CLASSIFIEDS KEEP YOUR AD 999 Statewide Classifieds IN DEMAND WITH Become a published author! Publications sold at all major secular & specialty Christian bookstores. CALL Christian Faith Publishing for your FREE author submission kit. 1-855- 407-5056. FULL COLOR Portable Oxygen Concentrator May Be Covered by Medicare! Reclaim independence and mo- bility with the compact design and long-lasting battery of Ino- gen One. Free information kit! Call 855-839-0752. 101 Legal Notices Wednesday, December 23, 2020 101 Legal Notices PUBLIC NOTICE The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has increased the prescribed Federal Universal Service Charge (FUSC) to 31.8%. This change will be effective on your January 1, 2021 bill from Oregon Telephone Corp. The FUSC amount is calculated by multiplying the FCC’s universal service contribution factor times your interstate service charges. The federal universal service fund program is designed to help keep local telephone service rates affordable for all customers, in all areas of the United States. Oregon Telephone Corporation DONATE YOUR CAR TO UNIT- ED BREAST CANCER FOUN- DATION! Your donation helps education, prevention & support programs. FAST FREE PICKUP - 24 HR RESPONSE - TAX DE- DUCTION. 1-855-252-2579. THE CLASSIFIEDS ARE THE CAT’S MEOW DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK OR BOAT TO HERITAGE FOR THE BLIND. Free 3 Day Vaca- tion, Tax Deductible, Free Tow- ing, All Paperwork Taken Care Of. CALL 1-844-533-9173. Area shoppers know the Classifieds are the purr-fect place to find a bargain. In the Classifieds, you can track down deals on everything from collectibles to cuddly kittens. It’s easy to place an ad or find the items you want and it’s used by hundreds of area shoppers every week. Show Off Stuff Sell Your Stuff All and more available in the Eagle’s print and online Classifieds. FIRST 15 WORDS ONLY Including full color photos for an additional five dollars per week. Place your ad online or over the phone now! Place your ad online or over the phone now! $12.50 FOR ONE WEEK 541-575-0710. 541-575-0710 GAME ANSWERS GET RESULTS WITH THE CLASSIFIEDS HOCUS-FOCUS Call 541-575-0710 or place your ad online at DIFFERENCES: 1. SANTA’S BOOTS ARE BLACK. 2. BUILDING IS SHORTER. Blue Mountain 3. BRICK PATTERN IS DIFFERENT. 4. CAR WHEEL IS BLACK. EAGLE 5. BOY’S COAT HAS POCKET. 6. SANTA’S BEARD IS LONGER. Classifieds 101 Legal Notices A15 101 Legal Notices NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the John Day Planning Commission is considering the following applications: C ODE A MENDMENT (T YPE IV) AMD-20-10 C ODE E NFORCEMENT The City of John Day proposed an ordinance to amend the De- velopment code. The amendment will strengthen the city’s ability to enforce the development code and clarify the process for cor- recting violations. This ordinance will allow the city to revoke land use permits for properties that are in violation of the code. It will also allow the city to require the abatement of violations before land use permits or approvals are granted. In an effort to correct the violations more efficiently, this amendment will also change the legal classification of code violations from a misdemeanor to a nuisance. There are additional amendments proposed, the full text of the ordinance can be found on the City of John Day website. C ODE A MENDMENT (T YPE IV) AMD-20-11 M ANUFACTURED H OMES The City of John Day proposed an ordinance to amend the de- velopment code. The amendment will prohibit the development of new manufactured dwelling parks in commercial and industri- al zones pursuant to Oregon Revised Statutes 197.490. It also amends the land use standards for manufactured dwelling home parks in compliance with ORS 446.095 Park construction and fa- cilities, and ORS 197.485 Prohibition on restrictions of manufac- tured dwellings. There are additional amendments proposed, the full text of the ordinance can be found on the City of John Day website. C OMPREHENSIVE P LAN A MENDMENT (T YPE IV) AMD-21-01 A DOPTION OF RERC P LAN The City of John Day has proposed an ordinance to amend the John Day Comprehensive Plan to adopt the 2020 Recreation Economy for Rural Communities (RERC) report as a supporting element of the plan. John Day was one of ten communities select- ed nationally by the EPA to participate in the first round of planning assistance for revitalization of the recreation economy. The plan- ning process brought in individuals from diverse segments of our community and focused on economic diversification and access to outdoor recreation opportunities. The RERC plan will support and inform the future update of our comprehensive plan for statewide planning goal 8 (recreational needs). C ODE A MENDMENT (T YPE IV) AMD-20-02 R EDUCTION OF DLCD NOTIFICATION PERIOD REQUIREMENT FOR T YPE IV PROCEDURES FROM 45 TO 35 DAYS The Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) requires local governments to submit written notification when proposing certain legislative changes including land use regula- tion changes, Comprehensive Plan amendments, and changes to the Urban Growth Boundary. These submittals are referred to as Post-Acknowledgement Plan Amendments or PAPAs as de- scribed in OAR 660-018-0020. At the time the City Development Code was written, this information had to be submitted to DLCD’s Salem office on provided forms 35 days in advance of the first hearing on the matter. The City of John Day at the time elected to require an additional 10-day buffer to provide time for mailing, review, and re-submission if necessary. DLCD now prefers that notices be submitted electronically through their web-based program “PAPA Online” which allows for prompt review and eliminates the need for 45-day notice. These submis- sions can be amended by city staff as new information is added and records can easily be accessed electronically by the general public. As a result of these updates, the City code requirement has become burdensome and unnecessary. This code amendment will align the City requirement with state requirements by reducing the notification period from 45-days to 35-days. This amendment also removes the requirement for including a certificate of mailing. PUBLIC HEARING DETAILS When: Tuesday, January 12th, 2021 5:00-7:00 PM Where: John Day Fire Hall, 316 S. Canyon Blvd., John Day OR 97845 And virtually via Go-to-Meeting: https://global.gotomeeting. com/join/891173869 you can also dial in using your phone: United States: +1 (786) 535-3211; Access Code: 891-173-869 Preference for in-person seating will be given to applicants and affected parties. Seating capacity will be determined based on the most current state requirements and recom- mendations at the time of the hearing. All in-person attend- ees will be required to wear masks and comply with physical distancing requirements. All documents, and evidence relied upon by the applicant(s) and applicable criteria are available for inspection at the John Day City Hall at no cost; copies will be provided upon request at a reason- able cost. Copies of the City Planning Staff Report on the subject application will be available for inspection not less than seven (7) days prior to said hearing at no cost; copies will be provided upon request at a reasonable cost. Persons or parties interested in or concerned about the subject application may appear virtually or in person at said hearing, or may submit written testimony to City Hall on or before the date of the hearing. Failure to raise an issue in person, or by letter at the hearing, or failure to provide statements or evidence sufficient to afford the decision-maker an opportunity to respond to the issue, means that an appeal based on that issue cannot be filed with the City Council and/or State Land Use Board of Appeals based on that issue. Any questions regarding the hearing should be directed to the City Manager: at 450 E. Main Street, John Day; via phone (541) 575- 0028, Monday through Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.; or by email to Your Life. Your News. Your Newspaper. S221452-1 SERVICE DIRECTORY INTERNET A Services Directory listing is $9.95 per week for a single ad (13 week minimum). Call the Blue Mountain Eagle today! 541-575-0710. JANITORIAL SERVICE 541-932-4411 NURSERY Better Blooms & Gardens Eastern Oregon Building Maintenance “Professional Cleaning Service” PORTA POTTY SANITATION CLARK’S ANDY’S PLUMBING & SPORTS TRANSFER STATION • Clean, sanitized • Portable • Septic tank pumping • We deliver & pick up American Standard Sinks & Toilets, Delta Faucets Brandford White, Water Heaters #CCB 114195 245 N. Canyon Blvd., Canyon City DISPOSAL 541-575-2144 ROLL OFF CONTAINERS FOR LARGE JOBS Serving John Day, Canyon City, Prairie City, CCB#181941 Mt. 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VERNON 721 W Main St, John Day, OR 97845 • (541) 575-1850 S218719-1 PLUMBING 541-575-1741 • 1-800-282-1741 TIDEWATER CONTRACTORS INCORPORATED • Asphalt • Sand & Gravel • Concrete • Road Building • Excavation Blinds • Carpets • Floors • Windows • Ducts Upholstery • Power Sweeping • Snow Removal Fire & Flood Restoration FIBER FAST INTERNET, PHONE & EZVideo ! PAVING