The Blue Mountain eagle. (John Day, Or.) 1972-current, December 23, 2020, Page 22, Image 22

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Blue Mountain Eagle
Wednesday, December 23, 2020
Dear Santa,
Dear Santa,
Dear Santa,
Dear Santa,
I’ve been so-so this year. I
would like a real puppy, an iPad,
and a new watch for Christmas this
year. Your elf has been naughty
because he took my watch!
Thank you,
Sawyer Hittle
I am 8 years old. How are yoer
Reindeer. My dad dose not like lar-
rys meses but I do. I would liky a
lego set with Santa, reindeer and elys
and a nintendo switch. Marry Christ-
mas Santa.
I want a real baby puppy and
some thing called gemex and a nail
spa and how are your reindeer have
they been good or bad hope your elfs
been good to wait they make the pres-
ents they get all the presents!
Dear Santa,
Dear Santa,
how are you? AJ was crazy today.
I would like a nintendo swich, bunny
toys for my binny and a xbox 1 game
for my bro please. How good is AJ at
the North Pole. How are your rein-
deer. How are your elfs. AJ is grate.
Annabelle Raschio
Marry Christmas Santa… I hope
you com to day… I wish I could go to
the North Pole.
Tyler Ray Thornton
How are you? How are the
elves, because they better get to
work because the big night is com-
ing up! Santa can I get a Bike and
a basketball hoop, new shoes, belt
with my first initial on it, new cow-
boy boots, Nike clothes, Seahawks
clothes, and seahawks poster. Can
you get my family what they want
for Christmas and oh can you get me
some Nerf blasters? Have a great day
Drayden Piercy
Dear Santa,
I would like a Fornite Disc for
my Xbox 360 please and a toy Bat-
man car.
Thor Yazzie
Dear Santa,
I would like the Fortnite nerf
gun and the X-Shot for Christmas
please. Also, can I have an Xbox
360 and Xbox 360 TV please? And
an SPG TV and a lot of nerf guns?
And a horse and 10 more baskets of
army men please?
Tracker McLeod
Dear Santa,
Dear Santa,
Can I have some RC cards, nerf
guns, legos and cars, cars, cars?
Kydin Kinsey
whant I whant for christmas is
a Go Kart forwealer and a drone for
christmas and how are your reindeer.
From, Brayden
Dear Santa,
Dear Buddy the Elf,
Hoo is The ranDere? I woodd
love A NooBik.
Dear Santa,
It is Kenadi i want nale set, a
Fish, a pond.
Dear Santa,
hope ran your reindeer and I
want a toy. Bet you wund when I
want want a presents nock it a Supp
and fat wut Bi it hena a hane bey.
Dear Santa,
I want a Lambo and a sloth plas.
Dear Santa,
I what a real horse. How are
you. How are you’r raindeer.
Are you’r raindeer hgry. Marry
Thank you for my Willywish-
ers doll and my candy. This year can
you get me a soft bean bag chair? My
big brother wants books and my lit-
tle brother wants a play mobile. I will
leave you cookies and milk and a car-
rot for your reindeer. That’s all.
- Allison Fansler
Dear Santa,
how are the elfs do you no the
class is the best class ever is the north
pole being good.
I would like a now barbe. How
are your elfs? How are your reindeer?
Are you coming too my hous. Do you
like cookies & milk.
Dear Santa,
Hi Santa! I wanta phone and a
PS5 for Christmas how cold is the
North pole how are your Reindeer I
hope your doing good.
From: To:
Maveryk Santa
Dear Santa,
I would like a go kart and a big
Lego set and a happy Christmas and
wat is your favorite place to go and
pleas get my dog Maz a choo toy and
my cat a placet.
From, Chance
Dear Santa,
I would like a Bike fore Christ-
mas So how is The North Pole and a
wotr botel So I can tack iT To Shool
wiTh me evre Day and MaBye a
LOL Spris.
So will you repliy.
Dear Santa,
Dear Santa,
What I want for christmas is a
DK Meatcalf jersey, a marshmel-
low long sleeve and a ps5 with the
milke morales game ps, MERRY
Jax Huerta
Dear Santa,
Thank you for my bike, this year
for Christmas I would like polly
pockets. My brother would like some
new pocket knives. Is it hard driving a
sleigh at night and making all the toys
for kids? Hope you have a great year
and have a wonderful Christmas!
Mikaia Houpt
Dear Santa,
Santa thank you for my blue
kayak that you got me last year. Will
you please get my sister new clothes?
Santa this year I want a new bike and
a dirt bike and a go pro camera for
my youtube channel. Where do you
get all of the money that it takes to
make all of the toys that kids want?
How do all of the presents fit in your
little bag? Have you ever got stuck
in a chimney? Do you have to have
snow to land?
Clive Northway
How is Rudolph? Thank you
for the LED drawing tablet last year.
Please bring my grandpa an IPAD for
Christmas. This year I would like a
Nintendo Switch. I would also like a
Transformers lego set. Thank you and
Merry Christmas.
Job McManus
Dear Santa,
Thank you for the presents last
year I loved all of them so much.
Could you please get my dog a
squeaky toy for Christmas? I would
like a marble trackway. How many
elves do you have and what are some
of their names? What is your favorite
type of food?
Artemis (Arte) Mcknab
Dear Santa,
I want a Mal Barbie. My sis-
ter Adie wants a Descendants piano
book. My other sister Aaliyah wants
an Elephant bracelet. My brother
Decklan wants a Batman cup. My
mom wants a ghome. My dad wants
a new truck.
Aubri Judd
Dear Santa,
Hi Santa how are you this year?
I’ve been pretty good this year. Last
year I asked for a Barbie doll and I
got a Princess Barbie doll, Thank you
I really liked her. This year I would
would like Kevenlovegreen books,
frozen fun and duck shack. Oh I for-
got to ask you,how are your reindeer?
Could I have a Prestonstyelz slime
T shirt and a hoody.sorry I hope this
isn’t too much. Could I have opera-
tion,a pair of camo slipers and two
sets of paintball guns and gear.
Thank you, BLAKE
Dear Santa,
Are the reindeer in shape for
christmas eve? Can I please have
paddle baord, a horse, and a bar-
rel saddle? I want to make a wish
that nobody dies, and that covid goes
away. Can I please have more pants.
Can I also please have an elk tag? I
know I am only 8. Can I please have
some Hey Dudes, and 99,000,000
dollars. My favorite part about Christ-
mas is getting to be with family.
Paislee Hueckman
How is Mrs. Claus? My sis-
ter Alana is very nice she will like
pokemon cards for Christmas and I
would like pokemon too. I hope the
building called Thadd’s Place is built
Kaila Shaffer
Dear Santa,
How are the elves? How is Miss
Clause and how are you? And how
are the reindeer? What I want for
Christmas is to see my Papa again,
a tree house, and video game for my
Nintendo Switch.
Thank you,
Ransom Bigsby
Dear Santa,
How are you doing? How is the
North Pole? I would like the thank
you for ipad I got last year. I would
like you to get my sister Emersyn a
bracelet and my brother Rylan a PS5.
Can you get my cat Max 10 yarn
balls that are the color of the rain-
bow and my dog Harper a dog house?
Santa I would like a Titanic Replica
Ship Model, remote control tank and
a Battleship.
Rhett Cox
Dear Santa,
How have your elves been? My
mom has been working very hard can
you get her some clothes. My Dad
said that’s the only thing she likes.
Can you get my sister a pair fo high
heels or makeup, because she likes
both. And can you get my Dad to
shoot a deer next year. And I would
like a lego set. Thank you.
From: Kaitlyn Charette
Dear Santa,
How are you this Christmas? I
would like a set of wireless ear buds
a pair of cowboyboots ,call of duty.I
Dear Santa,
Dear Santa,
How are you? How are your rein-
deer? How is Mrs. Clause? What I
want this year is camera, lego set jor-
nal, toy phone, a house for my mom,
art book, desk, wooden crown, neck-
lace, bracelet, make-up set, and a
Saphira Lovee Ayeliya
Dear Santa,
I want a bookshelf and I want a
dirt bike too. And I want a playstation
4 and money. And some presents too
a lot and some from my parents too
please and thank you so much.
Tyson Herrerra-Donathan
Dear Santa,
I want a motor cycle. I would also
like a scooter. I’ve also been wanting
some more pokemon cards. I also like
a new skate board. I’ve been wanting
a hover board.
Brexton Poe
Dear Santa,
I would like a new big floaty with
handle for the water. I would also
really like a bunny and a Toby Robot.
I am going to make you some food
for your reindeer and they are so cute.
Santa how are you doing? I hope
your doing really good. How is the
weather in the North Pole? I hope you
can help us find a Christmas tree, and
some christmas spirit!
Sierra Eaton
Ben Henslee
• 2nd
• 5th
Humbolt School
Taregan • 5th Grade, Prairie City Elementary
Dear Santa,
like a pink bike and a pink and pur-
ple helmet and a kitten. For my dad
a new hat and my mom pajamas. For
my kitty new pajamas and for my
dogs new collars and pajamas. Santa
how are your reindeer and hos is Mrs.
Clause? Have a Merry Christmas and
A Happy New Year.
Lacey Lambeth
Columbia Power Co-Op
John Day Plaza
311 Wilson St. Monument • 541-934-2311
Tanner Kinsey • 3rd grade, Prairie City Elementary
Oden Elliott • 5th Grade, Humbolt Elementary
551 W. Main
John Day
220 Front St., Prairie City