DISTRICTS: WRESTLERS PLACE THIRD AS BASKETBALL TEAMS PREPARE | PAGE A9-A10 Wednesday, February 19, 2020 152nd Year • No. 8 • 18 Pages • $1.50 MyEagleNews.com Old wounds of timber wars take first step toward healing Landmark deal between timber industry and environmental community hinges on legislation around aerial spraying By Sam Stites Oregon Capital Bureau The deal announced last week was intended to end the war in the woods that has beset Oregon forestry issues for decades. But not everyone is cheering what Gov. Kate Brown described as a “his- toric” deal between timber firms and environmentalists. The critics suspect something is more at play than the pur- suit of peace. Some characterize the agreement signed by several Oregon timber com- panies and a coalition of environmen- tal groups as the first step in healing, but it also has bearing on much broader discussions in the Capitol, particularly over climate change. “There are people who had the rug pulled out from under them 30 years ago, and they never really recovered,” said Sen. Jeff Golden. “That makes what we’re trying to do with the cli- mate bill hard for them to accept. It’s interesting that all this is coming together at the same time. The question environmental community on mov- ing forward as partners rather than adversaries. The governor agreed, mediating four meetings from Monday, Jan. 27, to Wednesday, Feb. 5, in Portland and in Salem. Representatives from both sides aired long-standing grievances, explained their views and then consid- ered how they might proceed together. What emerged was a memorandum of agreement signed by 13 of the most reputable Oregon companies and orga- nizations on either side of the debate. It also means both sides will drop dueling sets of proposed ballot initia- tives, which seemed destined for an Oregon Capital Bureau/Sam Stites Sen. Jeff Golden, D-Ashland, left, and Sen. Herman Baertschiger Jr., R-Grants Pass, both sit on the Senate’s committee on wildfire, but have different takes on what the agreement between timber interests and en- vironmental groups means for Oregon. for those of us with a gavel is how to make the most of it.” The opening came after representa- tives of the timber industry reached out to Brown and sat down for a meeting with her staff on Jan. 9. They requested that the governor moderate a discus- sion between industry leaders and the See Timber, Page A18 THE CHANGING FACE OF RURAL COUNTY FAIRS Carnival closure may mark the beginning of the end for that industry, but the ag-based tradition of county fairs will live on By Steven Mitchell Blue Mountain Eagle E ating cotton candy. Riding the tilt- a-whirl. Trying to win a massive stuffed animal. For years, memo- ries of most county fairs have been entwined with their carnivals, but that could be changing. The company contracted to provide the car- nival at last year’s Grant County Fair backed out at the last minute, and the fair has not yet found a replacement for this year. As of mid-January, at least eight other county fairs in Oregon were also without a carnival. With carnival company closures and budget constraints, rural fairs of the future may create different memories for the next generation of fairgoers. The situation Grant County Fair Manager Mindy Winegar said the problem is more significant than just Grant County. At this year’s Oregon Fair Association con- vention last month in Roseburg, Winegar said she met with managers from Lincoln, Baker, Harney, Union, Malheur, Wasco and Umatilla county fairs, all of whom were without a carni- val, to find solutions. Jefferson and Clatsop county fair officials also attended the meeting, and were both with- out carnivals at the time, but have since secured deals with carnival providers. In Union County, Fairgrounds Manager Mar- garet Spence said this year will be the first year in over 30 years that the county’s fair will not have a carnival, and she’s not hopeful about the county having a carnival in future years. She said the fair will take a big hit without the carnival, which provides a significant por- tion of the fair’s revenue. There is also a big piece of nostalgia that gets lost without the car- nival, Spence said. “At night, you would see the lights from the carnival from the freeway, and that is what would bring people out and keep them com- ing back,” she said. “The loss of a carnival will change the face of small county fairs as we know it.” See Fairs, Page A18 EO Media Group file photo Miguel Rojas pushes a roller coaster car off of the starting platform to allow for further construction of the Davis Amusement Cascadia roller coaster during a setup day for the Umatilla County Fair in August 2019. EO Media Group file photo Jacob Ginn, 5, reaches for a rubber duck in a carnival game at the Umatilla County Fair in 2019. Lawmakers reconsider banning Oregon coyote-hunting contests By Mateusz Perkowski EO Media Group The Oregon Hunters Association is willing to drop its opposition to a bill banning coyote-hunting competitions if it exempts raffles that don’t reward the “number, weight or size” of animals killed. House Bill 4075 would prohibit any contest that offers cash or prizes for the killing of coyotes. It is similar to a pro- posal that was voted down in the Oregon House after passing the Senate last year. An amendment to this year’s pro- posal would exclude raffles held by nonprofit organizations, such as local chapters of the Oregon Hunters Asso- ciation that exchange raffle tickets for coyote pelts submitted by members. At the end of the year, the win- ning ticket holder receives a prize, but the contest isn’t directly related to the “number, weight or size of the coyotes taken” as specified by the amendment. Though the Oregon Hunters Asso- ciation wouldn’t oppose HB 4075 with that exception, the organization none- theless didn’t sound enthused about the proposal during a Feb. 11 hearing before the House Natural Resources Committee. “This bill does not achieve a com- pelling state interest in our opinion,” said Paul Donheffner, the group’s legis- lative committee chairman. The prohibition against coyote-hunt- ing contests amounts to an attempt to legislate a moral or philosophical point of view, but the U.S. Constitution pro- tects speech and activities that others may dislike, Donheffner said. However, the Oregon Hunters Asso- ciation understands the “optics” of large commercial coyote-hunting contests, which are the bill’s primary targets, and appreciates the proposed exemption for raffles that are essential to the culture of its local chapters, he said. The Oregon Farm Bureau opposed the original version of HB 4075 but hasn’t yet decided whether the proposed amendment would change its position on the bill, said Mary Anne Cooper, the group’s vice president of public policy. County governments have less money available for predator control, and large coyote populations pose a danger to livestock producers in Ore- gon, Cooper said. “We want to preserve any tool available to us.” Most of the testimony heard during the legislative hearing supported the ban, with critics of coyote-hunting con- tests claiming these competitions are ethically and scientifically indefensible. Removing predators such as coy- otes from a territory will just encour- age increased reproduction by remain- ing pack members and the immigration of coyotes from surrounding areas, said Robert Wielgus, former director of Washington State University’s Large Carnivore Conservation Laboratory. “The remaining members of the pack become breeders. That’s how you end up with more predation down the road on livestock,” Wielgus said. Numerous studies have shown that killing coyotes isn’t effective for live- stock protection, as even eliminating three-fourths of the carnivore’s popu- lation from an area only had short-term benefits, he said. “You’re on a never-ending treadmill of livestock depredation and wild game depredation,” Wielgus said. “Scientifi- cally, there is no basis for it.” Rene Tatro, who identified himself as a hunter, said he supported the pro- hibition in part because such contests reflect poorly on the hunting commu- nity. The vast majority of Oregonians don’t hunt, so negative public percep- tions could have repercussions for the sport, he said. “We’re going to lose that privilege,” he said. “This isn’t about abridging our rights to hunt, it’s about preserving them.”