier for dwd I like dvd player black head phone eros like disney planes toys cars3 dad like RC truck on outside mom like pichers and I like to a lego ninjago game and las tone lego ninjago legacy monsters. From. Bradlee Huntington 144 on the tree. Dear Santa, How are you doing? How long are you quarintining to visit us? For Christmas I want a Harry Potter lego set. My brother wants a playmoboil set. Sincerly, Silas Fansler Dear Santa, This year I would like a nerf foot- ball and a baseball mit. Please tell every one at the North Pole hi. Thank you for all the wonerfull Christmas gifts. Best wishes, Cosette K. Dear Santa, Do you have to sneak in the vents? I can’t figure out how you get inside my house this Chistmas. Hows the wife and are the both of you han- deling 2020 well? I hope so. This Chistmas I want a new small tv for our bedroom and minecraft for PS4. I would like a lego minecraft Steve and alex set. May I have a pakc of balloons too? Thanks and Merry Chistmas. Oden Elliott LONG CREEK ELEMENTARY PRESCHOOL EARLY LEARNING Dear Santa, We cut a tree in the forest. Then we put it up for Christmas in our house. We decorate it. There was snow in the woods. I give pres- ents to my family. We are going to have a doll house for our dollies to sleep in. But they will eat with us in the kitchen! Merry Christmas to my Mom! From, Penelope KINDERGARTEN MRS. PORTER Dear Santa, Maybe someday I will get to talk to you in person! I am going to have a new baby brother or sister. I’m hop- ing for a sister! Then there will be three girls! We already have a Christ- mas tree! My family already deco- rated it. I put my bear ornament on it. There are lots of presents under the tree! I hope one of them for me is something special. See you soon! From, Alayna Dear Santa, Why do you go down the chim- ney? Please bring me a toy dinosaur. Please bring my brother a toy horse. Bye, bye, Santa! From, Ellaine FIRST GRADE MRS. PORTER Dear Santa, For Christmas, I want Blippe (Blippy)! From, Wayne Dear Santa, We already had snow here in Long Creek. I help clean at home. For Dear Santa, Are you working on making pres- ents? I am writing this letter on my birthday! I am 7 now. Can you please bring me a Transformer? I would also like Optimus Prime and Bumble Bee Dear Santa, I like you a lot! I want to meet you! All I want for Christmas is a diary with a lock, aqua dragon, a cooking set, make-up, pink slime, and a bike. How does your sleigh work? I want to make milk and cookies for you! Do you like chocolate chip cookies? Stay warm and healthy! Thank you, Santa and Merry Christmas! Love, Oasis MONUMENT ELEMENTARY SECOND GRADE MARY CADE Dear Santa, SECOND GRADE MRS. PORTER I hope you had a great time off. This year I have been really good. This year I would like a LOL Doll and a LOL Doll house. I would also like to have a little store with a cash register. Thank you and Merry Christmas. Ximena Armenta Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Please stay safe on your journey. It snowed a lot during the snowstorm here in Long Creek. The electric- ity went out for almost a whole day! We lit candles. I went with my uncle Isaac onto Long Creek Mountain just for fun! May I please have a remote control monster truck with a power charger? Merry Christmas, Santa! From, Mason I hope you had a great time off. This year I have been really good. This year I would like a remote con- trol helicopter and a rock digging kit with big crystals. Thank you and Merry Christmas. Weston Hamilton Dear Santa, Is Rudolph real? Does Rudolph always lead your sleigh? There is a lot of snow here. It was only 21 degrees last night. Can I please get a toy horse, lot of Paw Patrol toys, and a puppy!? I already have one dog, but I think I could take care of two dogs. Or, please bring a toy puppy for me and a live puppy for my dad. Thank you and have a happy merry Christmas! From, Belle THIRD GRADE MRS. PORTER Dear Santa, I hope you had a great time off. This year I have been awesome. This year I would like a scooter please. And a nerf gun that has darts. Also, a camera too, but NOT just any, a spy- ing camera. Merry Christmas! Love, Lillie Stewart P.S. I love your elves! Dear Santa, I hope you had a great time off. This year I have been really good. This year I would like a farm kit that I can change the tires on the swather, baler and tractor. The tractor needs to be able to pick up bales and maybe a duly pickup. Thank and Merry Christmas. Ben Henslee Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I hope you are okay. Santa, be safe and careful giving presents. Please be safe because myself and others do not want you to get sick. From, O.H. I hope you had a great time off. This year I think I could have been better. This year I would like a pet skunk and a LOL Doll house and a chalk board. Thank you and Merry Christmas. Love, Joclynn Ashley raindeer are really well to! I thought of one more thing and I want a PS4. And that is all. Parker THIRD GRADE MARY CADE Dear Santa, I love you Santa. I hope you had a great time off. This year I have been really good. This year I would like a guitar. I would also like a real pirate ship. I will call it The Black Pearl. Thank you and Merry Christmas! John Starbuck Dear Santa, I hope you had a great time off. This year I think I have been awe- somely good! This year I would like a drone, the brand is Tello. And can I have a remote for it and propeller guards? Merry Christmas Santa. Sincerely, Casen Albirch FOURTH GRADE JESSICA HUDSON Dear Santa, I would like a LOL surprise and peace on earth. I would like 100 LOL’s I would like a Trolls World Tour on DVD. A PS4 and a PS3. A Nintendo Switch and some board games. How are the raindeer? Please get me a trumpit for Christmas. How is Miss Clause and do not eat to much cookies. Your friend, Kaidynce Dear Santa, I would like a couple pairs of bootcut jeans. I also want to know how the reindeer are doing and how’s Mrs. Clause? I also want fluffy bed- ding and coats. I hope we all aren’t sick as dogs as we were last year. I would like a pair of cowboy boots. Thank you very much. Sincerely, Hailee Dear Santa, I would like a dog. I would also like a Nintindo Switch. I was won- dering how the reindeer are and also hwo you and Mrs. Clause are. When I think of you I also think of the Santa one Christmas Chronicles. Sincerely, Brooklyn Dear Santa, I wish I could get a Nintendo Switch so I can play with my friend Jud. I would also like a LA NFL Rams uniform with a helmet and gloves. That is all, how are you? I hope you are good! I hope your FIFTH GRADE JESSICA HUDSON Dear Santa, This year for Christmas can I please have a mini horse. If you do bring one my Mom is going to be mad at you, so if you do bring one, hide it in the field. You have been warned. Sincerely, Ashlyn Dear Santa, I want to get Yougio cards because I want to build my own deck. I also hope that you are fell- ing ok for Christmas this year. I hope you have a great Christmas and a great night. I realy hop every- body has a very nice Christmas. Dawson SIXTH GRADE JESSICA HUDSON Dear Santa, Were you able to stay safe from Covid19? How many elves do you have? Did you have a good sum- mer? I would really like a PS5!!! And a pair of skating shoes that are black and blue. Thank you, Jud Armenta Dear Santa, May I please have some new art supplys because my parents won’t get me some. I hope you get my let- ter because my parents won’t get me anything. You don’t have to get me anything but I would be very happy to have art supplys. Sincerely, Whitley Dear Santa, How are you and Mrs, Claus doing? Were you able to stay safe from Covid? I only want a few things for Christmas. I would like a new puppy. I would also like a new bed set. Sincerely, Addison Dear Santa, What I would like for Christmas is world peace and for Corona Virus to go away, that is all I want. Stay safe and have a good Christmas. Sincerely,Josh Brooklynn Weston Mumpfield Hamilton • • 2nd 5th Grade, Grade Monument Humbolt Elementary School Zoey Rookstool • 5th Grade, Humbolt Elementary Columbia Power Co-Op Grant County Road Department 27941 Lower Yard Rd John Day, OR | 541 575-0138 311 Wilson St. Monument • 541-934-2311 S220570-1 S220137-1 Blake Jacobs • 2nd grade, Prairie City Elementary 121 S. Canyon Blvd. • John Day • 541-575-0782 Josie Hollowell • 2nd Grade, Humbolt Elementary Thriftway S220826-1 John Day Plaza 541-575-1899 S220661-1