A6 COMMUNITY Blue Mountain Eagle Wednesday, November 27, 2019 Black Friday bazaar growing and filling capacity By Rudy Diaz Blue Mountain Eagle Black Friday can be a time of deals and headline stories on aggressive shop- pers, but the third annual Black Friday bazaar at the Canyon City Community Hall provides a more laid- back chance to socialize and buy items from various vendors. On Nov. 29, the Black Friday bazaar will be from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. with a total of 25 vendors. As a participant of other bazaars, Michele McMa- nama noticed Black Fri- day was the one weekend in November when no other bazaar was going on so she decided to start one of her own in Canyon City. “The first year we had 12 vendors,” McManama said. “Then the second year we had 21, and this year we have 25 vendors. The upstairs and the lower level of the Canyon City Commu- nity Hall are both filled to the brim.” There are so many ven- dors that wanted to participate this year that McMa- nama had to turn down Michele several. She McManama didn’t want to, but every of Mt. Vernon organized spot was the third taken. annual “The first Black Friday year I adver- bazaar. tised for vendors, trying to get people together,” McManama said. “Last year I didn’t have to do that and worked through word of mouth, and this year all I did was send out my notice to vendors from last year, and it grew from there. I have not put one post- ing that said ‘looking for vendors.’” The event showcases local vendors and the unique items they sell that can’t be bought at other major retail stores. The bazaar gives vendors an opportunity to succeed during the busiest shopping time in the nation. “For a small community, Contributed photo Vendors showcasing items at the 2018 Black Friday bazaar in the Canyon City Community Hall. we have a lot of talented people here,” McManama said. “It’s nice to see them succeed and see them be happy at the end of the day and hear them say, ‘Don’t forget to call me next year to come back,’ because it was a success.” On top of being a ven- dor and organizer for the event, McManama will also provide the cinnamon rolls, muffins, coffee and cocoa and cook the homemade loaded baked potato soup and chili for the luncheon from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. While the bazaar gives a chance for people to buy items and eat, the event allows community mem- bers to see friends in the community. “It’s kind of become a social event as well,” said McManama. “People come and see people that they haven’t seen in a while and start chatting in the corner. I am hoping to make the luncheon, if I can find the space, somewhere where we can set a table and they can enjoy their lunch with friends.” O utlook SENI R Wowser, Dowser, What a Day! The ol’ Prairie City Hall was a happening place today. In Seniors addition to it being our Thanksgiving meal, it was November birthday Rose Coombs recognition day, Too. That’s because there will not be a meal because there are at least two other places that will be serving great Thanksgiving meal: Prairie City Teen Center and the John Day Elks Lodge. And if you cant get there, they will deliver! Now you can’t beat that offer. The information is in the What’s Happening column in the Blue Mountain eagle Newspaper posters are around, so you have no excuse for not having a good meal. Back to business: Ginger led the Flag Salute and Jack asked the blessing, Carlos and Luann did the home deliveries. The new Senior Program Director was introduced. She is Angie Uptmor and we welcome her and our well wishes go with our retiring director Veeann. The entrée of turkey for today’s meal was donated by Eastern Oregon Building maintenance in memory of Jim Cernazanu. Head Cook Laura K. also got some pies donated for the desert table from the Dayville Café. Thank you so much for these donations. ‘Tom’s word for the day: Thanksgiving is not only an expression for the lips, but an attitude of the heart. Therefore, the tablet that was able to go first had a heart in the amongst the centerpiece deco. There were four people who signed for the birthday drawing: Ginger, Gwynn, Carole, and Carlos. Carlos Won and to top it off, his table had the heart. So our cooks and helpers of Laura K., Laura B, Angie and Veeann Weddle delivered a great meal today: Turkey stuffing, mashed potato’s, and gravy, green bean cassoral, salad, fruit dalad, pickles, olives, cranbrerry sauce, and a dinner roll. You were able to pick your own dessert from the assortment that was brought in. We got home just in in toime to pick up pour meals nd enjoy too. ‘Twas excellent. Lorna and Bobbie brought Bessie Zemmer, Marilyn Randall, Gordon Sindt, and Charlene Dean from the Blue Mopuntain Care Center. Frist timers were Don and Emma Stratton. Welcome, and Come again. The Prairie City Fire Department would like you to know that they are doing their annual Children’s Christmas Gift Donation. See the posters around town for more info. Birthdays to celebrate are Ginger and Gwynn they share the same birthday. Carla brought each of them lovely bouquet Happy Birthday ladies. Derrol had his 17th surgery on Tuesday afternoon. He is doing well. He will go back in a week and get stitches taken out. On Thursday, Derrol was able to get a haircut, shampoo, Shower and toe nails trimmed. This all made him a happy camper! Then his brand, spankin new hearing aid decided to quit!!!!! So have to take care of that next week, also. On top of everything else, Tracfone sent me a letter that’s says, “I have to get a new phone cause my old phone is too old! 1Thess. 5:18 Give Thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. Mon. Nov. 18, 2019, Our lunch day started out with Darlene Nodine and Everett King at the desk to greet all 27 participants that arrived. Jeanette Julsrud did our announcing and presented Mya to lead in the flag salute. Several members of the Living Word Christian Center, including Marlene, Melodie, Mark, Vickie and Iler with Step Forward they delivered 32 meals and 20 frozen meals to people that could not attend our lunch in person in our local communities. Thanks go to these volunteers for doing this much-needed service. On Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 28, the John Day Elks, located in the same parking lot, as the senior center will be hosting a traditional thanksgiving meal for our community at no charge to anyone. This is a great service to John Day and nearby communities. Lots of fellowship will be had and a large variety of great food. The senior center will be closed thanksgiving day. Kay Cotham was the winner of the Lens certificate and Don Porter won the free meal. Congrats to both of you. Angie Uptmor is now training with Veanne Weddle as Senior Program Manager for John Day. She was greeted by all attendees and welcomed. We are privileged to have this service here so we are happy to have Angie with us to keep this service going. Welcome Angie! Mark Majors asked the blessing for our meal and we all enjoyed cheeseburgers with all the trimmings, potato wedges and banana pudding, along with your choice of beverages. The Living Word Christian Center of Mt. Vernon assisted serving the meal. It truly was a good meal. Shay and all his helpers along with our servers did a great job to make this lunch a great and pleasant success. Thurs. Nov. 21. Darlene and Everett were at the desk greeting all 96 participants of our Thanksgiving meal. After everyone was seated, Everett did the announcing. Nancy Elliot led our flag salute. Angie Uptmor was again recognized as our new Senior Programs Manager. We are pleased to have her, as Veanne will be retiring at end of 2019. We will miss Veanne as well: She has been on top of all things in John Day and delivers news and helps and tips to everyone as she learns them. This is very helpful to all who hear these helps. Everett told us about the Amazon scam that is being done on our phones. Please do NOT give information to anyone that calls you. Call Amazon for yourself and do not use a # that they give you or call you from. Call Amazon for yourself with your own Amazon # to know it is really Amazon. There are others as well that call us for information. One is warranty for our vehicles: they want us to give them information about our vehicle. Do NOT give information to anyone that calls you. You should call for yourself with your own # to know you really got the company of interest. Other ones that are scam calls are Microsoft, social security, IRS, and your computer. Some people don’t even have a car or a computer that get these calls. Bill Choate got the Chester’s certificate and Delores Beldon got the free meal. Congrats to all of you. On Thanksgiving Day the Prairie City Teen Center is hosting a traditional thanksgiving meal for all who choose to attend, for NO charge to anyone. Don’t forget the Elks meal in John Day for Thanksgiving as well. One of the members of Step Forward has passed away and there is a service planned, so stop by the desk at our senior center. Sherry Feiger asked the blessing for our meal and several members of the Methodist church served us a great thanksgiving meal to all 96 in attendance. The meal consisted of a lovely cheese ball with an assortment of crackers and celery for appetizers. We had REAL mashed potatoes, turkey slices, dressing, great Brussels sprouts made with bacon and cranberries: very nice, turkey gravy and rolls with butter and jam and strawberry cheesecake for dessert, Choice of beverages. It was a very wonderful meal. Many were stuffed. There was plenty of food for all. Thanks to Shay and his staff. In all things, give thanks. Our Thanksgiving meal was sponsored by Monument our generous friends Bokin, Lonni, and Seniors Roger Lawrence. We had many hungry mouths to feed for our Soo Yukawa Thanksgiving lunch on Tuesday. Our wonderful cooks Terry Cade and Carrie Jewell did a fabulous job cooking up a storm of yumminess. We had turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, green bean casserole, dinner rolls, fresh green salad, and pumpkin cake. Oh, we were so blessed to have this delicious meal. We thank our cooks and the good Lord for His blessings. A shout of thanks to the Lawrence family for their support and donation. Our greeters at the table were Jimmy Cole and Kristi Guimont. Jimmy and Kristi collected and counted the money, and checked in the guests. Kristi wrote down all the announcements. Bodean Andersen led us in the flag salute, made the announcements, and prayed the blessing over our meal. Would you like to know how many folks were at the lunch? Drum roll please, ok, here goes, we had 79 guests and twenty one takeouts! Crazy right? I did not even bother to write down all the visitors, there were just too many of them and I lost count. We thank all who came out to partake in our Thanksgiving feast. The winners of the free meal tickets were Judi Bustardo and Kristi Guimont. Bob Yukawa was the lucky winner of the Len’s Drug gift card. We thank all sponsors and for their generous support. Katee Hoffman was present and gave some more information regarding helping our veterans and their families for their burial. The burial urns for our veterans are going for $117.11. If you would like to help out and donate, please contact Katee Hoffman. Our veterans deserve the honor and a decent burial for their sacrifice and service. We will be having our next sewing class on Saturday, December 14. You don’t have to sew, you can also bring your crocheting, knitting, or other projects and just join us. It is from 9:00am -3:00pm. We share a potluck lunch at 12:00pm noon. If you don’t have a machine, we have several available from our many generous friends who donated machines. Hope to see you there. I am so thankful for my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am so thankful for my wonderful husband and family. I am so thankful for the roof over our heads, the clothes on our backs, and the food on our table. I am so thankful for living out here in Monument. I am so thankful for our animals ( yes, even the sometimes pain-in-the- butt goats!) I am thankful for all our new friends in our community. I am so thankful for the beautiful John Day River. I am so thankful to be able to see the stars at night. I am so thankful for the beautiful mountains that surround our town. I am so thankful that I still live in a country where I can still freely worship my God. May you all be blessed and thankful as I am. Psalm 92:1 It is a good thing to give thanks unto the LORD, and to sing praises unto Thy Name, O Most High. Mountains that surround our town. I am so thankful that I still live in a country where I can still freely worship my God. May you all be blessed and thankful as I am. Psalm 92:1 It is a good thing to give thanks unto the LORD, and to sing praises unto Thy Name, O Most High. John Day Seniors BIOSMILE Family, Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry 165 NW 1st St., John Day 541-575-0363 Open Monday-Thursday DrJ@BiosmileDental.com We offer a wide range of primary care and medical treatment. Zachary Bailey, MD • David Hall, MD • Raffaella Betza, MD • Janessa Sickler, DO • Emily Lieuallen, DO • Nora Healey, FNP Shawna Clark, DNP Available Monday - Friday 180 Ford Road, John Day • 541-575-0404 We are happy to transfer and mail prescriptions and would welcome the opportunity to visit with you about our services! Heppner and Condon, Oregon 541-676-9158 Quality Healthcare ...close to home. 170 Ford Road John Day 541-575-1311 112 E. 5th Prairie City 541-820-3341 Located in the Blue Mountain Hospital Keith J. Thomas, MD, FACS Board Certified General Surgeon Office Hours by Appointment • 541-575-1311 241 S. Canyon Blvd. John Day • 541-575-0529 T roy Hanson - Funeral Director S154366-1