8 LETTERS TO SANTA Blue Mountain Eagle Wednesday, December 23, 2020 HUMBOLT FIFTH GRADE KELLI LAFRAMBOISE Dear Santa, How are you doing? Are your Elves busy? Don’t forget to eat lots of cookies. For Christmas I would like loom bracelets and my own hair curler. My sister Aubri would like a barbie and hair chalk. My other sister Aali- yah would like a 80s cd and a barbie house. My brother Decklan would like a stuffed dinosaur. My MoM would like a new vacum. And my DaD would like a new shop. Merry Christmas. Sincerely, Adie Judd Hi, so first I have a few questions. Dear Santa, Thank you for the gifts last year, I Got calico critters and even a calico critter school. This year, I want a Giant stuffed panther toy, and 600 gecubes. Also I want to make my family ani- mals and figures out of clay. Olivia Chavis Dear Santa, This year was boring because of covid 19 so I thought maybe a drone would be fun. How was your year with covid and did the elves have to wear masks? This year I also wanted a PS VR, so I can enteract with other people without meeting them in real life, and with the headset the mow- sion conntrollers. One last thing, Nike football cleats. Ryan Nodine Hoppe Dear Santa, How do you get around the Hole world in one night? All I really want this Chrismas is a giant stuffed husky and foamy clay to make things out of… I want to also help the commu- Jason Mills • 6th Grade, Prairie City Elementary Thriftway nity by having more stores and parks and maybe even a pet shelter too… My mom really wants new pots and pans and she has really dill kitchen knives. Thats all I really want this Chrismas… thank you for all last years gifts. Abby Dear Santa, this year I have been pretty good. I would like a folding pocket knofe and a boc of donuts. My sister wants a sled. Also I have a question for you, do you have an after-burner on that sleigh because I’m pretty sure rein- deer don’t fly? And how are you mak- ing out with covid and everything. Best Wishes, Morgan Cole Dear Santa, I am wanting to thank you for the WWE wrestlers last year. I still play with them today. I have also been meening to ask, does Rudolphs nose always glow? I am also not really sure what I want for Christmas I think just anything will make me happy. My friend is also really wanting some action figures. So that’s all I have to say so by and Merry Christmas. Sinscerly, Carter Watterson Dear Santa, How are you doing? Are you and the reindeer surviving with COVID? I hope you can come for Christmas. For Christmas I would like a watch and some chocolate and my other sis- ter wants a book because she loves books. Merry Christmas, Ashlyn A. Dear Santa, Thank you for all the gifts from last year I am vere grateful for those gifts. Does your sleigh have a time warp drive on it? Also is Rudolph behaving well and how is Mrs. Claus doing? What I want for Christmas is a Nerf Football so that way I can play and throw it around with my sis- ter. Also, can you please get a Nerf Gun for my sister because she’s been wanting one. Thank you. Sincerely, Same Cole Owen Parsons • 5th grade, Humbolt Elementary STYLISH 10 John Day Plaza 541-575-1899 60360 Hwy. 26, John Day, OR 97845 541-792-0311 S220665-1 Audrey Colson • 4th grade, Prairie City Elementary S220116-1 Paige Hicks • 4th grade, Prairie City Elementary HUFFMAN’S SELECT MARKET 721 W. Main St., John Day • 541- 575-1850 S220111-1 Dear Santa, Question one did you get covid and are the raindeer and elgs okay? Also do you where glasses or not? Do you ever get Christmas presents (other than cookies)? Anyway I would like legos for Christmas. And my brother would really like a new book. Merry Christmas Santa! <3 Your friend, Ella C. Tracker Mclead • 2nd grade, Humbolt Elementary 220 Front St., Prairie City 541-820-3588 S220143-1 William Torres • 5th grade, Dayville School PRAIRIE SPRINGS FISH FARM 46673 Hwy 26, Dayville Downtown John Day • 541-575-0632 541-987-2131 S220364-1 S220121-1